Recently diagnosed

Runnerbean its the season for coughs but everything makes us worry. Sorry about your apt being cancelled - its a pain!!

Hi everyone,I saw my sergeon yesterday he filled me in on what’s going to be happening! 6 sessions of chemo over 18weeks,Then lumpectomy and lymph node removal,Then Radiotherapy,then a year of injections 1 a month followed by 10years on tablets? This sound normal? I’m also worrying now that it could of spread knowing my lymph node is affected,surely they should be giving me more tests or scans to see? All I’m having now before I see oncologist is Heart scan as I’m HER2 positive and a clip inserted to my breast as I’m having chemo before surgery ( so lump might shrink ) so please help if you can thanks Sam xxx

Hi everyone,I saw my sergeon yesterday he filled me in on what’s going to be happening! 6 sessions of chemo over 18weeks,Then lumpectomy and lymph node removal,Then Radiotherapy,then a year of injections 1 a month followed by 10years on tablets? This sound normal? I have Invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer 3cm lump in right breast! Breast nurse said Stage 1 Grade 3 ( aggressive) I’m also worrying now that it could of spread knowing my underarm lymph node is affected,surely they should be giving me more tests or scans to see? All I’m having now before I see oncologist is Heart scan as I’m HER2 positive and a clip inserted to my breast as I’m having chemo before surgery ( so lump might shrink ) I can’t contact anyone as breast nurses arnt available till Monday! I’m so scared overthinking again…has anyone else had a node affected and not had scans and it’s not spread? Surely they must no by results?? Help please!!! Sorry to keep posting and asking questions Sam xx

Hi Sam and Ali
I think we are all similar diagnosis! I am Grade 2 Invasive and non invasive Ductal BC Her2+ ER+! I have had a lumpectomy 3cm out and one lymph node and still pre cancerous cells on margins so another op after 3xEC and 3xDoc 18 months Herceptin and 15 Rads followed by 10 years Tamoxifen which may change in 5/6 years!

Rhis seems to be standard treatment for our diagnosis but Sam try not to worry roo my. Owe are in the hands of the professionals and they all discus to see what treatment is best for our diagnosis! Even though treatment seems similar we are all different and we need to trust what they advise us is the best. If you can trust your team then you will feel more reassured and treatment will be better. Write down all questions you need to ask as when you are face to face you tend to forget what you wanted to ask as your mind will be concentrating on what they are saying. Breast cancer is one of the easiest to cure and treatments are so advanced nowadays.
I know it’s difficult not to worry but try to relax until you next chat to them on

Thanks CK x

Hi Sam how you feeling this morning x

Hi SueW a lot better then yesterday thanks,I think once treatment starts I should be ok,it’s the overthinking and what’s if it’s spread gets me every time xx

Let’s hope you have a better day try and keep busy to distract yourself x well that works for me anyway x

Thanks I’m trying x

Thanks jencat that’s the thing I’m not having any scans? This is mainly the reason I’m worrying! Well I haven’t been told I am,just a Heart scan before I start chemo as I’m having Herceptin with being HER2 positive,I’ll ring my breast care nurse tomorrow xx

Did they tell you had 3 nodes affected with ultrasound? Xxx

Morning everyone x hope you all had a lovely sleep and have got your positive heads on (that just reminded me of Worzel Gummidge and his different heads) xx

Ok thanks I’m having chemo 1st so hopefully they will tell then x

Hi Sue and everyone.
Having PET scan this afternoon so 2.5 hours into 6 hours of no food. Hungry already. Appointment for mri scan has come through for Tuesday next week.

I’m wondering if I can get copies of all these scans. I’m pretty sure if I fed all the information into a 3d printer i could recreate myself several times over. Send one to work, one can clean the house etc so I can just chill out. I told my husband of this plan. For some reason he started complaining of heart palpitations and requested I take him to A&E. I’m not sure he liked the idea.

Remember everyone: Always be yourself. Unless you can be a unicorn, then always be a unicorn.

Cassie x

Good luck with your scan Cassie .3D you -good idea !!!

Cassie good luck with scan x
Sam hope you are feeling positive today x
Jen are you st work x
Ck how are you feeling and how I hair loss x
Cathy hope you are healing well x
Ali how are you x
Sorry if I have forgot anyone or if you have posted on other threads xxx

Suew i am well impressed with your memory! How are you doing? I am good today. Been to the dentist and had my teeth cleaned and been for my very first flu jab - its all Rock n Roll!!
Good luck with your scan Cassie. I love that 3d idea - how amazing would it be to have a different one of us to do all the different things we do!!
I am off to try wigs with the kids today and then my sis in law is taking me to see Dirty Dancing!!
Hope everyone is ok and coping today xxc

I’m not feeling to bad thanks,can I just ask is it your oncologist that organises scans incase of spread? As I rang a nurse this morning worried about this and she was so snotty I could of cried! I’m still thinking the what if it’s spread as it’s in a lymph node and I’ve had no scans yet! Not seen an oncologist yet either,26th I am…not helped with just watching loose woman with Linda Nolans BC story xx

Sam i just turn things off and dont watch! Dont watch things that make you stressed - everyones journey is different and individual! I think i had scans because last year i had DCIS, 2 ops and 15 radiotherapy shots. My consultant sent me for the scans but last year i didnt have any scans. My diagnosis this year is being treated as a new diagnosis. Why was the nurse snotty with you?

The waiting really is the hardest part of all.0f this Sam x