Radiotherapy January 2015

Good luck with all that tomorrow, Gill - what a busy day!
You could always take my husband’s approach to the bird count … disappointed with my results (having watched me empty half the contents of the kitchen cupboards onto the lawn) he added an albatross, 2 ostrich and a dodo!
Hope everyone’s weeks go well.

Hi all…Finally comfortable yeah…they gave me some foam dressing that i could put under my bra and on the under cup line that has made things much easier bra is now not rubbing and its clearing up the discharge. I found the creams did not dry. Im doing a feedback session to help others starting treatment and going to suggest they give it to larger ladies before skin breaks. I’m shedding skin like a snake but its looking good underneath.

Silent witness …why do we need any police…? But its a diversion. Quiet like mr selfridge too.

I’ve prepared myself with a selection of crop tops, vests & very soft bras so that in theory the pressure can be slightly different every day. Only day 8 of 15 + 4 today so I’ll definitely not get smug about my skin yet!
What was the difference with the booster, Lesley?

Interesting chat at my review this morning …
Now maybe this is obvious to everyone else but thought I’d share. Was told that when applying cream, if it begins to sting then that’s the first sign of a tiny tear. Instead of slathering on even more cream like I would have done, you should stop immediately and speak to the nurse who will provide a gel instead. Apparently the cream softens the skin so encourages tears to continue to get bigger whilst the gel will seal them .
Generally good natter today and cleared up a few things I didn’t even realise I was worrying about !

The gel was ok on open areas but did not dry under the boob or cleavage just stuck skin together and hurt when I moved like ripping…
Have lots of nice pink skin still using foam under the bra as I’m worried it will rub on the band.i did find firm support better as the weight of breast felt like it was ripping the skin…doreen bra is best for comfort…made the mistake of crop top to sleep but it moved and rubbed too much was agony.
Having said that the worst was over in about a week and down to infection

Was your last session today, Lesley?? Must be a bit of a relief! How’s the skin holding up?

Well done, Lesley! Hope you & Gill both celebrated with a big gin last night !

Strictly Come Dancing live at the Hydro for me this weekend?.. soooo excited!

Hi ladies, well that’s me had my last rads today. Im feeling very emotional, isn’t that weird. Thought I would be happy dancing but I just feel, so what now?!?!? I have looked forward to this day for months and months so why don’t I feel happier it’s here??

Touch wood, my skin has held up ok, a wee bit red and a wee bit itchy, but it looks and feels not too bad after being zapped 19 times. As we all know, the rads keep doing their thing for a couple of weeks after the last treatment. She said today this would be the peak time for fatigue, and to keep using the aqua cream.

I met a work colleague for lunch today, meeting a couple of friends tonight and dinner tom with my hubby.

What will I do next week with no daily travelling through to glasgow and playing hunt the parking space!!!

Hope everyone else is getting through their treatment without too much trauma xxxx

Good Evening Ladies

Feeling a bit sorry for myself as had to go back to hospital today to get my radiation burns looked at. The one on my clavicle has got very yucky so had it checked out and was told have had a bad reaction to it. Not unusual apparently and they’ve given me some special gel to put on it that forms a protective skin. I just hoped that once the rads were over everything would get back to normal. They did say that it has probably peaked now and shouldn’t get any worse. Glad to know that something’s peaked - not a lot else has!!!

Hope you are all doing OK. Bit too cold for my liking and really feeling it with only an inch of hair re-growth. Haven’t had my ears exposed for  very long time!

Best wishes, Gill XX

GmC. Sorry to hear the burns have got worse. I did find there was a rapid improvement once i had something for mine so fingers crossed for you.I finished 12 jan and almost feel normal occasional itch and lots of peeling but pinker by the day so hang on.
Its very distressing and lonely when it causes problems because we read this is the easy bit. I was in tears sat in the clinic. Hugs.

Oh dear, Gill - and you thought you’d seen the last of the hospital for a wee while too! From everything I read you are probably at the peak of your fatigue too which is bound to mess with your head so things will surely get better soon.
Lesley & Murphy, how are you both doing? Not missing the Beatson car park too badly, I hope!?

Hi Lesley, yes Strictly was great fun … Thom Evans in a kilt was no hardship at all ?
Are you taking Piriton for your itch? I’m finding it really helps.

GmC. …i think in some ways this is the loneliest time especially if its not going as well. Loads of support through chemo because its so tough but most find it easy in comparison. I found my self feeling like a wimp so didn’t get help as early as I could have.
Things will get better x

Hi Ladies

Glad to report that the gel seems to be working well and it is all starting to calm down thankfully. Thanks for all your supportive comments - it really helped. These various threads have all been invaluable over the past year  - so good to chat to others going through the same treatments, problems and emotions.

Hope you are all coping ok with the itches and discomfort. My daughters have started to ask me to babysit now so seems I can be assumed to be a responsible adult again !!! Quite a good feeling to be doing something useful for them again. Going back to work in 4 weeks so will make the most of the time left with meals and drinks out with friends and relatives who have been such a help over the last year. After that the diet will have to start in earnest !

Not enjoying this cold weather but I think you Northern lasses are having to cope with worse than me in the South.

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Gill XXX

That’s great, Gill! Can you tell me what the name of the gel is? I only have 2 boosters left and skin holding up apart from a bit of a flaky nipple (not a phrase I ever expected to use on a public forum?). I’m aware that I’ll continue to cook for a while yet so it would be handy to know what to ask for either over the counter or from GP rather than having to trail back to the hospital.
Ballet in Edinburgh for me today … what’s everyone else up to?

Thanks Gill, hopefully I won’t need it but I’m compulsively organised so good to know!
Lovely day in Edinburgh at Coppelia and nice Thai meal with pals. Able to have a giggle about Smurf blue flaky nipple which is a bit of a relief - my poor husband is still unable to see the humour in any part of this … unfortunate since my gallows humour is what has kept me going at times! 9 o,clock on a Saturday night and I’m ready for bed?
Nite girls.

Thanks Lesley, yes! Still working out how to celebrate last session???
How’s your skin doing … carried on cooking or settling down nicely?

Ooh lovely! I’m so desperate for a long hot soak in the bath (big glass of red and John Legend on the iPod ?). I’ve been able to do short days and work from home sometimes - do get a bit wabbit still.

Hi Ladies

Kitt - all the best for the final zapping tomorrow. It’s another tick in the box of completed treatments. I bet you won’t miss your journey and the parking nightmares involved.

The last time I had to visit the hospital I must have queued for three quarters of an hour and then when I was the next in line to get the next space a man from a car about 6 cars behind me banged on my window and then told me I was holding everyone up and to park in the main car park and not use an oncology space - me with my semi bald head looking everything like a cancer patient! I saw red and totally lost my temper and told him to F off, that I was going no-where and then burst into tears .He did apologise then but I couldn’t speak to him ! I have never in my life said that to a total stranger but he was so horrible to me that I had the worst case of potty mouth! Made a right pig’s ear of parking when my space did come up !!!

How lovely to be using beautiful creams again Lesley. My skin is looking so much better now but I think I’ll wait a few more days for it to recover totally then bring out the good stuff! When I lost my hair I put all the hair shampoo, sprays, conditioners etc out of sight. Still using baby shampoo and not sure when it’s ok to use other products on the new growth.

Best wishes all,

Gill XX