Hi Kittenkat - I’m doing OK, though I just wish the wait for results wasn’t so long. Maybe I’ll do what Freddie did and ring the BCN. They really don’t like you using the internet, do they? I told the BCN I’d been reading up, and I got that “sharp intake of breath” thing. But I like to feel I’m at least a little bit in control by knowing as much as I can find out. Don’t they give us any credit for being careful which sites to go to, and for knowing that we are all individuals, not statistics?
Hi there girls…had my 2nd op last wednesday, I’m back on track now…ready to continue this journey…and it aint gonna get the better of me!!!
Hi Lulu thanks for the thoughts. I totally agree with you and susanne about wanting to know everything there is to know about our own bodies…after all they are ours!!! Pity some of the staff don’t give us credit for taking on board the info and being rational about it. This time round…not having all the information until just before the operation…was upsetting. But its upward and onward now…
Hey Lulu great results…all nodes clear…so pleased for you. Its just the waiting for the treatment now isn’t it…but your on the right track…so keep posting and let us know how things go!
catch you all later
Helen x
helen - good to see you back!! Rest up now…mary x
Thanks Mary…will do!!
helen x
Hi all, susanne,hope you get your results asap and keeping fingers crossed for you.
Lulu, am fine apart from a leaky boob,got clear margins and none in nodes but still told oncologist may want to give me chemo ! Yikes, hope not , but am waiting for appointment to come through,will keep you posted,think am going to have enough on my plate with them messing about with my ovaries. My girls are 12 and 10 and it’s gonna be hormonal hell in my household very shortly,poor hubs !
Hey,Helen,hope you are resting up and being good to yourself,just don’t be over doing it.
Mary,hope the chemo not hitting you too hard.
The daffodils are looking lovely in the sun and the mad lambs have got springs on their legs in the fields at the back of my house,can’t help but laugh at them,off to cook a tasty stew for tea,catch up later.Big hugs to all.
Sandra x
Hi there girls…
Hey Susanne…did you ring the BC nurse up…I rang mine up for the first time this morning and she was great…told me to ring up any time cos thats what they are there for…so perhaps you could ring your nurse up too!
Hi Lulu…I’m up and at em now…feeling fine apart from some tiredness, which is only to be expected. You keep insisting about ‘them’ giving you information about you…its important!!!
Hey there Sandra…my you are in a poetic frame of mind today…‘lambs with springs on their legs’…gives me a great mental image!!! It sounds like you live in a very picturesque place…
I’ve just been for a walk myself…I stopped to sit on a bench and listen to the birds!!! Doesn’t the right kind of weather feel uplifting!!! Take care all.
catch ya later
I rang the BC nurse yesterday, and went in to see her today - partly so she could take my stich out, as it was supposed to be dissolving but wasn’t. Eeeek! (Or several considerably ruder words.)
Anyway, she was able to give me some of my results. It was a grade 3 (b*gger) but was only 1.2cm, which is “tiny” and it had clear margins, so no more surgery (phew!) Also they taken 25 lymph nodes and it was only in 1, which is quite remarkable, especially with a high-grade tumour - this would have been the one that had swollen to over 4cm. Seems like it did it’s job! So it looks like I may have dodged a bullet, thanks to a super-efficient lymphatic system. Will be starting chemo in a few weeks.
Hope everyone else waiting for results gets good ones.
Thats great news Susanne…yeah what a good lymphatic system you’ve got going there. Yipes … a non-dissolvable stitch! Bet your glad someone noticed!
I’m having my 15 staples out tomorrow by the practice nurse. Can’t wait, its like having ‘jaws’ staring up at me each time I look down!!!
Chemo in a few weeks eh! well love, I guess it boils down to whatever it takes…to get rid… you’ll get there!!
catch ya later
hi susanne - great!! And hope the stitch is sorted too…mary x
Helen - fingers crossed for the staples and tomorrow!!
Hi Susanne
Great news- bet you’re feeling much better now!
Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cheers Mary…feeling much better than I did this afternoon…upwards and onwards!!!
It’s weird - I know I should be really pleased with those results, but I feel more down at the moment than I have since the first couple of days. I think it was the shock of it being Grade 3 - I was sure it would be Grade 1, as I am almost 60. Though it has developed since my last routine mamo, a year ago, so I guess that should have been a clue. Or maybe it’s just that I’ve been working so hard to keep cheerful these past couple of months that I’ve just run out of steam for the moment. I’m sure I’ll feel better soon.
Susanne…we all cope with things differently, I did the same as you, I went on to automatic pilot, put the ‘shutters’ down and kept busy at work and kept responses ‘casual’. It wasn’t until a couple of months down the line I had one really bad day…melt down. I think you are right …you try so hard to act reasonably normal, taking each step as it comes, but really you want to stand on a hill and scream, stamp your feet and cry until your empty…then you can go on again!!! So the solution is…do you live near a hill?
