Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Hello lovelies.
It’s been a super sleepy Sunday for me, I managed to get the washing/ drying done and put away and changed our bed and that was it really. I fell asleep on the sofa this afternoon my glands are up in my neck I wonder if I’m coming down with something. What have you lovely lot been up to today xxxxx

Evening all, lazy day for me too, changed bed and that’s it apart from soaking in the bath with my book for an hour.  Clair, I really hope your not going down with a bug, the timing couldn’t be worse could it?


Helena, when we have a takeaway we always have it two days as we like lots of side dishes.  Unfortunately it’s always Indian these days as can’t eat Chinese anymore because the MSG is guaranteed to bring on a migraine.  I would love a Chinese, do attempt them myself but not the same.


Oh RUbycat, I had a vanity case, was my pride and joy, and yes, mine often used to pop open scattering my belongings all over, but unlike you never got caught out with knickers, usually just makeup, brush etc.

If the weather turns to cold or wet I’m going to ask to stay in and not do play duty just for a bit :wink: I’ve already got out of swimming until next September our pool is a hydrotherapy pool and it’s just so hot in there I just wouldn’t cope.
My daughter would love a dog, she loves all animals and wanted to be a vet until we told her the not so good bits she’d have to do we said we’ll think about it when the cats gone. X

And the talk about knickers has brought back a memory from a very long time ago. Arriving to stay at my mother in law’s house before we were married. She took me to one side and asked if we were living together, and when I owned up, she said, “well in that case I’ll put you in the same room this time. "  And then she produced a pair of my knickers, beautifully laundered and ironed, and said, " By the way, I found these under the bed after you left last time.”

And slowly I realised, she didn’t mean under my bed…

Time for a bit of Endeavour catch you all later xx

That s a brill knickers story! !!! I’m genuinely embarrassed for you…did you laugh or look shameful? ?

Brilliant Dizzy.  That’s the next theme - how we all got caught!  My story is much too rude to put on here, honest I really couldn’t!  I wouldn’t mind but I was a really good girl, been engaged for 10 months until I “did the deed” and got caught by my very loving but very strict parents in the most unlikely, and now many years on hilarious way.  How times have changed, all of my friends think nothing of their kids having boyfriends, girlfriends sleeping together when they stay, even if they’ve only been dating a week xx

Ohhhh pleeeaassseeeeeeeee Lesley…please please please please say !!!

Charys, I’ll have to think how I can word it on here without causing offence and getting chucked off xx

I don’t let my daughter (18) sleep with her boyfriend of 2 years . I know they get up to it, but they can do what we used to do and be private and find a hidey moment/ place as far as I’m concerned. Lady H …but you actually said those words !!!

Gosh, special wording filter required. …I’m really looking forward to it. I know, what about if you sent as a pm to one person and we forwarded it?

Oh do you kniw what happened, I presumed you’d left a comma off the sentence…and were saying ’ going to get it on, catch up later’. Lol

Squashed sunflowers lololol ahhhh this is so funny…

Yes Dizzy I remember those days, I lived with my husband too before marriage and my parents wouldn’t visit our house.

Ohhhh hhh Helena…ok I admit it I was deliberately naughty.

Getting it on these days…


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That’s classic Helena! Hotel receptionists, they must see (and hear) it all…

Charys, your parents wouldn’t visit your house because you were living together??  How long ago was that, I thought you were a youngster compared to the rest of us!

We started living together in 1984 and got married in 1985, and things were changing really fast  in terms of what was normal and acceptable.

I bought my house as a single girl when I was 22, and I just remember all the estate agents being flummoxed that there was no boyfriend. And having to have an interview with the bank manager to get the mortgage…Things were just so different then.

It was 1991 Dizzy…but probably says more about my parents than the

Helenalolol …no no no…this isn’t how I want to envisage you. I ‘see’"you as Lady H, who is proper and rigid with etiquette at all times Shallying around in hotels after only 2 weeks together. …it’s too much for me to cope with… you dId at least know each others names though ? Lol shattered illusions, oh deary me. Lesley I expect knickers snd stuck epilators and general saucy naughty stuff…but you !

Charys, yes, I think that was a bit of a throwback, but parents are a rule unto themselves. I’ve spent so much time trying not to make the mistakes my parents made that I made a whole new set all of my own.


Helena, I’m not going to get ageist and sexist if your other half is younger than you, it just shows you’re a foxy lady! There’s obviously a lot to be said for this bowling lark, perhaps I should look into it…

Mary, my children are 26, 28 and 29, and they’re still my babies. Just don’t tell them I said that…


Nothing else counts if you’re happy together. And seven years isn’t even a big gap, people wouldn’t bat an eyelid the other way round.  17 years must have silenced all the doubters…?

Morning fluffies. Huge thanks for giving me smiles while stalking my way through pages - I shall save my knicker, shoe and dating disasters for another day. Sorry not to be around much. Being a step witch has been a challenge recently, coupled with bugs etc. I’m off to see Doc tomorrow. Don’t think my glands have been down since rads finished or my throat pain free. I spent the weekend feeling very sorry for myself and my bit of cheer has been reading your posts. Please can you send out positive thoughts for my friend today. She got through her second mastectomy but going for lymph clearance, as there is spread. On a positive note I’m early for the fatigue gym session today. Need to beat it by next Monday when I go back to work. Hugs xx