Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake



all off to bed I see, well, Charys, if it snows…best thing for cording is, strip to the waist and roll in the snow!

(now, would I jest about such a thing?).


Just saw your later comment, yes do check with the bcn first…sure she would apporove( tho she will think we are all nuts!)


One of the reasons I pop in here is to hear if there is anything a little risqué happening!!?’

Morning gorgeous girlie’s,
well I’m very disappointed there is No snow here so off to work I go!
But I have a plan, life has changed.and I just need to accept it’s going to take while to re adjust. I’m going to stop beating myself up and concentrate on what I can do. I’m also ringing the counsellor later so hoping that’ll help keep me on the right track. I’ll catch up with all your news later.
Have a fabulous day and keep safe if your travelling on icy roads etc
Tons of love Clair xxx xxx

Good morning all,


it was meeeee that started of the Tossing.  I meant to say crossed off and went I reread my message I saw flipping auto predict or whatever it’s called had changed it to tossed.  I apologised to Helena and she decided to keep it at tossed.


Jane, I had frozen shoulders on both sides, plus tendonitis, bursitis and fluid, Had injections and was doing physio when I was diagnosed.  The injections really helped and both shoulders were not painful though I never got full movement back.  Had to put a stop to physio when I got diagnosed, now they are back with a vengance,  As to the cording, i haven’t got any swelling or  “cord” just a very sore armpit, it feel like the skin is too tight and pulling, it’s getting a bit worse each day.  Janey, am losing the sense of humour, feel like I’m always in pain somewhere.  Still, no point wallowing in it, sure a good nights sleep would help though.


It a damp and gloomy here.  Forecast is for rain all day and possibly of it turning to snow this evening.  At least if it does snow it will be bright, Not this grey miserable gloom.


was going to do housework today (himself is on a play date) but again doing a Scarlett O’Hara.  The most I’m going to do is put fresh sheets on the bed.  That’s one thing I never put off, if I was rich and had a maid I’d have fresh ones every day xx




I wish we were going to get the snow, I’m still a big kid and love it, provided I don’t have to go anywhere.


When I was a teenager, we had terrible blizzards in South Wales and got completely cut off, and my father had a heart attack shovelling snow. I still think I must be the only person who’s dialled 999 and got no answer!

Afternoon peeps


still no snow here…it’s raining heavily so looks like it’s going to pass us by again. Ho hum but probably the best thing as we have a funeral tomorrow.

been and seen my lovely GP this morning for a chat. The tamoxifen is playing havoc with my skin and I’ve gone from having a lovely complexion (in the main) to having a face and back like analglypta or wood chip wallpaper. Good god, 44 years old and diagnosed with hormone induced acne. Nothing much that can be done because all the usual treatments are hormone based but she has given me a antibiotic gel to use so hopefully that’ll help. Insignificant in the grand scheme of things I know but it’s not nice all the same. Hey ho. 

We talked about going back to work week after next, and she wants me to start with two mornings a week for a few weeks and then slowly add hours back in so that in a few months I’ll be back to full time. Not going to happen though unfortunately. If I was employed it would be a different story, but being self employed changes everything. Got to go back to work but will try to go with the flow and delegate work out if I can. 


How’s everyone today? Helena…start your boosters tomorrow? Almost there now sweetheart. They’ll feel like they’re slowing down the closer you get to number 20 but I promise you’re almost now!!

hope everyone else is ok…Dizzy, Lesley, Clair, Jane, moijan, charys, Ann, janey, rubycat…and of course Adele and sue who I suspect are cooking up a storm somewhere!! Hope I’ve not left anyone out the day but I’m very sorry if I have!!

lots of love to you all




Hey Beth…give the snow a chance its coming later…I’ve just seen on the radar images that its starting to sleet in South Wales. Where are you? Lesley, stock up on toilet paper??? That made me laugh, like because that’s the first thing you’d think of in a snowmaggedon situation your lavvy paper. Mind, actually, thinking about it now…it IS really important and running out would be worse than running out of milk. Ok, off to panic-buy bog paper…

Beth, what is it with you Welsh girls and your skin?  Every time I go and stay with my sister I can’t help but notice that the majority of girls/woman there have amazing skin.  .  Also, after staying there for a couple of weeks my skin clears up.  Must be the water, my sister says it’s a combination of the water, clean air and the sea.  Mind you, she’s always had good skin.  Mine on the other hand is terrible.  Think it’s hormone related, always had problems, dreadful periods, then one big long period until I had a hysterectomy at 37, plus my menopause has been raging for 13.5 years and is showing no signs of ceasing.


i shoved Scarlett O’Hara in the cupboard and pulled out Kim Woodburn, cleaned kitchen and vacuumed sitting room, changed bedding, chucked bedding and towels in washing machine, had a soak in the bath now feeling very virtuous so going to treat myself to some painkillers (daily headache not going anywhere without some help) toast and watch last nights Midsomers Murders.  I love watching trying to spot places round here where I live as it’s all filmed in the surrounding villages here and outskirts of Oxford.  The original Barnabys house was round the corner to my office.


