Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

So many connections, social workers, mental health workers, teachers, and Delly a chiropractor (So health related) so it’s only me that earned a living as a pole dancer then?

Delly a chiropractor? Or a chiropodist? I’d never noticed how similar those words are! But I know she talked about wound healing, somehow I thought she was a chiropodist.


I feel like I’ve done all sorts of things work wise, and always driven by fitting round the children. We had three in three and a half years, so childcare was never easy, and made harder by the fact that for years we lived in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere. Great for growing up climbing trees and making dens,  less good for finding a childminder who could take three children in addition to her own.


So I’m glad to be done with that now, I really feel for everyone getting used to the idea of going back to work, your confidence takes such a huge blow through all of this, and then you feel left behind because of everything that’s changed when you’re away. But hopefully there’s a huge feeling of achievement when you do get back, it’s such a big milestone towards finding that new “normal”

So Lesley, pole dancing was it?? Own up, we’re still waiting to hear your story from yesterday, and now it’s pole dancing as well??!!

Oops, sorry yes Delly was a chiropodist, but sure she could have been a chiropractor as well, she’s very versatile.  Yes, pole dancer, lap dancer, stripper, and for a short time was a bunny girl back in the day.  Packed it in to open a private detective agency, that was until  Hugh Hef invited me to go and live in the PB mansion for a while.  Oh, just realised, none of that is true, Im just fantisfising again, still, more interesting than real life in my case xx

Well, please don’t judge me, but you asked…  my parents had gone on holiday with their friends.  I decided it was The Time, having been engaged for 10 months (told you, I was a good girl) I went off  to the docs for the pill.  In my innocence I didn’t realise until he told me that you have to take it for a few weeks until it became effective.  So off to the chemist he goes for “something for the weekend Sir” and plenty of them - you know what’s it’s like at first, every possible minute you can.  When my parents came back and we’re telling me all about their holiday (their friends were there having a cuppa before heading home) my mum went to the loo, flushed and the water came up and up and up, loo was blocked!  Their friend was a plumber and got to work sorting out the loo, he called my father in and showed him all the johnnies stuck in the Ubend!  I doubt it was them that caused the blockage but unfortunately for me they got caught there.  I was in disgrace for a very long time.  The fact that I had two older sisters who were pretty wild but never got caught, I little miss goody two shoes did, you’d think I’d been walking the streets as they used to call it.

 Oh bless you Lesley, that must have been awful!

I remember going to a family planning clinic to get my first pill, and them trying to persuade me to take boxes of condoms away with me to cover that couple of weeks. But I was so horrified at the thought, we waited till the right time. But I wasn’t living at home, so opportunity wasn’t a problem. Anyway, I should have run a mile…


I think if you told a modern couple that they’d have to wait ten months they’d have a fit! 


I know, and to think most parents, well mine anyway expected you to wait until the wedding night like they did. Many years later when I used to be able to talk to my mum about anything and everything I asked her if she and dad really did wait until the wedding night, and yes they did, but, then they did get married six weeks after meeting so not too long to wait xx

Lesley that’s the best story but painful at the time! I’m waiting to hear tales of Luscious Lesley the Lapdancer - maybe not imagined! My Mum spent ages one night shaking her fist at a couple in a mini parked outside our house “making out”. She eventually stormed out to confront me and my then boyfriend (a proud mini owner). I was safely tucked up in bed and my boyfriend at home. It was a neighbour and his mistress!
Rubycat 41 years is a wonderful achievement. So sorry you’re going through it with health issues. A gentle hug right back at you xx

Lily our messages must have crossed in the ether. It’s been horribly wet here too. Thank you for words of reassurance. I will pass them on xx

Janey, that’s so funny.  Now I’ve fessed up, waiting for the rest of you’s stories.   A few years ago I was away on a residential course and after dinner one night after a few drinks we all told our stories.  One woman’s I remember as it’s was the best.  Her boyfriends parents were away for the weekend so hecooked her a romantic candlelit meal, after they moved to the sofa and the earth moved, then they fell asleep. They woke up to find the candle had set the tablecloth on fire, the table was well ablaze, carpet scorched and wallpaper blackened!  She def bet us all that night xx

Morning all


just wanted to say good morning and I’m thinking about u all


catch up later



Morning Beth, hope your having a nice day so far lv Clair

Wow it’s quiet on here today!


