Recently diagnosed

Thanks SueW xx

Hope it went well Sue x

Hi Ali did just put this on another post
Just got back from hospital officially cancer free with lymph node removal still got the journey of chemo and radiotherapy but they are preventative for the future. I need to meet oncology team for start date and treatment will take about 6 months in total but onwards and upwards x

So happy for you SueW xx

Thank you Sam x

Hi Sam
Your onc will give you your treatment plan and you will feel a whole lot better when you know it and can prepare for it. Write down any questions you need to ask and write down anything they tell you. I did and got a better

Thanks CK it’s all just a worry,as I don’t want to be told something that I don’t already no about (( scary )) xx

Hi Sam
We all worry but just remember what they tell us and give us is to help us get better and have a longer and better quality of

Hi everyone,


Took a bit of a breather to process all the stuff from my oncology appt on Wednesday.  I’m up for ECT treatment over 20 weeks. I’ve not done much researching because I got a phone call from the hospital soon after I got home from a three-hour series of discussions and tests to say they want me to start chemo on Monday.  Eeek!


I don’t want to throw any spanner in the works of my own treatment but I’m finding it hard to see how I’m going to do all my prep stuff in time.  Told work for the first time today, so they’re in a sort of fugue state of shock. I live alone, and closest friends are at some distance, so I’m not confident they can sort their childcare etc in time to come with me for that first session and then stay for a few days after.  Most important, I’ve not told my mum, because I wanted to reassure her with some facts, and also need to do this face-to-face. She lives about 150 miles away and is one of life’s worriers!


Thought I’d had have at least a week to get myself organised. And get the ginger and Murray Mints in!  I’m going to call some of the numbers I’ve been given to talk this through, but wanted to bounce it off fellow posters.  Am I being reasonable to ask to re-schedule? 


Jencat, it really sounds like you’ve been through the wringer. We’ve had a real wallop at these appts, you with weird sharing of stats, and me with a schedule that feels impossible.  Hoping things are making better sense.  xxx

Sue_s you have to do whats best for you. Call tomorrow and ask could you wait a week and see what they say. It is not unreasonable to ask at all xx

Sue W that is good news. The treatment is daunting but we can do it. Lots of other people have so onwards and upwards forvus Sue xxc

Thats sound advice Sue. We have all waited a few weeks and been ‘preparing’ ! Let us know how you get on xx

Jen we both going to get through chemo we need our day of bubbles in the bubbles x

Go girls!!! We will do

After fretting away for most of last night, have moved my chemo start by one massively important day. I’ll say one thing for this BC mullarkey, it don’t half focus you on the really important stuff! 


All power to us!

Glad you got sorted Sue and yes nights and sleep patterns certainly change xx

Hey lady’s been sat at hospital 3 hrs today,had my marker put in my breast ready for chemo! And my tumour has shrunk…very weird!! but nearly ready for treatment to start oncologist Tuesday xx

Well, at least that’s good weird, Sam!
Loads of best wishes for next week
ann x

Thanks Ann

I’m in abit of pain after the marker insert though,didn’t feel as bad as the core biopsy but the after pain is horrible xx

Sam take paracetamol and ibuprofen you can take both for the pain xx hope you feel better soon x