Recently diagnosed

Thanks SueW

Just taken some now,going to try and sleep as I have a feeling I won’t get any lol

Night ladies and thanks everyone for your help xxx

Hi dan how did you sleep? Hope your not too uncomfortable xx

Didn’t sleep ? was very uncomfortable but it’s a lot better today just aches abit thanks xx

Just noticed my phone called you dan ?? glad you answered anyway
Sorry to hear you didn’t sleep hopefully tonight will be better x

Haha I know who you ment lol,Ye I should do hopefully I’ll have a few wines to knock me out xxx

? sounds perfect xx

Need a rant!!!

So I decided to go out last night with my partner,we was having such a lovely time until! 1 stupid ( friend ) ruined my night…yes i have breast cancer,yes I hope I beat this,but for them to turn around and say to me * are not scared * of course I’m scared of my new journey! Then the reply to that was!!! That footballers wife died of breast cancer at 34 what if you die ??

Seriously though why does stupid thing have to come out people’s mouths! I was starting to try and get on with things until now! Worrying again…

Thanks for listening lady’s xxx

And for starters!!! She had triple negative breast cancer! Everyone is different and everyone has different diagnosis!!! Arrrrgggg! So annoyed ?

Its a stupid and tactless thing to say to anyone. Every case is individual. Whether its ductal, lobular, triple negative, DCIS or whatever! We always havecto be careful of evetything that we say in case we upset others and when others say things to us just ignore it. We can think we understand but we really have no idea until it happens to us! And even then we only know how we feel. Thank goodness for the amazing understanding, sharing, information and support we receive and can give on this forum x


Just annoys me yes sadly she did pass away but no need for people to remind me of her yes ( having breast cancer ) yes ( being 34 like me ) but like you say all cases are different and how early it’s been caught! Well I’m off to a christening today so hopefully people will not say anything u less its supportive xx

People often out their foot in their mouth before they put their brain into gear
One person said to me why you
My reply odds are about 1 in 8 think of 8 people you know who would you rather have it
They backed off pretty fast.
This disease just gets who it gets in an ideal world only bad people would get cancer but that’s not reality so ladies heads held high , best smiles on faces and positive kick ass attitude. Have a good day xxxc

oh for goodness sake Sam, how crass ?
Sadly, this sort of thing does happen & sometimes we get unexpected surprises with others reactions to this, including the good ones as well.
We all know how it really is & such responses only reveal that person’s woeful lack of understanding, that’s all.
ann x

Hi Sam. Unfortunately people do engage their mouths before their brain has kicked in. They don’t think about the effect it will have on you. Try not to worry about it. Keep that positive attitude and comments like that will bounce off you.

Hi Sam
What a bloody stupid thing to say! Unfortunately we can’t control people mouths! Did she feel bad at all? I’ve learnt to laugh and joke when I can and take things light heartedly otherwise we will be upset all the time through stupid, mindless comments! I’ve got tougher throughout this journey and say what I rhink back now…regardless friend or no friend! I know some people really don’t know what to say and we don’t want to be mollycoddled but that is sheer thoughtless and stupid of her!
Hope you feel better after a

SueW…whos Dan???

Thanks everyone

Exactly nobody knows her background ( Rios wife’s )

We are all strong lady’s well we try sometimes,I’m ok now started with a sore throat tho ( maybe this is because I had dlu jab Thursday )

Just hate it when friends compare ur illness with other peoples! Xx

Stupid phone!! Flu jab lol

I getting used to reading things as they meant to be lol my phone does all kind of funny predicts x

Am starting to feel not quite so alone and thank all of you ladies for that :relaxed:x

Hey sask I’ve sent you a message xx