Recently diagnosed

Thanks I’m sat here now thinking the worse again,it’s so hard stage 1 Grade 3 Er+ HER2+ is all I no until I see my doc next Friday to sort treatment,yes I did doctor Google again! Which I shouldn’t but can’t help it! I’ve just turned 34 and feel like that’s it,I’ve heard HER2+ isn’t good please can some1 just give me abit of reassurance or the truth xx

I’m hoping that once my plan of treatment is in place I’ll feel a lot better,but I look at my daughter ( 15 ) with a brave face telling her I’m fine x

Hi Sam

It’s been diagnosed as stage 1 which is great news. The other bits just basically tell the medical team how best to deal with your type of cancer. I haven’t been given a stage and Her2 hasn’t been mentioned to be but I have been told it’s fuel by oestrogen. I am 34 and have so far has 2 lots of biopsies, mammogram, ultrasound, CT scan and a bone scan. I’m waiting for an appointment for a PET scan. All to correctly determine how best they can tailor the treatment for me. I have been assured that this is still curable.

I think we can often get bogged down with all the technical terms. Please don’t ever Google anything. The info is old and often written by people who don’t really know what they’re talking about. If you need to ask someone then speak to you BC nurse. If you Google ‘small cut on finger’ it’ll probably tell you that your arm will need cutting off.

You will be fine. Believe it yourself. I am a strong believer that positive thinking makes a lot of difference. Try practicing mindfulness or meditation to calm your nerves.

Big hugs xx

Thankyou I had 2 biopsy and a lymph node biopsy my underarm lymph node is cancer to but is going to be removed aswell as the lump after I’ve had chemo,like u say all the other stuff is for the docs to know what there dealing with and treatment to give,hope u get ur results soon and thanks for the reassurance x

I have lymph nodes which are affected to. This means they are doing chemo before surgery to zap anything which might be loitering around. I think by the sound of it that’s what your treatment plan is too?

It’s a scary time and it doesn’t take much for our minds to go into overdrive. I was a mess on Thursday before I got my scan results. They confirmed that the cancer hadn’t spread which was a huge relief. I had practically convinced myself that it had.

When is your next appointment Sam? Do you have your first oncology appointment yet? I have my first meeting with the oncologist on 14th September. Still waiting for a date for my pet scan. No idea when that will be.

The doctor explained to me that having another couple of weeks before treatment won’t make a difference to the diagnosis or anything. If they were seriously concerned you d be having treatment already. As it is that have to ensure that they have the right treatment for the type of BC that you have. Which for us means more tests. A frustrating time but means the treatment has best chance of getting rid of the BC and letting us get back to our normal lives.

Cassie x

Hi Cassie I’m seeing my sergeon again Friday 15th then oncologist 26th September so hopefully after that treatment will start xx

So i have joined the club i never wanted to be in ! I lost my mum when i was 22 to to breast  cancer and was diagnosed on the 21st aug i am 43 ,i have stage grade 3 and surgery is on weds .am also being gene test and feel like its hitting me now .i dont want this to be real 

Hi Sask,
Although obviously, you don’t want to be here but glad you found us & sorry to hear about you’re mum.
What you describe on being diagnosed is common to all of us, as getting a diagnosis is always a such a shock, but at least it can now be dealt with.
There is loads of support here, so do come & chat whenever you need to, there is also the bcc helpline if you need to talk things through as well as any information you need on the main bcc site.
sending hugs
ann x

Sask I don’t like to say welcome to new people as I would rather no one was here however you are welcome and if you look through some of the posts you will see lots of our conversations are not bc related so hop on board any post and join this crazy train. Rant rave laugh cry etc whatever you need we are in it together x

Hi Sam. That’s great at least you have dates in the diary. I find I feel better when I have dates so I’ve got something I’m aiming for. Not looking too far ahead is always a help. Concentrate on the time between now and your next appointment.

Hi Sask. It’s great you found this forum. I was diagnosed on 17th August, just before you. So I know exactly how you feel. I never expected to be going through this at 34. But unfortunately that’s reality so the beat thing I can do it think positively and take each day one step at a time. There are good days and bad days. On your good days make the most of everything moment. On your bad days make sure you have a partner/relative/friend you can lean on for support. Accept that you will have bad days and don’t beat yourself up about it.

Big hugs x

Thank you for letting me know i am not alone ?.my sugery went well ,so recovery from that then onto the next stage xx

Sask so happy to hear from you we do like to know each other is okay x
Did you stay in overnight or you now at home x

Having a bad day today,Hi everyone just need someone to talk to and keep my sane,this cancer I have I doing my head in I know a lot of people have the same but I’m still worried,I’m not ready to go anywhere yet,I’m so scared that I am…I’ve got invasive ductal carcinoma HER2+ and 1 affected lymph node,not even seen oncologist yet 26th September im there! I just want it gone and be normal again ( if that will ever happen ) please help xx

Hi Sam. Sorry you’re having a bad day. We all get them. Sometimes my mood can change hourly. I’m still working and I can be sat minding my own business when it hits me like a ton of bricks out of no where. Most days I’m ok and ready to kick some ass! At least you’ve got a date to see you oncologist I found I felt so much better once I got the oncology letter through which is booked for this afternoon.

I can’t tell you not to worry about it because we all know that’s never going to happen. Try and distract yourself though to ease the stress. Go out with your friends and family and enjoy yourself.

Cassie x

Sam so sorry to hear this but as Cassie said it happens to all of us
I took kalms when I was waiting as they are herbal and did seem to lower my anxiety levels A little bit but if you are going to take them just check with you bc nurse that it will be okay x
Cassie hope all goes well this afternoon x let us know x

Sam it is just a bad day and you can get through it. Today i have been cleaning bedrooms and being ruthless throwing things away. Is there something you could do to take your mind off things? The waiting is absolutely the worst part of this process and our minds lead us up and down many paths!! You can always phone the nurses on here or phone your own BCN. I have the same as you without the lymph node involvement. We can get through this xx

Thanks everyone I was having a bad few hrs but I seem to have brightened up now I’m home from work,I’ve just been and collected my wig ( incase cold cap don’t work ) x

Good on you Sam x glad to hear you are feeling better x

Having a bad day today, I was supposed to get the results from the oncotype test tomorrow but they have cancelled the appointment till next week as they don’t have the results back yet. To top it all off I’ve had a cough the last few days which is starting to worry me. Should I mention this to my nurse or wait and see how it goes? It’s like one mad roller coaster ride at the minute!

Runnerbean how bloody frustrating x