Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Argh!!! Clicked post by mistake and you’ve become charts not Charys! Any minute now I will be calling you Delay Delly!
Anyway, as I was saying …I think you’ve said previously you are petite Lesley. I wonder why we all have the same dose? I am getting side effects and I know it’s early days but wonder if my size may dilute the effects a bit more? Mind you a woman at hospital told me they get worse at three months!
Delly don’t beat yourself up about the posts. I wonder if people slide off some of the less treatment posts after initial flurry. I still get asked if I’m pregnant even though I’ve had a hysterectomy and caring and supporting partners is stressful for all of us regardless of gender or sexuality. I had a male colleague with BC some years ago and he felt horribly isolated.
I’ve asked Mum for the name of the tablets for fidgets - Lesley you’ve been dealt a rotten card.
I’ve had a lazy day and now virtually bigger too after gorging on virtual bake off delights!
Hugs xx


Sorry I didn’t mean to sound like you were causing trouble…in an unpleasant way …just kind of having a gentle stir up of stagnant waters. Maybe it is quiet because people are all using the same main forum and not feeling the need to segrate themselves based on sexual orientation? After all, for most topics that could be covered, we are all in the same boat.I don’t think it’s you causing the desertion ! After all…you aren’t making us desert the main forum or even this thread lol

Right there’s loads of other posts on here …but can’t read on my phone my eyes have gone ‘boggly’ from trying to learn to crochet …so sorry Janey I’ll need to come back in the morning with fresh vision. Good luck with your frying session tomorrow. …they’ll keep a good eye on your skin as you go along so don’t worry you’ll get over cooked

Charysssssss - no I didn’t take offence sweetie. I chuckled and then felt guiltily rumbled. Very astute of you and absobloomin right, I AM a “poo stirrer” lol, and I keep doing it. Ha. After all, I am incorrigiblets!! Yowser

No, no-one has posted in that godforsaken Lesbo-Land, since my last challenges. Gettin on for 2 yrs now.

I’m just disappointed. As I said - no balls. But I still feel guilty that it may be a block other women. Anyway, I’ll just carry on annoying you lot on here instead!!

Oh Janey - you are a one. Thanks for the chuckles. Got you on “supporting partners” etc. haha. And awww yeh, your poor isolated male colleague - that must have been really tough for him.

Loadsa love DellyDelay xxxx

Maybe we had all better get ourselves over to ’ god forsaken lesboland’ and pretend we need assistance with lesbo related things? Then you can offer help and we will be very thankful, and then all past misdemeanours will be wiped away. Mind that would involve some heterosexual stereotyping of ‘gay problems’ to identify appropriate questions, and that’d probably set you off again lol

I’ve just seen that lorac is carol …that simple reversal works well…like it. Rubycat, lesley and Janey I leave you to manage Miss.incorrugiblets in my absence. By the way, anyone reading this thread…the isn’t a private place…all welcome …come join in.

Hee hee - Yeh - that’ so funny Charys. Do it.

To be honest - I don’t think I’d have worked out “Lorac” without whichever one of you it was that pointed it out.

Fell into bed after my last post for zzzzz’s, but woke up again. No I don’t type in my sleep. Going back to bobies again.

Nitey Nitey, pyjamas pyjamas

DopeyDelly xxxxzzzzz

Morning! Delly I don’t know what you can do about nocturnal typing syndrome but Mirapexin is the tablet Mum has been given for restless legs.
Hope you all slept well and cooler nights helping with heat.
Hugs xx

Absolutely fabulous response Charys.  Just think of the fun we could have coming up with problems for Delicious Delly to solve! Xx

Hello Flowers

Ooooo yeh Janey - cooooler nights. Bliss. And I’m not even on hormone therapy, like the rest of you. I’ve falsely infiltrated this post, you’ve known it, but you’ve allowed me to stay!! Actually, going back and bringing my initial reason for posting on this here thread, it was all about Charys’s probs with Tamoxifen and depression that she felt was related to it. So I had a very genuine caring reason in my response, so you can’t chuck me out for that, can you??  Went through the Jeckyll and Hyde change at 50, and now at 57, still get awful hot flushes despite I’m not on any of the cancer related hormone tabs.

Charys, I forgot you’d had other dealings with me and Lesbo-land on “Benchland” posts, hence you know me better than the other gals on here, and my previous “stirrings” of brown stuff!! But let me bring us back the whole point of this thread. You’ve an appointment with your GP. Your Onco medics have actually suggested Evening Primrose (you said they suggested taking EP “with” your Tamox). So there’s a few things here - the question of the difference that certain manufacturers of Tamoxifen may make and I’ve heard and read other women talk about with ref to suitability. Why there SHOULD be differences - I dunno. Doesn’t seem right somehow. They should all be the same shouldn’t they. But yeh, you could try again with other “Brands” of Tamox, and obviously if you find one that suits better, stick to it and always INSIST your pharmacist also sticks to it. That all takes time in “trial and Error”, but may be worth it.

