Recently diagnosed

Hi cazboo,

 I would just like to say to you, im the biggest woosh in the world, i had my op in july, i hadnt had an op since i was 9 years old, and i was very anxious, the team were amazing ,  i think i was more worried about being put to sleep , but when the time came, they gave me something to breath and it was the best stuff out i just didnt care ,  when  i woke i actually wondered why i was so worried . Then i went through a feeling of feeling very proud of my self, You will be well looked after, big hugs to you xx


Lose clothing after, easy to change into, with button up front as lady bowerr suggested, also if you are on a special diet, im gluten free, hospital had nothing for me and wouldnt allow me to leave untill i ate a little something so i had to send hubby to find something, if  i ever have to have another op i would take something gluten free.

Caz just to add I bought post surgery Brad from Asda ordered on website to be delivered to local store 2 for £15 no bones and very soft well worth the money x

Bra not Brad autocorrect lol x

Evening caz , had my op 2 weeks ago today , i was so surprised how smoothly it went , i am the biggest worrier/overthinker !  This time next week it will be done ?

Glad to hear you going well sask x

Hi sask
Did you have a drain after op ?
Is the draining painful?
I still numb under my arm x

Evening Jen
Ali has posted on October chemo thread
Not seen ck tonight
You ok? X

Thanks Jencat. It was fine. Feeling tired now so hoping for a good sleep. Hope you are ok too xx

Ali hope you have a good nights sleep x



I’ve been toid I will defintely need chemo, radiotherapy and herceptin after my lumpectomy next week.


Does everyone lose their hair? Did you buy wigs before you lost your hair? Not sure whether I need to start preparing for this.


Some advice would be much appreciated. x

I was told I will lose my hair (I believe everyone does) I have taken back a bit of control my hair is currently bright pink for bc awareness and I am braving the shave on 9th Oct before I start chemo on 13th I have got wigs in advance but make sure you get proper hair loss wigs rather than fashion wigs and most authorities offer a voucher towards the wig your bc nurses should be able to tell you what your authority do x good luck with lumpectomy i actually found it much easier than I anticipated x keep us posted x

Yes then radiotherapy after im not scard of being put to sleep it the thought the lump is bigger than they thought

Caz sometimes things do change with lump removal and lymph node removal but trust in that your team will do what is best for your individual bc x

Hi Rabbit
Nearly all my hair come out now and 2nd cycle of chemo yesterday. Hats, wigs, satin night caps a must to be in control!
I had my hair cut in 3 stages to just get used to it short the last one being a number 2 with clippers to avoid shving as I have sensitive skin so easy to have cuts and coyld cause infection.
I am putting coconut wax on my bare gead now to protect the follicles. Breast cancer drugs do make us all lise our hair unless you use cild cap and that is 50/50 guarenteexx

Just thought i would add in that my mum ( that i sadly did lose in 1997to bc) had loads of chemo ,and we decided that i would chop her long dark hair off in preperation  ,thing was she it didnt even thin much let alone lose it completely !!! Needless to say , i dont think she ever forgave me lol ! (She did ask me in my deffence)the only thing we noticed was that her fingernails got slightly thinner .x

Just thought i would add in that my mum ( that i sadly did lose in 1997to bc) had loads of chemo ,and we decided that i would chop her long dark hair off in preperation  ,thing was she it didnt even thin much let alone lose it completely !!! Needless to say , i dont think she ever forgave me lol ! (She did ask me in my deffence)the only thing we noticed was that her fingernails got slightly thinner .x

Hi sask I had a drain which they left in for 9 days ( I bought a drain Dollie bag) when they took mine out it was still filling to 100 ml in 24 hours fortunately I didn’t have a problem when drain was removed
My op was 7th September but area still numb but I have done my exercises and can now reach almost to were it was before
No drain on lumpectomy but had drain on axillary clearance x
Hope you now settle down Sask and it doesn’t refill x

Bell has been well and truly rung today!! Woo hoo???


Couldn’t use super vein but another vein was found at first attempt. Have hardly had time to get used to the idea that chemo is finished as straight into discussions about surgery. Pre-assessment for SNLB and lots of leaflets to read plus large pack from the hospital re reconstruction options and handbooks about the recovery including a DVD. So lots to read tomorrow- I am absolutely shattered now.


Fantastic news Jay you must be ecstatic and so relieved, so pleased for you


treehouse - not long now for you, are you having immediate reconstruction too? Sorry I’m losing track with where we all are. It all seems to be moving so fast now


Great poem Mai, how did you get it published? The irony though, bearing in mind what’s happened now!

Sorry this was supposed to be in the May starters thread. I 've had a long day!!!

Gosh was that your normal gp as my bc nurses said to only go to them if there was a problem not normal gp x
Wishing you s speedy recovery x