Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Good morning all,


Delicious Delly, I think I must have felt that lovely hug in the early hours of this morning because all of a sudden while laying awake I suddenly thought, oh I’m pretty sure it’s today that D heads off on her trip to Sue. Then all the talk of snow ran through my mind.  Still it’s forecast for tomorrow by which time you’ll be there in Sue’s beautiful stately manor.   Expect by now you’ll be on the road, So wishing you a safe, uneventful, traffic free journey.


Wishing you all a lovely day whatever you’re doing, whether it be work, shopping or like me, slobbing about, and of course tossing another off Helena xx

Hello Loopyloop pals,


what I was wondering is…very boring…what are the weather forecasts where you happen to be? 

I am apparently looking forward to some snow…which I really dislike…not to look at, but so slippy and dangerous for us boneymety people!


so cheer me up ant tell me you all expect sunshine!



Hello Moijan,
We’re expecting some somerset rain /sleet tomorrow and it’s extremely windy here right now and freezing cold. So I’ve done my bit at work today finished a bit of tidying now I’m settled down with a cuppa and my Morse dvds.
Hope your having a good day. Lv Clair xxxx

Lovely and sunny here in Bucks, but wind is getting up and starting to cloud over. 


Yes, it’s been ages since Magical Moon made an appearance.  I know she used to have quite long  absences then magically appear again but it’s been months this time.  Hopefully it’s because she is too busy doing wonderful things to post.


Going to give in and take painkillers as today’s headache shows no sign of b*****ing off and is getting worse.  Want to have a nice afternoon of doing my jigsaw and reading, no chance till Ive dealt with it xx

Just left a message on the BCN answerphone for someone (no point asking for my assigned one by name) to ring me back.  Need to ask about my armpit, getting worse now so can’t ignore it any longer.  Was hoping if I did ignore it, it would just go away, stupid I know, just so fed up with hospitals, clinics etc.  Dentist and hygienist next Monday, specialist Extended Scope PRactioner Tuesday for arms/shoulders.  Hey ho, got to be done xx

Hi Lesley, I hope they get back to you soon and you can get it sorted. I totally get not wanting to have more appointments.
I’ve got to find a new dentist as my back tooth broke a while ago I just keep putting it off I’m quite good at that lately. Xxx
I’d quite like a lot of snow so I can have a few days off work. I’m struggling today.

Afternoon all


beautiful day here in west wales…sunny, freezing cold and a bit windy. I’ve given in and put the heating on. Brrrrrr 

met Office is predicting snow here but we never get any so I’m not holding my breath. It would be just typical to get a foot of the stuff as I have the doctors appt booked in the morning - one I’ve waited almost 2 weeks for!!

if we do get some, I want there enough to be about to make these!!  image.png


maybe you need to slow down a little. Are you doing too much? There’s always the risk that people think once you’re back, you’re back and their expectations are too high. Look after yourself lady!! Yeah not need the bprove anything to anyone. Xxx

Hi Fluffys,

looks as if everyone is doing more or less ok, which is great to read.

Charys - North Hampshire?! I used to live in North Warnborough/Odiham until 2014!

Hoping Delly is getting some sleep and rest - it is such a long journey to get down here…

Currently weather a little windy, but sunny with the odd cloud passing- and cold. We have just got a yellow warning for wind, heavy rain and some snow over the Ashdown Forrest and the Downs for tomorrow - it will be interesting.

You never know - Delly might just get snowed in down here, lol!

Servants quarters all prepared for Delly, champagne is in the fridge, the cat is brushed - it should be a fun time!

So glad she is with me on my mammogram appointment on Friday- it makes such a difference to have someone with you, who actually knows how challenging and important that appointment is.

Kep well all


Sue x



BCN called me back.  Said it sounds like cording (Sue diagnosed that). Said as I’m seeing Extended Scope Practioner on Monday about shoulders to mention it then as treatment for it is physio.  If he/she doesent help as not there for that will need to arrange appointment with breast surgeon who will then contact gp to arrange physio, So hope to save another appointment and delay.


Mentioned on Monday that himsrlf told  me that one of his friends wife has just been diagnosed with BC.  I emailed her and said if she wanted to talk etc.  Hadn’t heard a word until just now when she messaged me and asked if it was ok to phone me this evening and talk.  I said if course, anytime, So just waiting for her call. OTC painkillers did nothing for headache and it’s building up by the minute, think it may turn into a migraine, so hope she doesent leave it too late before ringing or I won’t be in any fit state to give her the attention she needs.