Catch up later.  Can’t remember what time today’s tossing is Helena but so very near the end of it now, So looking forward to raising my glass of vino and toasting you xx

Charys, I lived in a village a few miles from Bridgend. We had a massive snowfall when my father had his heart attack, that was 1978, but we had a lot of snow for quite a few years round that. The roof of the shopping centre fell in from the weight of snow, and yes, the drifts were over six feet. He never did get to hospital, they couldn’t get an ambulance or a helicopter to us.

Where were you? I was a forces child so got heaved all round the country changing schools every few months till I was about 9, when my father left the RAF.


Beth, developing acne and knowing you have to take the drug that’s causing it is horrible for you, it is a big thing. We have so many sh***y things to put up with already, you just want life to give you a break. 

If that’s a side effect of Tamoxifen I’m surprised it hasn’t happened to me. I’ve always had terrible skin, but it cleared up when I went through the menopause, so mine has been okay for the past four or five years unless I eat too much chocolate. But it was a misery always having spots and bumps, so I really hope you can get something that sorts it.


Lesley, that was a really productive burst on your banjo, hope you have a lazy and painfree afternoon to recover. 



Yay Helena, that’s all the normal ones done now! So just the boosts to go. And this is the only 5 day week so next week will be over sooner.

I know what you mean about talking at counselling sessions, mine seem to go really quickly. I think it has made a difference to the way I feel, she is so supportive when I’ve talked about some of the things that have gone wrong, and the things that are difficult for me seem easier to process and accept once I’ve talked them through.


Clair, hope you had a good morning, it seems very fast, your phased return. Not much phasing and a whole lot of returning. Are you happy that this is the right pace for you? And would you be able to say so if you needed to take more time over it, these things aren’t easy. But I’ve been thinking of you this week.


Janey, hope the antibiotics are kicking in now, so you can get this bug properly out of your system, it sounds like it’s been pulling you down for weeks.


And everyone else, hope your afternoon is going well despite the dismal weather and the gathering dusk…



Dizzy, just read your post about your father, how dreadful.  That must have been so traumatic.  I found the loss of both my parents very difficult, but they both died in hospital after a being ill, so was not unexpected.  To have to deal with that at the time then the memory of it, I can’t imagine how how you coped, but guess you had to xx

Afternoon you lovely lot. Oh wow those antibiotics far more welcome than anastrazole! Still facing usual afternoon knackeredness but I followed your lead Lesley and did some housework and changed the bedding, with a bit more of my old vigour. With you completely Lesley - if I were a rich woman, my bed would be changed every day with lovely crisp new sheets! I hope you’re feeling brighter you amazing woman.
Helena woohoo - 75% tossed off already! Looks like the weather is in your side rather than Charys’. We’ve been downgraded to sleet and rain just like yours Dizzy. Very miserable out there. I hope you get your bit of snow Charys - if only so you make the national headlines for cording cures.
I survived fatigue gym this morning. I was even allowed to work up a sweat - 5 minutes no more though! I’m a bit disappointed we still haven’t started working on improving my arm movement.
Clair I hope you got hold of the counsellor. Always the best use of an hour I’ve found! Beth is your skin drier or greasier? Mine has definitely changed. I won’t go there with my alternative career as the bearded lady!!
Delly are you nearly there yet? Mum says thunder snow forecast later - I hope you and Sue heeded Lesley’s pic! Rubycat, Jane, Lily and Moijan hope you all have the weather you want - I think I’m going to watch Midsomer Murders on catch up with a cuppa. Love to all xx

Janey, this one is for you - forget the bread, milk and loo roll, just make sure you’ve the gin in before it snows xx



Still no snow!!! In fact we have lovely blue skies! They’ve had some of the white stuff about 10 miles away but as always, nothing here. Snowmageddon looks like is over this time! 


Dizzy - my skin is much drier and on my face is a bit flaky. Doesn’t correlate with acne as you’d think it would be greasy but putting moisturiser on sounds like rubbing it on tracing paper. As always, these things are sent to try us!

i also won’t go there with the old beard thingy! My tweezers have never been so prolific lol …the joys of hormone tablets! 


