Recently diagnosed

CK you have done so well with the first one! I think Anxiety is normal for every one of us. I am over the edge today thinking about Wednesday but more about what will come after and especially the hair loss! It was all ok while it was in the distant future!! Sending you a hug CK xxx

Hugs to you too Ali​:heart: I did do well but I’m thinking we can react different to each one. Fingers crossed.x Here’s hopi g you have a manageable one too.:heart::heart::heart:

Hugs to you too Jencat
I’m going for bloods today and chemo 2 tomorrow.xx

Thank you Jencat. Off to pre apt! Sending you a hug too xx

Thank you Jencat. Off to pre apt! Sending you a hug too. Sending you all BIG HUGS xxx

Hi all
Hope you are all okay the sun is shining here in brum so always feel better in the :sunny: sunshine x
Good luck to you all with appointments
Got my chemo start date and it’s friday 13th October ? eek lol at 8.30 am but got appointments before for bloods etc x
Good job I am not superstitious ha ha and I meet my hubby on a Friday 13th 33 years ago … perhaps I should have took note then ha ha xxx
Love and hugs ? to all xx

Hi everyone

Today went really well Heart scan perfect!
Start treatment next Wednesday 1st I’m having Herceptin and pertuzumad then chemo Thursday carboplatin and docetaxel xxx

Good news Sam x

Well my pre chemo apt went well today. Nurses were very reasuuring and matter of fact. They listened to my questions and understood my feeling anxious! I then got my wig while there and wore it all afternoonj ust to see how people reacted! I went to my nieces birthday tea and nobody noticed! Anyway the house is cleaned, fridges are full and i have everything i need! Heres to tomorrow. Hope everyone is feeling ok xxx

Oh yes i was surprised when my bcn said today that i could work through treatment if i felt up to it! Might not go that far though! Xc

Ali I have been told I cannot go to work as I work in a school x jencat have they told you that you need to be off too ? X

Evening ladies sounds like quite a few of you have got the ball rolling with treatment plans and test results coming in all over the place ,sam l hope you manage to take everything in at the pace thats right for you and you have someone close by to lean on ,i am still a little bit in limbo till i get my seroma sorted and surgery results on mon ,hpefully the margin was cancer free ,so then onto radio and gene testing on the 10th nov xx

Also suew i love a good  fri 13th? , when people expect the worst  it usually ends up being suprisingly just the opposite and that cant be bad eh x

I am going into school Friday just to visit they doing a Macmillan cake sale x surprisingly I feel anxious about that hope I cope ok with all the staff (they best not be crying like they was when I told them about bc) and I am expecting loads of kids to ask why I am not at school …, I might tell th they have wore me out so I need a break lol as teenagers they get my warped sense of humour ??

Noni am definitely not going near the k8ds - they never was their hands! Too many germs and especially in the winter. Xx

Morning all x
Have a good day

Hi im new to bc have my op monday 1nd oct getting a little scared now anyone got any advice to give me

Hi caz sorry to see you here but welcome
From personal experience I found keeping myself busy distracted me (at least for the main part) though I won’t lie it does lurk in the back of your mind.
I had trouble sleeping and found 3am a lonely place x boots lavender sleep spray and dream cream by lush helped
I also took kalms (but check with your bc team first)
Mostly take a deep breath and look after yourself unfortunately it is a tough time but once you are on your way through treatment it does get better. The support of the ladies on here is invaluable, keep posting to us and I am sure someone else will be along shortly to answer you too x big hug ?

Hi Cazbo welcome to the forum. When i had my op i was truly terrified as i had mever had an op before. I can honestly tell you there was no need to be scared. The staff were fantastic from start to finish. Are you having a lumpectomy? You will be in really good hands xxx

Caz I agree with ali
I had 2 ops and both times consultant came to see me whilst on ward to reassure me the nursing staff were fab and also the cup of coffee in resuss was the most welcome cup of coffee I ever had ?x