Hope Delly has arrived safe and sound and her and Sue are are a lovely time.  Can’t wait to hear all about it xx

Hi Ladies,


Charys, loopyloop just came into my mind…no back scouring on this thread, honestly.



ladies…thank you for the weather forecast…I was going to say…


'DOWN WITH SNOW’ but that isnt what I want! tuck yourselves in well…and keep warmxx



Snow on Friday for us in the south, maybe even Brighton! So cuddle up with Sue’s brushed Cat, Delly.


Evening all,
Helena it’s just work and watching everyone dash about like I used to, I find it hard and I’m worried about getting hurt so I find I stay out of situations I’d normally be right in the middle of. I feel like a hindrance. I do get lots of support but I can tell everyone is starting to see how different I’ve become.
It’ll get better with time I hope.
I’m loving snowy pics. Beth the snow dogs are so cute. Xx
I’m off for a candlelight soak in the bath. Tomorrows another day
Love and hugs to you all xxxxxx

Definitely online…she’s about two hours away from me. Lol wellll EMJ…I’ve got rid of it twice before…But not with advice from anyone at the clinic as they  stared and said they didn’t really know what had caused it and ’ were sure it was nothing bad, but some blockage of the lymph system or something’. So, by applying heat with those heat pads things you get from pharmacists, massaging gently and stretching against the cord it went. Mine is down my ribs to the right and down to my waist. So I put my hand up above my head and do one of those sideways leanING over to the side stretches with arm reaching over my head . Not sure what stretch yours would need. It hurt to do it but within 24 hours it was improving. Also not wearing a bra  because I am certain that the pressure of the bra band sets it off again lol

Well Jane and Charys, If stretching the answer I’m stuffed!  I can’t lift my arm up because of frozen shouldet.  I’ll see what they say in Monday.  It’s just one thing after another isn’t it?


My head is thumping, just want to take my strong prescription meds and crawl into bed but I’m waiting for this phone from recently  diagnosed girl to phone for chat/support, been expecting  call since 5pm.  Think she’s building herself up to it so don’t want to call her or or put her of until tomorrow, can remember what it felt like just hearing those words.


Enjoy your Bath Clair.  It’s early days yet, sure you’ll soon be back in the middle of things.  Take your time, it’s a huge step going back to work, you’re very brave so give yourself a pat on the back xx

Evening Rubycat…mine isn’t mondors as it hapoens (same as you lots of Internet research as nobody knew lol)…but of course EMJ s could be depending on the position. Mine is too far to one side and not central like Mondors, but it does seem some firm manipulation is the answer with these darned things. Does the REAL Rubycat like snow ?

Sorry rubycat …just read back my post and it sounded abrupt…it wasn’t meant to be. Thanks for your cording thoughts???

Bless her cotton paws !!! Making little melted perfect pad impressions ?

Charys, I’m guessing that was a joke? LadyBowler has been tossing since the middle of last week. And not balls either.

Oh my 27 post notifications - and that’s only since I went out at 7.30! A lovely day - despite being constantly beaten by Charys - no surprise to any of us that she’s so good with words!
Antibiotics starting to kick in at last and was only slightly embarrassed to fall asleep at the hairdressers (surprise treat by OH)! Then taken out to supper (so many brownie points!). Shattered but happy. I’m beginning to dread return to work, even though everyone will be lovely. I’ve cancelled everything apart from the dentist next week to focus energy on work.
Lesley sending you a gentle hug (just in case Delly’s wasn’t enough). It’s not fair cording and headaches and frozen shoulder. I take my hat off to you that you are still holding on to that sense of humour. Cording sounds horrible for all of you struggling with it. I start work on my shoulder at fatigue gym tomorrow. Wondering what the pace will be - 1st day it was snail pace ? 2nd day tortoise and I guess tomorrow slug! Rubycat fantastic pictures, loving the new computer!
Are you nearly there yet Delly? Supping brushed bubbles already? I hope massage relaxed you for the big drive and you and Sue have a hoot. Helena good luck with the next one and I hope for everywhere but your area to have snow. I think we are due rain or maybe a bit of slush sadly in our bit of Devon, same for you Lily and Dizzy I think? Moijan where are you waiting for snow?. Clair I hope your bit of Somerset keeps clear although think Occ Health could do with a call. Beth, Jane hugs to you too. Actually to everyone and here’s to a flush free good night for all of you. Xx