Or you go without Tamox, as I chose to. But do try and give high dose EP a chance. I felt it worked well for me, but I fell off the horse, as I seemed to have fallen off many horses. But that’s been down to my mental incapabilties with other brown stuff and simply not going out to get more supplies!! OILS actually play a major part in our delicately balanced female hormones. Also, your GP may not be open to and poo poo alternative medicines as many do - no disrepect to them.

I’ve been “timed out” with my post so catch you later before it’s it’s lost.

Love and xxx’s DeliciousDelly - yey Lesley. Am flattered xx    

Ooooooo - Charys!!  In all seriousness. Please don’t come out with such a statement because you are also being somewhat “sexist” with regards to “hair trimmer/shaver” !!!  It could be considered offensive. You are making presumptions that all lesbians shave their heads and look “butch”. BUT, we don’t. I think I said this to you in “Benchland”. I’m a very feminine lesbian, but am NOT a girly girly, nails and handbags either. I’m not in the least bit attracted to, nor can relate to “butch” lesbians. Tho’ many “butch” lesbians wouldn’t take offence and actually advertise themselves as such. 


Errr Dellllllyyyyyyyyyyy love…it was a carefully placed joke…based on the fact I said below in our chain of communication that I might ‘accidentally’ pick a topic that was a heterosexual stereotype of lesbians. I also said it would set you off accusing us…which it has…lolol but not quite as i thought it would as you ve taken it seriously.Your other thread was talking about sterotyping …so the joke was based on that and I picked a topic that was awfully stereotypical, as irony. I know some people are feminine etc etc etc So …I’ll get rid of it now incase people see it out of context as well.


However I am about the least sexists racist person you could ever meet and am a staunch advocate of individualism and challenging compartmentalising of people. Sorry you missed the joke. Lol

Hello! Just home from very delayed rads and therefore delayed supper out with my heat monster! Shattered and slightly freaked out by being on another machine used for brain tumours and the labelled masks. What have I missed?!??!
Charys the evening primrose I take to try and modify my mood. I am, of course, practically perfect in every way!. However, I grant my mood isn’t always as calm as I hope. Actually I hold it together well at work but the heat monster is left dazed and confused at times!! Do make the team listen to you - I do think it odd we all get the same dose. Just put in for my repeat script but anxious. Highlight of the day visit from 2 of my team. Apparently our service is up for a national award. Proud but have declined going to the ceremony, smelling of udder cream and looking knac*****! I’m off to bed and hope to sleep! Hugs and no nocturnal typing!! Xx

Good morning ladies, and no, Charys, you haven’t frightened me off, nothing like a lively debate amongst friends then moving on, all makes for an interesting life.  I see the humour in most things, it’s what has got  me through some pretty poopy times in my life.  The thing is, I’m so puddled at the moment, and having just treated myself to a ladyshaver with an attachment for the bikini line, I thought at first you were referring to that!  I was going to add, dont worry, as you age it starts to fall out anyway, just as well I didn’t lol.


With regard to the side effects you’re getting with tamoxifen, are they just (don’t mean JUST in that way) affecting you mentally or also physically?  I suffered with dreadfully painful and heavy period from the very start and the week before bloating, swollen and painful breasts but my mood was never affected.  Same with the menopause, horrendous hot flushes 24/7, (hrt for 13 years didn’t stop them completely) but again, my mood wasn’t affected, except by lack of sleep. Anastrozole has thrown in sweats, insomnia, aches and pains but again, no mood changes except of course those caused by exhaustion.  It’s seems being a woman our hormones get us one way or the other, I’m just grateful I’m not affected both ways.


Hang on in there Janey, first week almost done and dusted.  I found once I got the first week over the rest went by very quickly.  Well done on the award.  It’s not often that hard dedicated work gets the recognistion it deserves xx

Oh Charys what a sh**** place to be in. I’m not sure what you’ve been given as an antidepressant but the first few weeks can make you feel worse. If symptoms continue then do consider asking for a referral to the community psychiatrist or ask your GP/oncologist to liaise with them about different meds. I’ve probably started to repeat myself from further down this thread - sorry work hat on! You could also be having a “grief” reaction with head catching up with what’s happened - it’s what my BC nurse and lovely colleagues keep warning me to watch out for. I’m at risk of wittering but sending you a huge hug xx

So sorry Charys, you’re in a bad place at the moment, but hang on in there, hopefully as antidepressants kick in you will start to feel better.  Easy for me to say I know, I feel cr*p physically but ok mentally.  I know (as I said before) when I was first put on my migraine prevention meds they caused acute anxiety, a feeling of dread that I  Can’t can’t explain until my body adjusted to them, and it gave my an understanding in a way of how horrifying it must be for people living their lives feeling like that (I only had to suffer to a couple of months). These days I’m very careful never to say “I’m depressed” I know what I am is feeling low/unhappy/scared (pick anyone) due to circumstances that are causing me to feel that way, a very different thing!  Really hoping some medic has the answer for you.


