Recently diagnosed

Thanks people,she was snotty as I said about my sergeon would he do scans if he thought it had spread or to check? She just replied " listen your oncology appointment is next week ask the questions then! So obviously that’s worried me more! I’m having chemo 1st then surgery x

My BCN will be available tomorrow so i will ring her then Thanks this waiting for treatment is a nightmare it’s been 2weeks since diagnosis but feels like months x

Enjoy Dirty Dancing Ali. I’m off to see West side story with mum on Friday.

Scan was fine for anyone who needs a PET scan. Just like a CT scan but takes about 20 minutes. Worse part is fasting for 6 hours and only being allowed water. Am now back on lemonade and will be eating Apple crumble very shortly.

Sam, my CT and bone scan wee requested by my doctor. My oncologist requested the PET scan and MRI. There will be nothing they don’t know about my body after this! I don’t mind the scans but just want to get on with treatment now which commenced on 28th September. It sounds weird but I’m a little excited about it as I’m fed up of waiting and want to get it started now. It’s the beginning of the end for the cancer!

Cassie x

Evening all, I was also wondering why I haven’t had any scans. My surgeon never mentioned it and I have seen the oncologist yet as they cancelled my last appointment as my oncotype test isn’t back yet. Is this something they do with positive nodes as mine were clear? I’m fed up of all this waiting around now I just want to get on with it! xx

Hi runnerbean. My tests were done as there were a couple to affected lymph nodes under my arm and also one in the middle of my chest. I don’t think you have to go through them if you lymoh nodes are clear. I know what you mean about the waiting. It’s been a month since diagnosis now. Time to get cracking!

Thanks whytefawn. I was also diagnosed 4 weeks ago and had surgery within a few days and am just hanging about now waiting for whatever comes next. I have my oncology appointment on Friday then hopefully I will know what my treatment plan is Xx

Same waiting is horrible! I’ve still no date for chemo to start! Was diagnosed 2weeks ago! Just want treatment to start to kill this C oncologist next week so fingers crossed! I was told due to only having 1 node affected I may not need scans ect as ultrasound would of picked up any others? This sound right? X

Hi all I have appointment with surgeon on Wednesday for axillary clearance results (though results will have no impact on treatment) then told my onco will be approx 2 weeks after that then chemo approx 2 weeks after that so back to this fortnightly cycle. Sam I wasn’t sent for any scans til it was discovered in lymph nodes so if you need a scan they wil send you xx
Cassie glad scan was okay x
Jen glad you enjoyed spending time with little people x
Ali do they recommend everyone has dental and flu jab before chemo x
Oh and evening all lol ??

Thanks SueW waiting on appointment for heart scan b4 I start having Herceptin x

I was advised to have flu jab as nearest to chemo as possible. Good luck for Weds.xx

Totally agree. The sooner you start the sooner you are well again! In the meantime get your Chemo hamper ready.xx

We all go through similar steps and just want treatment plan and treatment to start as its the start to recovery. I had to wait 3 weeks from seeing onc until treatme t started so it gave me time to prepare wigs, hats and my chemo hamper. Then to see friends b4 it started. Maybe visit Maggie’s Centre in the meantime and get your free hat and go to a few of their sessions and book in for Look Good Feel Good coursexx.

I read about getting a dental check and i asked my 9nc about flu jab. She said to get it before or once chemo has started. I got it in my lacal pharmacy as docs surgery will not have them til october. I am feeling a lot better this week - my bcn asked someone going through chemo to get in touch with me and chatting with her has helped a lot - Thank God! Going to see onc tomorrow for heart scan results and to finalise chemo start date. Good night God bless everyone xxx

Just seen you on another thread Ali! Good luck for tomorrow and you will feel a whole lot better once you have your treatment plan. Keep us

Good luck Ali

I’m still waiting to see oncologist next Tuesday is my 1st appointment still no appointment for heart scan! Whys it taking forever x

Morning Ali hope it goes well today x
Morning ck snd Sam and everyone else on this thread have a great day xx

All went well with Onc this morning. Heart scan and blood test results all really good so treatment begins next Wed, 27th at 10am! Gulp!! Hope everyone is ok today xx

Fab news Ali

I’m having a good day today ( yay ) xx

Great news Ali you must be relieved to start treatment as although we all know treatment can be tough it means we are closer to cure xx
Sam so glad you have had/are having a better day x

Hi everyone,


I’m joining this thread as a newbie, diagnosed on 7 September and seeing the oncologist tomorrow.  I’ve read so much stuff on the forum and learned so much too.  Really glad to be able to lean in to what people are sharing - thank you all.


It’s a real roller-coaster, isn’t it? Apart from the sort of floaty, not-quite-connected state of physical shock, my worst moment was when I thought the bone scanner thing was going to squish me last Friday. Looking back, of course it must have a zillion built-in safeguards, but at the time, it felt like my number was up.  Anyone heading for a bone scan, it really won’t squish you - it will be completely and absolutely fine!


My first experience of BC was when my grannie reached inside her blouse and then plopped her prosthesis suddenly into my 9-year-old hand.  My longest experience of BC is my mum, who’s had most kinds of treatment and surgery between the early 1980s to late 2000s. She’s 89 now and pretty fit.


I have my tough pants ready for 9.30 tomorrow morning but offers of spares could be welcome too!  All the best to you all.



Sue S welcome. You have come to the right place! You can do this x Sam glad you are having a good day. Jencat my first appointment with onc lasted almost an hour i think. I asked lots of questions… today it was about 20 mins. Good luck tomorrow xcc

Hi sue, sorry you have had to join us but welcome anyway. I was diagnosed 4 weeks ago and have had a lumpectomy and sentinel node and am now waiting for the results of my oncotype test on Friday to see if I need chemo. It is a rollercoaster, I find all the waiting for appointments the hardest. we are all a lot stronger than we think and will get through it in our own ways and of course with the help of the toughpants! xx