September 2024 chemo starters

@sez yes that’s what it is. I was fine until the 7th one .

@galdiolus i am 3 x ec and 3 x 3 dox and having 7 injections.
. I can’t believe there is 1 injection . Everyone should have that but Apperently it’s a cost thing !

@epic1 I am doing cycle 2 on Monday 3 rounds of EC and 3 x T and I have 5 injections. So it looks like we’ve got different drug regimen then.

How are you getting on with the cystitis? I’m not a happy bunny at all, just want to sit in a warm bath. My temperature is fine so oncology have said I can try those sachets to try combat it. If it doesn’t clear up after those I’ll probably need antibiotics :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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@sharlou its seems a little better today, I drank 3 litres of water yesterday!!!
Hope you start to feel better soon. Xxx

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@epic1 I had the pegfilgrastim injection. It must be standard at my unit. I took it at lunch time the day after treatment and the following evening I had a really sore neck/shoulders/upper back which I took paracetamol for and went to bed. The pains were gone the next day. I did also have some kind of reaction to something on days 2&3 which I thought was either the chemo or the anti sickness meds, but I guess it could equally have been the injection. I went all flushed red but the helpline advised antihistamines and it settled.

I know, it’s strange isn’t it? I see others talking about several days of steroids but I was only given them at the time of treatment, with none for home :woman_shrugging:t2: I’m not surprised things are different over here in NI but I would’ve thought things would be standardised in England which doesn’t seem to be the case either.

My steroids were the same as you only on the day of chemo. It seems there are no similarities wherever we are, reading what we all write on here.

I had 5 days steroids (one day before chemo) 7 days injection and 3 days anti sickness.
Everywhere is so different. I wonder what the guidelines say?

You can Google the guidelines. I googled “Nice guidelines for HER2 breast cancer” and it all comes up. Even so, I still think they vary it according to how you react, age, comorbidities, pre or post menopause etc.

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Mind you they’re not in layman’s language.

Hows everyone hanging on in there? Lots of talk of hair woes :confused: Day 6 post Ec round 2 and mines shedding thick and fast. Thin generally, no bald patches :tired_face: i had it cut shoulder length but now I’m thinking I need to go shorter as it’s driving me mad. My thinking being it will easier to manage under wigs, scarves, hats and also when it grows back in will be easier to match in and style. Thoughts :thinking:
Ive booked in my wig consultation 2 weeks time. A friend coming with me who has been a wig wearer due to alopecia so her input will be useful.


That’s what I did and so far so good. Last time I had a no.8 but I hope to keep it short. I’ve had 5 Paclitaxol now (5th yesterday) and probably will lose more but it’s quite thick anyway. I’m using the cold cap. I couldn’t face it matting and it’s highlighted so I struggled to get a comb through it anyway. It used to be greasy but isn’t now but that’s age related and I’ve been on Letrozole 5/6 years too.


Yes, thankfully i started out with thick hair too, but im begining to panic a bit now. Having a wobble. So little that we can control but i thought maybe taking the bull by the horns and owning it may help.
I hate short hair, always had it long apart from when my mum hacked it off when i was 12 and got nits :rofl: but i think it will be easier.
The irony is ive not lost hair anywhere else. I had to shave my legs last night ffs


Well you could carry on and hope for the best. I couldn’t decide what to do for ages. It’s so easy to look after and it means 1 less worry. People do keep their long hair though using a cold cap. When mine matted I hadn’t been doing anything to it since I had coldcapped. You can leave it a day but I left it 2 days thinking that was OK before rining it. I now comb it twice a day or brush it with a detangling comb/brush. I wash it twice a week in water that is cooler than normal and use dry wash spray inbetween. I do it on chemo day in the basin and in the shower. I have baths now every day so it doesn’t get wet. I also have a silk pillowcase as that can pull it out.
I still have hairs on my legs etc. Too. Ha.


Yes lots of shed here (it’s been significant amounts since Wednesday). It’s surprising how much of a (negative) difference it’s made to my mental state & general mood. I feel much less positive now. Also experiencing side effects from (I assume) the blood thinners - a rash on my face started the morning after I took my first blood thinning injection. Cant be a brand new chemo side effect on day 16 of my cycle surely? It’s in a straight line & looks a bit like a birthmark. My team didn’t seem too bothered & just said to keep an eye on it.

No hair loss anywhere else here either :triumph: altho I would have expected my brows to have grown a lot more than they have by now

The matting is insane! I have been combine with a wide tooth comb in the AM & before bed, silk pillowcase & loosely putting it in a silk scrunchy before sleep but yesterday woke up to a huge mat in the back of it. :pensive:

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Thankfully ive had no matting. Gently comb morning and night, wash once a week. I wash day before cold cap and have left it since. Needs a wash now but dreading it. Using silk cap ( which is moving about like a prick in a top hat now my hairs so thin! ) and a silk pillowcase.
Also effecting my mood, which is why I thought I’d try to take a bit of control back over it.
Apart from that not fairing too badly. Sore throat today (day 6) and a bit of heartburn and constipation.


Mine is getting very thin but not so thin other people notice it. Unless they’re just saying that to reassure me which I can’t rule out. I’ve been too mean to pay for a proper hair cut as it’s going to fall out anyway so I’ve just been hacking bits off round the front to tidy it up. I bought a wig but it’s horrible and uncomfortable and I know I’ll never wear it.

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Not too bad here. Making the most of an extra week of feeling relatively human due to delayed treatment!

I have three big bald patches now and it’s still shedding despite being cropped. I have very thick hair and I think that’s part of the reason why it affected me so much because it looked and felt SO different. It triggered a morbid fear of looking like Michelle Pfeiffer in Stardust…you know when she goes back to being an old crone and she’s got a few strands combed over her scalp with lank, straggly lengths? :rofl:

It will grow back ladies. So hard right now but we shall prevail! :heavy_heart_exclamation: