sorry if i rant!!!

thanks honeybee,wasnt to bothered but lower cut givin me obit of gyp cos like u quite big and i just cant wear a bra due 2 position of cut,got a tightish fittin vest top with built in support so gona try that in mo need a bit of uplift to get some air 2 it! glad ur feeling bit better,hard with kids i know not bein able 2 what u always do.still,dont overdo things and rest up b4 the lil darlings break up!lots of love alex xxx

hiya Alex and Maz, my WLE was as you know 4 weeks ago and the bit where I had cut was also along the top about 2" or so, but the cuts 4 SNB not quite under the arm, certainly not in the pit quite close to the edge of boob, so could it be that you had one cut for WLE and one for SNB? depending where the problamatic tissue was, if near the armpit area maybe for some could do both jobs with one cut?? no idea really just rambling??? My arm/pit/shoulder really sore and I I feel lousy with the cold!! and an horrendous sore throat prob part op and part horrid dry cough!! Boy am I feelin sorry for myself eh? now… well it’s just started that time of the month as well, phew!!! I wish my body would give me a break! It was however great seeing my team in scotland the prof was fantastic, My OH felt so much better talking to him he made us feel like everything’s gonna be ok he’s just great!!!it was well worth the 750 miles we did and the ‘few’ qiud it cost a family of 4 for 4 days in Edinburgh!!! Looking forward to stopping sneezing! lots of love Jeanette xxxxxx

hi j,sorry ur feeling so sore and horrid with a cold it must be awful!and travelling with kiddies poor u!i feel bit shite 2 nite,i had snb and wle.snd incision ok but i got 2 incisions on boob and the big one is v sore cos under boob!ok mardy over!!hope u have a peaceful and comfortable evening and ur kiddies go 2 bed early! ha!lots of love alexxx ps il prob be on forum all nite cos i cant sleep! r u listenin honeybee,aka nightowl!!! xxxx

sorry, prob didnt make that clear, snd incision ok, the two on breast giving me probs!didnt expect 2 incisions on breast. trust me 2 get bc in a stoopid area in boob!! xxx

sorry alex your the night owl now lol , i just got me bed back and altho i wake up i dont get up , the last week has cought up with me ,tonight i hope i dont wake cos i really over did it at my daughters cleaning the flat (she moving to a house ) then came home a put the washing out (have loads of it to do catch up )cos noone else will do it and hubby was out shooting ,and i also got a bra that fits lol. tomorrow i will have my grandson (4) just hope the sun is out always have him 1 day aweek so he’ll have me running about never time to get over anything in this house lol but it keeps mind off things hope things start to settle for you breast for me has been ok really unless i bend over its my arm and shoulder that give me crap
again alex sorry i will be around at 6 am tho
night for now xxxxx

Hi Mummysboob,

Not sure why two excisions for a WLE. I certainly have one (long one) but you may well be right thats its to do with where the WLE is. I would ring your BCN and ask them to explain x

Hi. I had my op today, so its been a long long day but so happy to be home. I have been dozing most of the night.
I was originally told there would be two separate incisions, one to remove the lump, one to remove the lymph node. But after surgery the doctor said he had managed to achieve both tasks with one incision, so that will be why.I am in awe of the service I have had from Coventry. One month from detection at a routine mammogram to surgery, with a follow up appt next Thurs for results. Everyone today has been so lovely, holding my hand, telling me exactly what is going to happen. It has more than made up from my initial poor experience in terms of how I was given the results.
And in the last 4 weeks I have gained loads of support from reading on here just how other people have coped. So still worry to go, but I really thought I was going to panic and run from the operating theatre … and I didn’t. (My kids and partner would have dragged me back!)