Janey,  interesting point about the doseage.  I’m 5ft 2" with a very tiny frame, usually keep my weight at around 8 stone (every lb shows on me).  When I was first diagnosed/started treatment I lost my appetite and lost so much weight I stopped weighing myself when I hit 7.5 stone.  Thankfully appetite is back and I’ve put on weight.  I can get drunk on one large glass of wine, so know I have a very low tolerance to alcohol, so maybe the drugs are the same?  Think I’ll mention it when I speak to the BCN nurse who advised me to take a 6 week break from Anastrozole then give her a call back.


Gloomy old day here in Bucks, thinkill curl up with a book later xx

Hello lovely peeps, have been AWOL due to feeling sorry for myself - have had two teeth cracking and falling out in the last week so brain working overtime thinking what does this mean and will I soon be a toothless, gummy old hag. :catsad:

Then able to read all the posts and decided not to be such a wuss and get my sensible head on (not sure where I left it though).

Oh Charys so sorry you are going through such a bad time - I know my BCN was useless, but have you got a better one? Certainly think all these difficulties should be acknowledged and dealt with properly, we should not have to make a fuss to be heard and helped.  Would the helpline here be of any use?

Just to cheer you up, have just come back from Mindfulness/lessness course - 2nd session, and HOORRAY, Mr Farty/Snorey man was absent, so only IRRITATED by Mr HeavyBreathing man - what is it with men and making their presence known???  Dellywelly, I like copying YOUR CAPITALS, so that the proper EMPHASIS is placed CORRECTLY.

HOORAY, its FERRARO ROCHE FRIDAY - I missed mine last week as all you GREEDY LOT had got there first.  Double HOORAY, son is visiting tonight, although due to visiting ailing grandma tomorrow, but will be able to give him a BIG CUDDLE.

Love to all, and hoping for peaceful sleep and less stress to you all too. :catvery-happy:xxx  Oooh, didn’t realise how clever I was working out Lorac/Carol.

Janey, Lesley and Rubycat, thanks for your moral support…it means a lot. I’m not prone to low mood and stuff, so this is a real bummer, usually I’m fearless, noisy and confident with a massive reliance on humour. I WILL have to push more, you know how it is, part of you just wants to curl up (metaphorically) and forget that anything medical even needs looking at. I guess that’s just a head in the sand approach though, but by pretending it’s not happened it’s a false sense of security…I just don’t want to see or hear anything more to do with BC. I have two weeks more now anyway for things to improve mentally, and anyway this Nov appointment where I might be able to be more confident. 

Rubycat, I had a tooth fall apart as I was getting ready to go to my surgery, I was flossing and voila a section fell off 10 minutes before I was due to leave - a minute internal bit of decay had formed and I can tell you as I was leaving for my surgery within minutes I took it as a ‘sign’ to not go lolol. It was only my second ever filling, so I think I might have over thought the significance at a time of stress LOLOL.I did go for the surgery though, obviously.I don’t know about you, but after all the months of other medically stuff (which is much more difficult) the dentist doesn’t provoke any anxiety in me really.  I hope it doesn’t bother you, now you have your ‘sensible head’ back on. Anyhow what is a mindlessless course ???


Lesley, are you still off your anastrozole then…sound like you are…so when are you due to restart? How are you feeling about that? Gloomy day here too, just dull and grey and dry…I’m continuing trying to learn crochet for a couple of hours i think.


Janey, you know what, the same thought occurred to me today…how much of my response now is just general ‘not coping’ with the diagnosis catching up mentally. We’ve ALL (Delly capitals - but Delly doesn’t always capitalise the most obvious word to stress I’ve noticed, she picks her own Delly-words and therefore makes you think more carefully about the sentence) had a hideous few months, for one reason and another, and low mood and anxiety could be hormones, psychological struggling in general or a mixture of anything.


Anyhow, today is apparently WORLD SMILE DAY, so…to my virtual friends :smileyvery-happy:

They say things come in three’s, crunching on the calcium + vit d tablets I’m now taking for my bones following bone scan one of my teeth cracked!  On reading the bumpf enclosed it states that if taken for longer than two weeks may cause tooth decay.  Well, following bone scan BC consultant toole GP  to prescribe this for two years then arrange another scan, so guess I’ll be toothless by then.


