Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Morning lovelies, just a quicky to say good luck Beth I’ll be thinking of you xxx

I’ve had the worst night so far I can think of!
Terrible sweats totally soaked and awful nightmares when I did sleep. The colds not helping. Nevermind im going for a sleep when I get home later. Have a fab day whatever your doing on this freezing cold day lots of love Clair xxx

Morning all! Beth good luck today and Charys too. Clair I hope your cold starts to shift soon. I’m off to fatigue gym then the office - oh dear how will I manage not to check this thread while I check those emails?!

Good morning everyone,


Sorry it’s a bit late, but wanted to wish Beth and Janey all the best at work today.  Clair sounds as if you should stay home today.


Catch up with you later xx

I’m back. Omg I’m tired!!! So much for a half day and eating myself in slowly. I knew that it was never going to happen. Got in to work at 8.30 and arrived back home just after 4. I had 597 emails waiting for me which took all day. Tired and sore now and I cannot begin to describe the relief there was to come home and take off my bra. Just heaven! I think I’m going to have a row off hubby when he gets home as I d promised I’d take it easy today but clearly it didnt work out that way. Hey ho. 


How’s everyone else today? I’ll have a read though and catch up later once I’ve had a coffee and watched call the midwife lol



Beth, it sounds like someone should have made you go home after half a day, that isn’t any way to start back.But I remember well how you get sucked in once you step foot in it. I used to finish work at three, so I could get home for the children getting back from school, but I always had a struggle getting away on time.

Did you say you’re starting off doing half days, or do you have any days off in between?

Hello lovelies,
Oh Beth it’s scary how quickly we can get involved in the work load again, you’ve done really well so good on you. I too get changed straight into my sports bra and pj’s :slight_smile: endeavour was my wind down TV today. The cold has settled in my ears and neck glands
It’s liveable but my frustration and terrible mood swings today aren’t.,
I snapped at someone today because they kept fussy around me and I just can’t stand it!
I know it’s because they care and I did say sorry.
Janey how was your day xxx
I hope you’ve all had fab days lots of love Clair xxxxxxxx


Your shopping trip with your brother brings to mind taking various children off to buy stuff for their first student houses. You’d think we were past that stage by now, but we’re going to the Netherlands in April to take some stuff to our elder son, who is at uni there. He’ll be thirty by then, and on his second stint at university, the first one not having gone quite as planned. But he’s running in the Rotterdam marathon, so we promised to go and watch.

I didn’t find my skin got any worse after the end of rads, so I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Haha Clair - I’ve just put Endeavour on as my wind down!! Beth I hope you can relax tonight - it’s tough this rat race business. My half day was this afternoon. First proper time in an office and first day logging in to computer and emails. I have two email addresses, as I have two employers - oh dear, 6 months of emails - 1200 to plough through and I managed about 200. Lovely to see the closest colleagues again, luckily they’ve been friends throughout and had stuck welcome back signs everywhere, including the computer screen and just gave me hugs when I walked in and burst into tears, joking that’s what they feel like when they come to work! Very glad to be home now.
Helena I had a distinct mark where the boosters were and still do slightly (I’m almost 3 months on). I was lucky with no skin break down and still slather on moo goo every day. My boob is still darker where the boosters were and the odd twinge if I over do it at the fatigue gym and boobs do their own thing! I’ve been lucky Lee in that my phased return is working around the fatigue course.
Lesley how are you doing and any news on your shoulder? Charys I hope you aren’t completely wiped out after today too.
Is it ok to say I’m struggling with going back to work and worried I won’t find my mojo - just between us of course! Xx

I suggested deleting to my manager and had a firm no, apparently there are some legally bits in there somewhere! I did have a bit of a problem under boob and used sudocrem - a nurse friend said it would be fine, as not where the rads were - more a problem with missing an underwired bra for lift!! X



my skin in the booster area and around my node scar went purple/grey and peeled a few times. It wasn’t a good look at all. I had other areas that were really white in patches, not skin colour but white. They didn’t peel and it’s only now that those areas are returning to normal colour. Underneath the breast was bright pink and without the dressings it would have split. That has healed up now and I have lovely new skin there that is still a bit tender when I wear a bra. Just above the crease, I still have a huge amount of dark brown freckly marks. If they all joined together it would be a lovely tan! 

