Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Dizzy I’m with you on the boulder holders. Nightmare not to look like my grandmother too! Lesley thank you and fingers crossed it is just a long stay bug. Beth I skipped by your post earlier but did want to say that feeling safe to cry is a good indicator you have the right counsellor for you. Hugs and one into the ether for you Delly xxx

Blimey that’s extortionate!!
That’s a bugger you can’t diy it.
Work was ok, I’m slowly finding my feet again but finding that I’ve become really wary about things I wouldn’t of thought twice about before.
My underarm and boob are a little sore today I’m sure it’s just I’m using it more than I was and sometimes it’s catches me if I go to do something I get a sharp pain.
Janey my glands are still up but nothing has come of it yet and funnily enough my hubby has always asked why I never had a blood test during the whole time.
I’m seeing the oncologist next week so I’ll have a list for her I think.
Beth I always cry when I see someone connected to this experience my poor Dr must dread it when my name comes up. I’m supposed to be ringing the counselling service this week but keep putting it off.
What ever has happened to Delly haven’t heard from her I’m a while? I know she’s off visiting Sue soon.
Big hugs and lots of love to you all xxxxxx

Beth, I do understand the crying, so many things nearly set me off and I’m struggling to hold it in. I feel like I take one step forward and another straight back again, I keep trying to pretend to be fine in the hopes I’ll fool everyone, and one day it’ll be true.


So you didn’t get the white Christmas a few years back, 2010?

I said something about that when I was waiting for a rads session, everyone in the waiting room looked at me as if I was mad, obviously it never reached Poole either. But we had a foot of snow, and it stayed for weeks.

Helena, the escaping falsie. Now I’ve read the instructions, I have to keep it overnight in its box, it’ll be like having a hamster…

Dizzy, my mum used to keep hers in the box fuilstop!  She couldn’t get on with it and just wasn’t bothered at all having one ernormous bosom one side and completely flat the other side,  I used to try and persuade her to wear it but she was quite content as she was bless her.


We had terrible snow here two years running a few years ago. I had to walk a mile to the main road to get the bus, get off the bus and walk two miles to my office, falling over several times.  This time I don’t have to go anywhere so it ok for me, but of course not nice for those that do.  It’s so dangerous round here too with the hills and idiots trying drive up/down really steep hills in thick snow with ordinary tyres. Probably won’t get any or if we do just a sprinkle xx

Snow snow snow snow !!! Love it…totally…I know loads of you don’t and for very valid reasons…but if it happens just around here that’ll be cool. Dizzy I remember the only white Christmas in 2010…and clearing the drive for visitors. Don’t know anything about prosthetics, sorry, so I can just talk about SNOW. My input will be purely weather related today…and to say hi to the 'workers ’ amongst us. I take my hat off to you you must be really tired!

Blood tests - I had blood tests on my pre op assessment.  None since.   Youve got me thinking.  Has anyone else has any since treatment?   I sometimes think that a year is a long time to wait for any checks that we’re clear.

I think my husband would be horrified if I was completely one sided!

This thing looks enormous because it compresses when you wear it, but it did come as quite a shock, I thought I would be getting some discreet little chicken fillet, not an enormous bouncing boob. It has to go back into its box at night to maintain its shape apparently.


I can’t remember where you live Lesley, are you expecting shedloads of snow? But isn’t it nice not having to worry about getting to work? We could cope with being snowed in for weeks, the cupboards and freezers are always groaning.


I remember the two years we had a lot of snow here, because we had to keep driving through it to get to my mother in law, she had terminal bowel cancer and my husband is an only child so there was no one else. So we were driving over the moors to get to the hospital in Plymouth, then back to her house in Tavistock to check the heating and the pipes, and then back again to Dorchester, all the time worrying we were going to get stuck. She lived nearly two years after being diagnosed, which is pretty good considering she was 86.

The only blood tests I’ve had were the ones my doctor ordered when I started the Tamoxifen, I asked if I should take a low dose aspirin to offset the raised risk of blood clots and stroke, so he asked for cholesterol and glucose, and also liver function, which caused me a bit of a panic attack because my wine consumption was going brought the roof. But it was okay, thankfully. But my blood tests were fine so he said no to the aspirin.


