Snow Watch!

We’ve got it in Derby now … Our daft cat is running around the garden shouting at the snow … His brother is sat on the radiator (clever cat!)

Snow hasn’t reached the SE yet… but I am preparing myself!!!
Just cooked a small stirfry and the lid fell off the chilli pot…
Wow, am I feeling warm!
Might just nip out without my coat to cool down or suck on an ice cube!???!

Hope everyone is keeping warm and toasty…

No snow in Hertfordshire yet, but just cooked a lovely hot chilli for this evening

Just started snowing in Farnham, Surrey!!
I’ve lit the fire, got some soup cooking …not going anywhere!!

Can’t wait! We’ve got a roaring fire, glass of red and rugby on TV - bliss!


M6 through Birmingham is a slushy mess. M5 similar, not reached the M42 yet. Been snowing non stop since this afternoon. Not looking like stopping anytime soon!

Twinky * * *

Just driven home from Milton Keynes where it had started to snow, through Olney and home to Turvey where it had been snowing while we were out but has now almost stopped. Somehow I don’t think that’ll be the last of it…

So that’s Bucks and Beds to add to the list!

Jane xxx

Edit - snowing harder now.

Snowing in oxfordshire now, only light covering but its snowing steadily…

Perhaps I will get my trip down the slopes :o)

Clare xxx

Snow not reached London yet.
Kids are pressed up at the window eagerly waiting.

No snow here, just ice cold rain (Preston, Lancs) - was soooooo looking forward to some of the white fluffy stuff, big kid that I am!! And yes, LL Lisa, heard ‘too cold to snow’ many times, lol x

We’ve been in Berkshire, Surrey and Hants today - not as long a trek as you’d imagine though. No snow in Berkshire but started in Surrey about an hour ago, very light dusting. Got home to Hants and, again, a very light dusting but salted the driveway anyway as we can’t go anywhere on our ungritted lane if we can’t get out of the driveway!
Nicky x

Hi Clare

I how that you will! On the M42 now and the outside lane is barely passable. Not reached the M40 yet. Still snowing very hard.

Twinky x

Light dusting in North Wiltshire now! That bottle of Mulled Wine left over from Xmas looks tempting but I am doing Slimming World at the moment…

On the M40 heading south now. Road on a bad way, down to mainly single lane traffic. I hasten to add it’s hubby driving not me, hence the ability to post on the move!

This must be heading down into Oxfordshire then. Watch out ladies.

Twinky x x

Now snowing in central London!

Hi Twinky,
Hope you are nearly home…sounds like its following you down to Warwickshire. I am about 20 miles from there. Snowing steadily but not big flakes…
Keep safe, glad ur not posting when driving lol

Clare xxx

Started snowing about 1pm.

10cms of snow in Buxton now. Brrr


Just started snowing in SE London.
Twinky you home yet?

Snowing here now, between guildford and epsom.

I think the snow has passed us over…as usual in Chester! It has poured constantly all day - we won’t be sledging here Tomorrow, it’ll be ice skating instead. As a compromise we have some beautiful icicles hanging from our window sills, even the wheely bins are decorated with stalactites of ice! For those of you who like snow! (I love it!)and are lucky enough to have some hope you have some lovely snowy walks/fun in the snow.