Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Morning lovelies,
Feeling a tad more human today :smiley:
Ann I’ll be thinking of you xxx
Oh Dizzy what a combo! I must check when my smear is due?
Lesley love that pic it made me chuckle.
Janey can you have a look for my work mojo too mine seems to have dissappeared I even thought about changing jobs all together yesterday.
Anyway a new day today sending love to you all have a fab day and be kind to yourselves tons of love Clair xxxxxxxx

So you lovely Dorset ladies, Tripadvisor has voted Bindon Bottom B&B in West Lulworth the best B&B in the World.


Hope everyone is good this morning, going to have my brekkie and catch up on this mornings’ activities


Helena xxx

morning everyone,
well that was quick! in & out before the appointment time & radiographer was lovely.
Will get the results when I see the surgeon in March after returning from NZ.
It will be fine!
have a great day everyone
ann x

Hi Charys, Ooohhhhh so much to read. I’m from Port Macquarie which is about 4.5 hours in a car north of Sydney on the coast and today was about 34degrees and really humid. I had a swim in the pool when I got home from work about 5.30pm, crazy eh? I’m noticing a couple of Tamoxifen symptoms tonight; fuzzy feet and cramps calfs.

Well, my dentist got herself in a right tizzy on hearing the breast cancer diagnosis. She spent five minutes prodding my neck and jawline for lumps, told me radiotherapy can cause your teeth and gums to flare up, and from now on I have to have six monthly checkups instead of nine. And I must get any sore or mouth ulcers checked if they last longer than seven days. All of this despite not needing anything doing.

I haven’t heard that radiotherapy does anything to your teeth, so I’m guessing she’s got it muddled with chemotherapy.


I saw the B&B award Helena, my favourite restaurant also won best small hotel in England a while ago, Yalbury Cottage, a really cute thatched cottage with a few bedrooms and about eight tables at most, and amazing food.



Where is it you live again.  I really must write all these down so that I can remember :frowning:

Hello Fluffies and Rubycat a huge hug to you and hope you can lose yourself in your box set. You are always with us in spirit. And we are definitely with you in spirit. What an absolute bucket load you’ve got going on. Have they said how long to wait for the results? My scan date came through today but I need to change it, as it clashes with another one!
Tired but now off work until Friday morning. Looking forward to a lovely day tomorrow with OH for his birthday - restaurant booked and cake in the oven. Hopefully I won’t fall asleep and burn it!
Icy cold day here. I planned to walk to work today but slipped just walking to the gate, so car came out again.
Hugs to all of you xx

Rubycat, sending you hugs, there is nothing worse than all this waiting around for results. I think it gets harder as time has gone on since diagnosis, you’d think it would get easier if we got used to it, but we don’t.

Mothers in law come a close second though, at least when it’s your own you feel able to be abit ruder.

I’m glad you’re enjoying Game of Thrones, I particularly like the opening title sequence. 

When I was in Dubrovnik about three years ago, we came across the film set for Kings Landing, they were just getting ready to film. (In my innocence I thought it always looked like that, till we realised they’d removed all the street signs and the electric cables)


Well, I have just done the smear test, which took about twenty minutes just to get all the medical notes done, between the breast cancer, the endometrial goings on and the Tamoxifen. But if this is okay I only have one more ever, that will be a milestone I’ll be glad to pass. Janey, I smiled at the idea of you struggling to persuade them you no longer have a cervix, it sounds as if they’re like the TV licence people, suspicious of evaders!