My Rads finished on the 19th Dec and my skin definitely deteriorated in the 2/3 weeks after finishing. I was also VERY tender and couldn’t stand any pressure at all on my breast. It was like having the worst PMT in the world combined with the fatigue of jet lag. It has only been since this weekend that I can lay on that side for any time at all in bed, and even then I can’t do it for more than about half hour before it gets too uncomfortable. If I overdo it during the day, my booster area really really hurts and today I’ve had to take painkillers again. Hey ho.

and of course, how could I forget about my nipple? It was very sore from early on during rads and progressively got worse. It’s peeled and peeled and even now feels a bit crusty. It’s still a funny shape and reacts differently to hot and cold than the other one. It’s only slightly tender now. 

I swear the dressings I had saved me from any further problems. I did everything I was told and I used E45 cream 3 times a day and now I’m using an oil I got from ‘not another bunch of flowers’ online and that is really helping my scars as they both went really lumpy. 

Some definitely breeze through, I wasn’t so fortunate!!! At least I don’t feel sick anymore which is an improvement!! 

Feel free to ask Anything you like as the days go on!!

beth xxx


Hello, just checking as wanted to know how Janey and Beth got on at work.  So feel for you, really don’t think I’d be up to working even 5 months post rads.  Helena, My boob still not recovered, nipple still slightly swollen and peeling/crusty, still lots of blackhead thingies and still very tender.


Having a bad headache time, banging one since yesterday lunchtime, Not migraine but draining and debilitating all the same.  Himself picked up my repeat prescription today as I wasn’t up to going out, and the doctor sent a message through with it saying I need to make an appointment with her to discuss my treatment.  Phoned surgery, earliest appointment 10 February.


This is for all of you lovely ladies, especially those of you working who had to endure wearing a bra today xx


bra off.jpg

Hey Lee,

Where are you based …What part of the world…as we can barely swim here even in the summer ?! Lol

Jannneyyyyy…We’ve chatted a bit about this anyway…give it some time. It’s gonna be darned hard at first till you are in the swing and feel up to speed. You know…could you just be part time for now and evermore ? Is that a possibility for you ?

I see lots of talk about rads side effects. Lesley I STILL have my crunchy problem, really can’t believe it. It’s as if the skin ‘there’ is kind of over producing times 10 and…no…actually that’s enough info I’ve decided. We can discuss via pm if you want some reassurance. :relaxed:

Well…yes…training for me today. A full long day of a new place, new working direction (eventually hopefully) and new people. Allllllllllllll neeewwww. Flip…talk a bit hard intellectuAl and emotional stressful day. It was a huge shock beING out on the road in the fog and ice at 7.30 am.

Hey MaryDan, did I miss your MRI scan results ?

Beth, you’ve been in too today…at work ! Wow, a lot of it about, this employment lark at the moment. I found it so so odd today, not helped by the fact all my training was at the hospital I was treated at. Well…confronting demons and all that lol

Lesley. …I’ve had to endure a bra AND makeup and nice clothes ! It’s too much…that’ll do for this week. ?

Lillium…you been busy DIY ING ?

I mentally crawled through it…but all signed off. Thanks Helena xx

Well, its back to the hosp for first follow-up mammo for me tomorrow & will have to get up early to avoid traffic - deep joy.
Do look after yourself, Janey, I deleted old emails on return & didn’t think to ask about it! If its important you’ll find out.
A new challenge, Charys, good luck
Hope work’s ok for you, Beth & Marydan & you’re both feeling better, Lesley & Clair.
I see you’re in Oz Lee, will be over in Sydney next week on our way to see eldest in NZ - cant wait!
As far as rads is concerned, Helena & Lily, the only remaining after effect for me after 7 months is my left boob is always warmer than the other one!
ann x

I have a delightful day tomorrow, the dentist in the morning and a smear test in the afternoon. I can’t decide whether it was a masterpiece of good planning to get them both over in the same day, or whether I’m a glutton for punishment!

I am really happy, just because  :slight_smile:

Blimey Dizzy …gotta laugh…your day tops it for hideousness. So the ‘open wide’ could have applied to either scenario lol …sorry, couldn’t help it !

Ann, please come and let us know how you get on, I will be thinking of you…I’m already anxious about mine in March. Huge good wishes for tomorriw xx

Ann we will all be there with you tomorrow for virtual moral support. Dizzy what a joyous day. The one bonus of total hysterectomy was an end to smears, although it took some explaining to the screening admin that I really didn’t need one, as I no longer have a cervix!
My work mojo is safe somewhere, I just wish I knew where I’ve put it! I can’t delete legal updates, as I’m supposed to know all the new case law. So far I haven’t found any though! Lesley, brilliant pic - I shall have to save it! Night night all my bed beckons. Clair dose yourself up - Charys are you still feeling poorly too? Xx