I had a my 2nd down day yesterday, which came out of the blue…didn’t do anything different…but today I’m feeling upbeat again! What I’m trying to say Susanne is a day at a time at the moment is good! Give yourself some TLC, think about you! Grade 3 would be upsetting for anybody… it’s ok to feel upset and to show it!
So holler, laugh, cry, shout whatever it takes!! There are lots of ladies here for you! Take care.
Helen x
Big hug for you Susanne, I’m waiting to hit a wall too on this journey,and am sure I will sooner or later,we can’t be super positive and upbeat all the time, we are bound to have good and not so good days.I’m expecting my wall to be in connection with having my ovaries shutdown and going through hormonal hell,hey ho.It’s a rubbish thing that we are going through and we are allowed to be down and sad and upset ooh and jealous of others boobs…thats me at the mo, Ive got boob envy !
I’d say your lymph nodes have done an excellent job keeping it at bay,could’ve been a far greater spread so bit of a result there.
Am offski to make the most of the sun and plant some seeds in my greenhouse.Catch up soon XXXX
It’s so nice to be able to come on here and speak to people who know exactly how it all feels! Friends and hubbies try to be supportive, bless 'em, but they don’t really “get it.” I know I’m lucky - much luckier than some on here. I’m just worrying myself about whether a Grade 3 is more likely to recur - I really don’t like to think about having to go through all this malarky again a few years down the road.
I sympathise with your boob-envy, though I have been lucky there too - you can hardly see any difference, and my scar’s going to be fine. And anyway, at my age I’ve had my fun out of 'em! I think I have health-envy - I look at women walking around fit and well (especially the ones smoking) and I wanna yell “Why me?”
But one bit of news has cheered me up - took my car (beloved eleven year old Puma) in for its MOT and it’s passed, and I won’t even need to take out a second mortgage to pay for it!
(PS - just re-reading the above, I noticed I have referred to “hubbies”. I didn’t mean to imply that I have more than one - one is more than enough, thank you!)
hi Susanne…I’ve found this site so supportive and being able to say how you feel is a God send. Try not to worry about the might/might not recurrence love. Do it a step at a time and get through this first, otherwise your braincells will splatter all over the place with the effort of wondering!!
Great news about your car…not that I know much about any of them, but hubby has one…and I know at certain times of the year just how expensive they can be!!!
take care catch ya later
Helen x
Well, saw the BS - scars healing nicely, swelling is OK - need to keep my bra on more! He said the tumour was “not very positive” for hormone receptors - I couldn’t get him to be more specific, eg whether it is actually triple negative. Guess I’ll have to wait to see the oncologist to get a bit more detail about it. I gather if it is TN there’s a higher risk initially, but if I make it to 5 years the risk drops right off. Like a lot of things with this BC malarkey, there seem to be pros and cons to almost everything!
Ooooh these consultants and what they say… ! Don’t they realise we go over and over and over every single word they say…well that is the ones that we remember ! Hmmm “not very positive” I would interpret that as being maybe a little bit positive but not hugely, surely if it was negative he would have said it was…??? Sorry,that’s not much help. Isn’t the positivity thing scored out of 8 … so 8/8 is very positive,not sure if 1/8 means not very positive or does that mean negative… ooohhh am just confusing the issue,maybe someone will read this and let us know.
Im off to the onc on tuesday to find out if am getting chemo or not, and what my poor ovaries are going to have thrown at them as well as whats to happen with rads,better start writing out my questions now …
Big hugs to all.
Sandra x
Not very positive! Whats that about! Make sure you ask your onc and he explains clearly to you Susanne. I was given a bit of information, by the surgeon, that I hadn’t known about, an hour before my last op. bit upsetting. It probably wouldn’t have made any difference to the decisions made, but I’m beginning to realise that if you don’t ask the right questions, ‘they’ don’t tell you, Thing is you don’t always know what the right questions are! But I am learning fast! Having said that my bcn is lovely and will try and anticipate what I want to know…
sorry for waffling, I’m sure your onc will inform you better Susanne. Keep posting, and take care.
Hi Sandra, Hope your appointment goes well, everything crossed for next week!
Hi SusanneA,
Hope you dont mind me butting in on this thread, Just wanted to say that i was DX july 07 and my homone receptive status was decribed as (Not greatly positive,) Ive still been given Tamoxifen and have been on it for over a year now. Tripple Neg BC has no er/pr receptors at all so try not to worry too much, sounds that your like me and depending on your menapause status will still be offered Tamox or Arimadex .
Hope this helps.
All the best
Lindiloo x