Comfort food tonight!! Homemade chicken and ham pie! I have prepared hearty food for snow so we’ll have t eat it!! Be criminal not too lol


Lesley, actually he survived, despite not getting any medical attention. He was an invalid afterwards though, at the age of 45, and it killed him a few years later. I blamed myself for years because he was only trying to dig the car out to get to work because I’d told him it was a lovely day outside, and that made him feel guilty. The house phone didn’t work, so my mother sent me to call an ambulance from a phonebox. But there was no answer from 999 and our doctors’ surgery said the only doctor who could get out had gone to deliver a baby. So I couldn’t get anyone to come. The snowdrifts must have been ten feet high in places, and completely bare in others. I was 17 at the time.


Helena, I lived in Germany for three years up to the age of five, I have happy memories of shopping in the American PX because they had all sorts of candy and cookies that you couldn’t get anywhere else.  But after that we only seemed to stay in places a few months at a time, then my father would get posted and we all had to move, either to new married quarters or back to live with my grandmother again because we were homeless. I’m guessing they treat families differently now, but I remember the year they sent him away on an unaccompanied posting leaving my mother with four children.

I feel I can never answer the question, when people ask where I come from, the answer is nowhere really. I love the scenery of the bit of Wales I grew up in, but it has lots of bad memories, I suppose the nearest thing to a base we had was my grandmother’s house just north of the Lake District. More lovely scenery, but seven of us living in a house with no bathroom and the only toilet out across the yard.


Gosh, hasn’t life changed in the last fifty years, I wonder if the next generation will look back and see changes as big as that?

Dizzy, we always blame ourselves, that’s why we need counselling in later life.  I’ve never had counselling, think if I ever did and let all the bad stuff from the past surface I’d start and never stop sobbing.  Someone, can’t remember who?  I’d have to read back a few posts said they were having nightmares and maybe it was the hormone pills.  Since coming off hrt/having treatment, when I do sleep Ive had bad dreams.  After bearing my soul on here the other night about the “evil one” and my driving phobia, Ive dreamed about him since and had dreams where I’m driving and the steering isn’t working and I’m out of control on a busy road.  Guess things don’t go away, just lay in dormant in the back of our minds, maybe I do need counselling but no one has offered it and can’t afford to go down the private route, So vino it is then lol.


Its still persisting of rain here, so guess no snow for us.  Head still thumping but it takes my mind off sore armpit and shoulders, always try and find the silver lining xx

Just looked out of the window and it’s SNOWING!

Helena, we lived near Cologne. I have a lot of memories of living in Germany, maybe because it was very different from everything else, my parents were very happy there. The rest of the RAF years they were always very stressed, my father would get posted to somewhere with no married quarters, so we couldn’t go with him, but we weren’t allowed to stay on where we were without him. So they were very tense, they had four children and no security at all. And we all hated moving schools all the time, every new class would have been taught things in a different way or a different order, so we were always trying to catch up, or sometimes we were way ahead.

My father was abroad a lot, Malaysia, then two different year long tours on Pacific Islands one of them while they were testing the hydrogen bomb, my mother always blamed every known health problem either he or we ever had on the radiation.


Lesley, I really feel for you, those dreams sound horrible. Thinking about your evil has obviously brought all those horrible memories back. It sounds to me as if you do need to tell it all to move on from there, sometimes when things are very traumatic we get stuck. I do know that our local health service has some sort of counselling that you can refer yourself to, I can’t remember what it’s called, but it’s probably national. If I find the details I’ll let you know, then at least you’d have the choice about whether you want to take it further.

Sending you lots of hugs, because you don’t deserve horrible dreams and all the physical aches and pains that you have, and it must really wear you down.


Hope the snow is arriving for those that want, sadly still nothing here!

Helena, Viersen is the place where we used to change trains from the boat train after the crossing from Harwich to the Hoque of Holland when visiting Himselfs mother who came from a small village called Fischeln near Kreffeld. That was in the days when it was expensive to fly, in later years we always flew, so much quicker and no sea sickness to endure, horrible crossing that one.  I miss our trips to Germany since she passed away (though don’t miss her). Himself is bilingual, he was born in Austria, then lived in Germany until he was 5 and then spent all school holidays back in Germany with his grandparents and cousins so never lost his first language.


its stopped snowing here now, got a nice layer, enough to look pretty but not enough to cause problems or build a snowman xx

Evening lovelies,
Still no snow only a scattering of sleet I’m very disappointed but the weather man has just said we might get it tomorrow afternoon.
Thank you for all your lovely messages I got to catch on some training today and I’m seeing my boss tomorrow so we can talk about hours I thought I’d ask if I can alternate mornings and afternoons and see how that goes.
Sorry to hear your heads bad again Lesley, it must change bedding day today I did mine before I left for work. I love clean sheets.
I had a quick chat with the counselling service lady gave them a few bits of info then they’ll send me more details on appointments.
Charys your very right about how lovely and friendly this thread is we can be happy, sad, worried or just mucking about but most importantly here for each other.
So big hugs and much love all xxxxxxx