really scared

Hi Danni, Sorry you are having so much trouble at your doctors. I can only echo really what the other girls have said to stick to your guns and dont let them fob you off. I didnt actually see a doctor when I went, I saw the practice nurse who refered me to the breast clinic. Just wondered if you had a practice nurse at your surgery you could maybe see before Wednesday just to put your mind at rest, as I know what its like waiting .We have the same book on the day system in my area (Im from the North West too) its OK if its non urgent but a pain if you are worried and can not get an appointment. Hope this has helped a little, and I am thinking of you.
Take Care,
Lots of Love

thanks all for your support and comments. Im resigned to Wednesday now, spent most of the afternoon in tears with terrible stomach pains due to the stress. Have had a little sleep and feel somewhat better and am going to work tomorrow.

Just one question tho, arent they supposed to use the flat of their hand checking lumps, cos my doc didnt???

Danni xx


I’m sorry that your GP was not up to much this morning. You are absolutely right to go back to see a different one - best of luck with that. In the meantime lots of light and love being sent your way


My doctor used his fingers held together and flat, same as i had done, cos you could only feel the lump when i was lay down, but i suppose different doctors do it different ways

hope you manage to get a goodish sleep Danni, don’t go to work if you can’t face it, if i were you i would be tempted to get to see the practice nurse like Jillian suggested

lots of love

Alison xxxxx

night all I’m going to bed now I feel totally drained


Danni xxx

after yesterday’s traumas I acutally had a good night’s sleep so am off to work shortly to keep my mind off the alien.

thanks again for all your positive vibes and best wishes

Love Danni xxxx

With you all the way, dreamcatcher! Glad you got a good night’s sleep, Hon.

beano x

Hi Everyone

I had a reasonable day at work didnt think about the alien too much except when I had to fill in a sick form for yesterday. Appointment tomorrow is at 9.10am so hopefully this time I will be taken seriously

Danni xxx

hi dream, good luck sweetie and dont be put off by any of there jargon


I’ve got a list Cee of everything I want to ask the doc tomorrow and I am not going to be put off, I want that referral.


Danni xxx

Hi Danni,

I went to my GP surgery a couple of weeks ago with my 2nd lump (had one removed), the male doc said I was feeling a rib and was doing it all wrong… stupid man… I think I know what a bloody lump feels like when I 've already had one!! Anyway, I’ve moved house, and surgery, and saw a lovely lady gp this week, who can feel the lump and has referred me to the hospital (waiting now… again!)

Women docs I find are so more understanding, and not so willing to brush things under the carpet. (BTW I’m 26, so kinda young for lumps, but my last one wasn’t cancer thank goodness!)

Good luck with your appnt, I’ll check in tomorrow to see how you went on. Take care

Heidi xx

night everyone

hopefully I will have good news tomorrow and may you all have some too

Danni xxx

Hi Danni,

Just caught your thread…

Just wanted to wish you well for 2morow. I will be thinking about you and hoping that you get a brilliant result.

Take Care


2 hours to my appointment and bricks dont come into it !!! I slept ok but my nerves have kicked in now.

Hopefully it will be a good news days

Love Danni


Good luck danni!

just stick to your guns and do the how would you feel thing and remind them about the new government 2 week guidline! 2 weeks will still feel forever I know!

good luck sure you’ll be fine this time

let us know how it goes

loubyjane x x

Just adding my “good luck” to the others.

Take care, Hon

beano x

hello dream catcher, hope your morning has given you good news, let us know, i had a hospital app this morning and while waiting for my tests was thinking
about everyone i have chatted to or read about. This is a great site and everyone so supportive.

best wishes Scruffy.

Hi Danni, Just wanted to wish you luck for this morning, Take Care and let us know how you get on.

Hiya girls just a quick nip on to say its nothing nasty. I have a bony growth on my rib. I need a bone scan but the Doc reckons its nothing sinister

thanks and lots of love

Danni xxxx

thats great news, well, you know what I mean, at least its nothing sinister. Hope you feel alot better in your self now.

Take care

Heidi x