Janey may well be right Charys, after all, diagnoses, then treatment then the hormone s/e while actually you’re still in shock is a massive amount to deal with even for the strongest person.  I also think the stronger you are the harder it is when it all catches up with you.  We all keep telling each other to be kind to ourselves, but how many of us are actually practising what we preach?  I read something on Facebook by McMillian  Nurses today about people needing more support after treatment than during it, I think that’s true and good idea to remind people.  Don t know about you, but people said to me straight after rads when I was feeling so ill and low, well, it’s all over now, you just put it behind you and forget it.  I keep thinking, if only!


Friday night and my favourite programme is on “Googlebox”. Don’t know if any of you watch it but they are all like old friends to me, love it xx

Hello you lovely peeps,


Rubycat - your teeth cracking and falling out doesn’t mean your brain is working overtime. It simply means your brain is falling out into the empty spaces where your teeth were !! I’m soooo so awful. incorrigiblets. Sorry - and of course I am sympathetic, just have a warped seemingly UNsympathetic SOH. Hey, I’m trying to calm my capitals down and use " "s more for EMPHASIS. I’m loving having the P taken out of me, by the way! So sorry to hear your Mum, or is that  M-in-Law’s not well.

Charys, my darlin woman - I didn’t realise you were on anti-D’s. (What are they??). Just thought you’d had a bad, brief scarey experience with the Tamoxifen!! Sorry you have a frustrating cr*p day from your appointment. So - ok, try Teva, see how it goes for a few weeks. If you suffer the same nasties mentally, stop it again and see how you again feel NOT being on it - do you think?? I just did not feel right and chose to not take it and take the risk and responsibiltiy of not onto myself. That doesn’t mean to say you may not be better on a different regime. I am, after all, going back 9 yrs here with myself. Things move on quickly with treatments/research etc. But . . WE know our bodies and minds better than surgeons and consultants, with how they are reacting. Yeh, you could very well be pre- meno, and not necessarily kicked started by the Tamox.


Good Evening, Luscious - Lesley !! (see what you started by the “Delicious Delly”). And Hahahaha, to your ref to Ladyshaver and bikini line. You’re soooo amusingly dry and droll + mickey taking with ref to Charys’s and my debate - lurrrv it. And Yeh, there’s a massive diff between arguing and “debate”. And  Oooooo - that’s is such a verrry insightful, perceptive response about “the stronger you are, the harder it is when it all catches up with you”. I agree, support very often MORE neede after ops/treatments have finished. I keep mentioning this to people on various threads - once been “released” from the “comfort” and safety net feeling of your team - you cna feel bereft and abandoned.

I was a very “strong” person prior to BC, and people are used to you being sooo strong and COPING. But, BC, and experience of, isn’t a “usual” thing to cope with is it? It’s a “potentially” life threatening disease- yeh?? We know that don’t we?? Truth is - NONE of us KNOW whether we may develop, and are all aware and scared of, 2ndaries, and we could possibly be gone in a couple of years!! I’ve lost 2 friends in the last 3 yrs to it - 2ndary wise. 

BUT. . I said to my bruv - before my Mum died, (and it was two years before he took his own life). “Are you understanding that I am going through and am having to cope with a “life threatening disease””? And I shalln’t ever forget HIS response. Which was : -

“What ‘I’ have and am going through is equally as much life threatening”. Ooooooomph. My bruv didn’t know or realise that I’d often been down to the very same depths as him, due to BC, because we’d sadly been v “estranged” for a number of years. Still brought me down to earth tho’ -  ref  serious Depression.

Mental illness is thankfully gaining more importance and gravity as to just how “dangerous” and destructive it is and can be. Hence my p.m. to you Charys a few weeks ago!!

Sorry for such seriousness girlies. I’m still in a whole load of pain for my losses of family and losses of two boobs, being on my own blah blah. It’s been so MUCH MORE tough than I EVER thought it would/could ever be.

Sucks really. Just talking my mind, not for sympathy.

Loadsa love and x’s

DeliciouslyDelayedDelly xxxx  


Hello flowers. Sorry a grumpy fed up fug for me today but started to lift and I thought I’d check in. Glad I’ve got long arms and giving you all a huge virtual hug. This really is a b***** and (sorry work head again!), compounds all the stuff we’ve gone through before I think. Comfort food on the menu here today - crumble and cauliflower cheese, not necessarily in that order! Rubycat, why isn’t there a day starting with C?! Love and hugs xxx