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Hi you lovely ladies how are you all this evening x hope you have had a good weekend x

Feeling ok tonight SueW. I’ve had a weekend of feeling nervouse about Wednesday but lots of reassurance has helped! How are you Sue?

Good thanks ali a little nervous about 1st oncology appointment tomorrow but shall keep myself busy during the day as it is not until 4.15 but at least I should know when chemo will start . Sooner it starts sooner it’s finished and I am missing work can’t go back until treatment completed either x

Write down all the questions you want to ask Onc Sue. I asked lots of questions. Good luck tomorrow. I cant go back to work til all treatment finished either. I am not missing it at the moment though and everyone is keeping in touch. Let me know how you get on tomorrow xx

You will feel better after seeing Inc SueW. Lots of

I am sure I will ck my daughter coming with me as hubby at work so we got notebook ready x
Hope you are doing okay x

I’ve been in work today Sue. I wore a hat today as don’t like wearing my wig into kitchen as could smell. Hair falling out quicker now! I am prepared but it’s a bit weird!
It frustrates me that I cant do as much as I used to, even talking roi much I get bkt breathless and tbat most definitely has never been a problem!!!
3 more days until number 2 chemo. I’m hoping it treats me well again this time, but still quite anxious which I’m sure is normal.

It’s nice your daughter is going with you. Mine has gone back to Uni. I’m missing her so much.xx

I am sure she will be thinking of you and with you in spirit x
I am missing work as been told not to go back until after treatment but I also know I am more fortunate than most as I get 6 months full pay then half pay for 6 months after that x
Is it coconut oil you said to get I haven’t seen any yet just coconut body butter but wasn’t sure if that was correct product
Fingers crossed for number 2 chemo going well for you xx

Just saw coconut wax on other thread xx

Good luck today Sue .CK - I can totally understand how you feel - my house is very quiet (and clean !) seems soulless without my son after 3 months of having him at home .

Good luck today ? My oncologist and heart scan is tomorrow,feeling very nervous today xx

Thanks everyone and good luck Sam for tomorrow xx

Just met oncologist chem in 3 to 4 weeks need to be fully healed from last surgery got to go back another time to meet chemo nurses x

At least you know when now Sue. Good look tomorrow Sam x

Thanks Ali

Will soon be here Sue


Hi everyone, getting ready for first chemo tomorrow. 


Had a really massive chop off of my long hair at a salon that’s part of the Strength in Style thing. I can post the link if this would be helpful?  It was a bit pricey but the stylist knew her stuff about chemo hair at all the stages - really impressed. Having never had short hair ever, it’s quite a revelation to feel the suddenly sleek short back of my neck! 


Having been keeping myself busy with cooking, the freezer is now fairly full with what I hope will be tasty food.  I’ve found it really really hard this last week to eat properly. It’s like the stress went straight to my appetite pre-chemo.  Might need to give myself a bit of a talking-to once treatment is underway.  Still, after nibbling some of the ginger bits and pieces I ended up buying today, I was ravenous! 


Jencat, Ali and Sam - all the very best. 


xxxx Sue

Good luck tomorrow Sue_S I will be thinking of you. Hope it goes smoothly. I have always had short hair and love the freedom and convenience of it. Enjoy it! I am Wednesday so only a day behind. Big hugs xxx

Good luck over the next few days for appointments and treatments ladies x let us know how you get on xx

Thanks SueW
The anxiety for Chemo 2 on Weds is starting to kick in!!!xx