Recently diagnosed

Hi Sue S. Sorry you’ve ended up here but lovely to meet you.

I know exactly what you mean with the bone scan. You’re laid there thinking it’ll stop now and it keeps going. I found I was pushing my head back into the pillow as it got closer lol. But yes anyone due to have one don’t worry you don’t get squished and it’s absolutely fine. Quite enjoying my little 20 minute chill out times when I have scans. Got an mri on Tuesday so more lay down time due.

Cassie x

Welcome Sue S this forum is brilliant and has lots of lovely lady’s here to help! They’ve put up with my rants,crys,questions ect!

I got my wig cut today and looks absolutely beautiful! I’m using cold cap but I’ve got it just incase…

thanks Ali I’ve to go and get my clip inserted Friday in my breast…so it’s all go now I think xx

Thanks jencat…I would upload but not sure how ? X

Lots of Sue’s!!! Maybe we should all change our names to Sue just to take things easier lol.

Evening all x sue sorry to see you here but welcome to the crazy gang as time goes on you will realise not all our posts are bc related and we have s giggle too
Jen good luck for tomorrow x
Cassie lots of Sue’s lol bet we are all similar age not many youngsters called Susan all the ones I know are in my age range (50)
So everyone hope you have managed a good day and all have a restful sleep
Hugs ? to all x

Hi SueW
Thanks for the mention. I’ve been out all day with mum and got my Dunelm Mill V pillow thanks! And of course…much more!!!xx

Good news Ali
Now let’s get better together. Both of us have treatment next

Good news too and well done for such a good op


Ck I love reading your chemo posts makes me so much more prepared for what I got to come x keep it up … your attitude rocks! Xx

Likewise SueW
You make me chuckle which I need and you too share some good advice! I do rant on a bit but it’s so nice to share anything which could be of help to any of us. Just like the pillow, I remembered and was going past so went and got it. I know Ali said Matalan has them too so may go and get one from there for my mum after she’s seen how comfy I look!!!xxx

I’ve always had a v pillow to sit up in bed and wa t h TV Jencat but it’s 20 years old!!!??from when I was pregnant. I have washed it once or twice??
It’s a bit like a kiddies toy you never through away.
Rhis one is spook much more comfy as its obviously softer, the old one has gone hard like a sock you never change and wear inside out??

I love my v pillow don’t know how I coped without one previously everyone should have a v pillow in their life ?
I know what you mean about special occasions Jen my son is 21 on 29th September but unlikely I will have started chemo by then do should be okay
I got tickets for a reggae concert on 26th December so hope that fits in well with chemo
I also have a holiday booked to Benidorm on 3nd January there should be 7 of us going so I hope I can still go but I have told the others if I can’t they should carry on without me xx

Concert is 16 th not 26 th x typo

So yesterday hubby bought me a present …, a travel mug. I was a little confused as to why but this morning all became clear he has to leave early for work and I woke up to a lovely hot cup of :coffee: coffee in my new travel mug. Love that man loads sometimes the small stuff is so much better than big extravagant gestures xxx

Are partners are the best,I’ve not started chemo yet but hopefully will have a start date Tuesday when I meet with the oncologist for the 1st time,what am I going to expect when I meet them? X

Can’t answer that one Sam I got consultant today at 3 for results of lymph node clearance results but not met onco team yet will be approx 2 weeks I believe x
How you feeling today?

I’m feeling ok feeling more positive now,chemo 1st then op so hopefully it will be all go from next week,how are you SueW? Good luck today xx

Good luck Sue with your results today .

I am fine thank you just keeping busy now I can move my arm more freely and I can drive again in a week yay x

Sam meant to say you can upload pictures on a laptop but haven’t found a way to do it on phone or tablet x