im ok Clair. Still trying to do a little more each day. Been to see my counsellor this afternoon and as good as I am most of the time, I can’t get over why I cry each time I’m there. How are you she asks…the tears start rolling and I say ‘fine’. Clearly not really!!!


well done Helena, your on the homeward straight now!!! Start those boosters in a few days and you’ll really see the end in sight. Did you ask about the dressings?


hope everyone else out there in the ether is ok this afternoon. Are we braving ourselves for the ‘thundersnow’ that’s forecast? Lol we never get snow this far west. Been years since we had anything more than a sprinkle!


catch up later


Well, I’m feeling a bit deflated. I went to see the prosthetics lady at the hospital to get a partial prosthetic to balance my lopsided look. Spent ages trying various sizes and shapes of silicone and came away with something that fits in an ordinary bra and looked fine.

And the first time I walked for ten minutes, and the damn thing is sticking three inches up in the air. Not just up, but out as well, so much for being nice and discreet.


I guess it means I’ll have to buy mastectomy bras. It’s not a big thing, just that I wanted to still be able to wear my own. Part of pretending this didn’t happen I suppose.





Dizzy could you sew a little pocket for it onto the inside of your bras or try velcro? Xxx


im sorry things didn’t go as you’d hoped today. I agree with Clair though and sewing a little pocket to the inside of your existing bras might do the trick. That way you could keep wearing what you know is comfortable and let’s you keep some of the ‘old’ you. On a positive, mastectomy bras are VAT free and I’m sure the ladies on here have found some pretty ones and could point you in the right direction. 

Beth xxx

Hello all. Dizzy what a pain and hope Clair’s idea could work? Helena another one down and you’re on the homeward straight. Clair how are you feeling today? I went to the doctor today and was given antibiotics for an ear infection. However, I think you said your glands are up, as mine have been for months. Blood tests on Friday. She was a bit cross with oncology, as I’ve had no blood tests since this all started and both rads and Anastrazole can cause problems, possibly neutropenia. Fingers crossed will know what if anything is going on soon and hoping just a virus that won’t shift rather than anything else. Anyway a lazy day today finally watching Ethel and Ernest (more blubbing!) and now indulging in Bowie. Xx

Oh Dizzy, that’s rotten, feel for you, trying to move on and another kick up the bum to deal with.  And you too Beth, obviously you’re not fine and still need to do more talking.  Sending you both a big hug.


Heard about the possible heavy snow.  It’s very hilly where I live, everywhere is either up a hill, down a hill or halfway up a hill (like our house) and when we get snow apart from the main road it’s impossible to get anywhere.  Himself and I headed into town this morning and had breakfast, then I sent him home with essentials incase we get snowed in, wine for me, cheese for him, freezer is pretty well full of food so we’ll be ok.  Then went to my knit and natter group.  As it’s in the library got a few books, got a few jigsaws on standby and Knitting so plenty to do, as the song says, let it snow, let it snow, let snow, don’t care as haven’t got to go to work so I can admire it from my window.


Hopefull Helena, another one tossed off by now xx

Janey, our posts crossed so only just seen yours.  Never heard of neutropenia, just looked it up, not nice.  Let’s hope it’s just a temporary thing and you’re run down after all the horrid treatment and will soon pick up.  It’s seems we all take one step forward then one step back with something else smacking us in the face.  They certainly don’t warn you about all this do yet?


I definitely couldn’t sew a pocket, this thing is enormous. Think of a heavy silicon rubber breast, only instead of the back being flat to sit on a chest wall, it’s scooped out to fit over what I have left. The edges taper flat, and it’s meant to stay completely hidden by your bra.

The reason I’ve been resisting mastectomy bras is I always have a lot of trouble getting any bras to fit, I try on ten and they’re all wrong. I ordered lots of them online to try to find a post surgery bra to fit, but I ended up sending them all back. And only underwires give me any proper shape. There is one M&S bra which is perfect and I have lots of them.

Most mastectomy bras are nonwired and padded, and both of those look really weird on me, I end up looking enormous, saggy and like my grandmother.


I will find a solution, because I have the next six or nine months to get through, but I’m even more sure I want the lift and reduction to my good side, I don’t want this to be a permanent part of my future. I still want to wear something that looks good, not some old-fashioned  boulder-holder.


Anyway, moan over, hope everyone had a good day. Clair, how was work, Helena, how were the rads today, Janey are you feeling better, and Lesley how’s the head? And Delly, where are you?


And everyone else, hope you’re all doing okay.