I remember being a bit peed off that they insisted on urine tests before the operation, only to find it was a pregnancy test, I could have saved them the time, I was 6 years past the menopause and the OH  20 odd years past a vasectomy.

Dizzy that’s hilarious boob in a box.:-D.

Where I live is in a bit of a valley so we hardly ever get snow so I’ll believe it when I see it.

Lesley I had a blood test when I finished radiotherapy my Dr did it just to double check I didn’t have an infection and he didn’t now what else to do!

It seems it’s now hubby’s turn to be checked out he has high blood pressure and has had 2 more lots of tablets to take and it’s still not going down enough so after seeing the Dr today they’re going to refer him to cardiology
Life is never dull. Xx

Oh Dizzy, I was quite offended that I didn’t have a urine pregnancy test before my op, they just assumed I was too old lol.  In fact I had a hysterectomy at 37, but the nurse didn’t  know that.


I live in High Wycombe, it’s all hills.  I used to work in Beaconsfield.  The bus could only get part way then did a detour because of country lanes.  I’m a walker so it wasn’t the distance I had to walk but walking on compressed icey snow was so dodgy.  I fell over a few times.  If we do get snow it will be the first time I haven’t got to get to work in it.  I used to love snow when I had my dogs, they used to go crazy with excitement, so much fun.  There’s a field behind us and some kids built a snowman the first time it snowed and we had our Myrtle.  At first she was terrified of it then bit by bit got braver and eventually attacked it, wish we had filmed it xx

Oh boy Clair, it Nevers rains and all that.  He’s probably been stressing about you too which is probably not helping.  I know Himself can deal with all his own ailments, and he has a lot, but my BC affected him badly, he really frets over me and it doesent do him any good st all.  Or me for  that matter as I often put on a brave face and don’t tell him when I’m feeling bad as don’t want him to worry.  Hope he gets sorted soon xx

No, don’t stop Rubycat, it’s lovely to have you back with your new updated laptop.  Loving the pics xx, 

Love the pictures Rubycat, you can keep going can’t you?

Don’t like the sound of neutropenia, I thought it meant something else, but basically it’s a sub optimal immune system? But typical them thinking you’d had chemo, they could surely check your records.

Thank you Rubycat! I love all the pictures and especially the Exeter one. I am quite frustrated about feeling rotten now. The oncologist didn’t want to know about bloods and thank goodness for GP today. I looked at the Anastrazole leaflet and one of the things it says is to see your GP immediately if glands are up! I may yet join you on that soap box. You’ve certainly had more than your share of Anastrazole fun.
Dizzy I have all sorts of visions of a rampaging boob while your household sleeps! Xx

Aw, thank you, it’s Myrtle and her snowman.  Have fun with the hunky physio man tomorrow.  Im off to bed too, good book then a night of flushes, deep joy.  Night all xx

I’ve tried padded bras to see if they even my two sides, but they make my good size terrifyingly big, and the bad side sort of dents in or else the cup stands away in a sort of ridge where it isn’t touching anywhere.

They always told me I’d need a partial prosthetic, and that was before they had to go back for more, the second part to this was always surgery to the other side six months after rads.

Looking at all the problems in the NHS, I’m glad the insurance will cover it if necessary, thank god the OH hasn’t retired yet, we’d never have the insurance if we had to pay.

Janey, think I’m going to bed with a sharpened stake to hand, just in case it escapes…

Oops, nearly forgot!

Charys, Janey, Lesley, Rubycat, and Magic Moon (I have messaged her to see where she is!),


You absolutely beautiful women, I am still reading back from the origins of this thread.


I just wanted to say such a massive THANK YOU to ALL of you for bringing back and keeping some “Life” in me. You really and truely are such amazing women.


Golly, I’ve got my hand on my heart as I type this, because I love you so so very dearly - honest

Adele (Dellywellydingdongdoodaah) xxxxxxxxxxx