Hello gorgeous girlie’s :-D.
I got in at 2 ish and had my first glass of wine at 3 so that can tell you what sort of mood I’m in!
Ruby I’m sending you massive hugs and love what an awful time your having xxxxx.
I tell you though I can’t wait to catch up with you all as it keeps me grounded and makes me giggle :wink:
I did get a tad worried about the teeth situ as I’ve got to go soon and I’ll need at least 2 removed…
Ann I’m really glad you were in and out have a fantastic time in oz xxx xx
Helena slow down woman you’ll knacker yourself out liking the lunch solution though xxxx
Right I’m off to make spag bol and I’ve saved some wine for it. Catch ya later lv and hugs Clair xxxx xxx

Helena I think that is fatigue. I describe it as a feeling of going down with flu every afternoon. It lasts a few hours and then I bounce back. My oncologist suggested changing tablets from night to morning to delay the fatigue but no joy so far. Dizzy when I finally managed to persuade them I was cervixless, I was charmingly told I would need a “vault” smear every now and then - vault?!?!
Clair shall I join you and have a gin?!

Definitely Janey G&T sounds lovely xx

Good evening all,


Just caught ip on all your posts as been out most of the day.  Big hug to Rubycat.


Janey, I had the same thing when I got my first call for a smear following my hysterectomy.  I was then told I needed a (what I thought was a VOLT smear lol) which I duly had,  but  I was told I only needed the one and that was it.  Should I have had more?  I was quite relieved when the gp said I just needed one following the hysterectomy then never needed anymore.  Always felt smug since that at least that’s one thing I never have to worry about.


Its been another lovely sunny but cold day here, was a pleasure being out and about today especially as I was headache free all day, it’s just kicking in now though.




Evening all


didnt manage to get away early again today. Think my phased return will 3pm yesterday, 4pm today and 5pm tomorrow. ? It’s what I expected really but it’s so tiring. I was hoping I’d sleep like a baby last night but t that was wishful thinking and tossed and turned most of the night. 

I think I’m hormonal too. I was taking contraception for years which has had to stop now and my body hadn’t got used to it before the tamoxifen started so not had a ‘time of the month’ for years. Definitely something starting to happen now and I have no idea if that Is normal or not. I did ask my GP when I was there recently and she didn’t know!! Anyway, it will explain my lack of patience and clear grumpiness!!!


rubycat - I’m sending you a huge hug love. 

Dizzy - well done today!!! Think I have a smear due in the Spring. Grrrr but will make a change from taking my top off lol

Charys - with you on the clothes and makeup front…if I could go to work in my pjs, with no bra and makeup less I would. Not coping with this looking human lark.

Janey, Lily, Clair and Ann - hope you’re all ok ladies. Hugs all round. 

Helena - don’t you overdo it woman!! Fatigue can creep up and bite you on the behind before you even notice!!! 


I must admit I’m struggling to get my head back in the working game. There’s a part of me that just wants a quiet life now and not the stresses and strains of staff and running my own business. It will pass I’m sure as I get back in time routine and start to feel normal again. Whatever normal is!!


sending anyone I’ve missed hugs too



image.jpgReplace ADD with tamoxifen and that’s spot on!! ???

Wishing you all a restful nights sleep, especially those of you who have work tomorrow.  Xx


night night.jpg

Just a quick one to say good morning and have a lovely day xxx Beth try and take it easy or it’ll all catch up with you.
Lots of love Clair xxx

Morning glories! I hope you all had peaceful and cool night sleeps - especially you Lesley. I crashed out I front of TV last night, so had a fitful night.
A lovely sunny day here in Devon and off shortly on a grand mystery day out for OH’s birthday, so a quick pop in from me. Take it easy Beth from me too and you Helena. Love to all of you. Lily and Dizzy with you on the DIY and I’m now itching to get back into the garden. No better therapy for me xxx

It’s not showing any now ! It keeps changing …every half hour …bahhhhhh

This is my garden in the early summer, cant wait for it to be that time again :slight_smile:


garden 2016.jpg

OK Delly, you just keep yourself ‘up’ ok, we will be here when you are back tomorrow…probably talking about knickers or the weather or crunchy nipples or something ;o)


I just went to the pet shop and bought a massive bag of that floating proper duck food, and gave the whole lot to the ducks at the local pond. Their water is all frozen and I feel so sorry for them, they were starving.



Errr lady H, is that a basketball net on the bottom left ??? LOL