sjj99 sorry you are with us in the waiting room again worst place to be i know but its almost over think most of us find out our results next week carnt come fast enough for me its been a long few weeks think its 8 in all, its good yr doctor managed to get in and out in just 1 cut, i was told this is wot would happen to me but i have ended up with 2 4inc cuts and in places where you can see them even if you dont want too just hope in time they will fade away but i aint going to hold my breath had op on knees 14 yrs ago and to this day havent worn a skirt or dress ,hope you have a good day today and just rest up its been a week since i had mine and im almost back to myself .
alex you jixing me i been up since 5 am lol
hope you all have a good day and that the sun comes out
tc maz xxx

hi sj99!glad its over 4 u and well done.hope u managed 2 get some sleep.made me smile bout u wantin 2 do a runner from theatre!crossed my mind 2 but the thought of my white bum showing in the extremely flattering theatre as i scarpered down the corridor put paid 2 that!take it easy 2day.i overdid it and it caught up with me last nite.get my results thurs 2.busy wk 4 a few of us nxt but try not 2 dwell on it right now.maz,i jinxed myself,up at stupid o clock watchin crap tv!enjoy ur day with ur grandson. thanks mary grace, will give my bcn a call this morn.enjoy the sunshine alex xxx

I hadn’t thought of that mental image, a white bum and those lovely theatre socks. That is funny. That would be a sight. I wonder if anyone has ever done it.
I have been pretty zonked really since. Dozed mostly since I got home, slept pretty much all through propped up on pillows. I guess the general anaesthetic has not worn off yet, and I remember being told I would be given morphine, so when all that wears off I might feel worse. I feel fragile, and will be taking all advice and not doing too much. I am trying to foget about the results, one thing at a time is enough to get through.
How soon did you start doing the post op exercises that they recommend? It says as soon as possible, does that mean today?
Honeybee sounds like you have gone straight from gentle exercise to major housework. I think we forget that because hospitals chuck you out so quickly these days, that it is still major surgery. I hope you got a good nights sleep.

hi,tbh honest i didnt do exercises til y day and then 4got after 1st lot!the 1st day afer op was stil on bit of a high i think so it didnt really catch up with me til yday.slept betta last nite cos managed 2 drop off on my side with the help of pillow hugging technique(thanx maz)take it easy 2day sjj99,the garden and a good book 2 day methinks,if the bloomin sun decides to get up!(oh and exercises!)lot of love,alex xxx

Morning campers…don’t forget the exercises… Jeanette here, I had OH doing all the housework yesterday, he said he enjoyed it …easy when it’s a novelty thing eh?he he , but I’m not moaning bless him he did it! He’s gone out to work today so I actually get to use the computer! Kids are both back at school after their coughs and colds so it’s just me and the dog and he lives outside …Peace perfect peace , armpit not so sore todat…sneezing stopped…throat still abit sore so all in all I can’t complain…much! Is it next thurs 14th you guys get results??? I think it be tue to thurs for me too , coz I’m 250 miles away prof gonna ring me??? it’s abit more scary coz I don’t know exactly when?? I’ll be jumping every time the phone rings lets all hope for clear nodes!!! I’m hanging on to the fact that nodes were clear on the other side all those years ago!!! Sjj99 nice to meet you, that was afunny vision eh?I too had a vision of an escapee in a theater gown… I got to the hospital with only one slipper!!! and they tell me that theatere is being revamped and it’s a bit of a walk to the other one… now I had packed my stuff the night before and it was in the boot of the car with OH 10 miles away !! the only shoes I had was a pair of very high black stilettoes I had been wearing so I had to travel to the hospital in them and me jeans! I had visions of trotting down hospital corridoors in my flappy theatre gown and black patent leather high heals!!! I was worrying more about that than the SNB!!! I did run round ALL the hospital shops till I hunted down a pair of slippers!!! don’t ask about the slippers??? any way hope you all have realativly good day depending on your circumstances and lets enjoy the weekend the forcast is the hottest spring weekend for 60 years??? dare we believe them? love to all you fellow ranters xxxx Jeanette xxx ps just had to edit this for terrible spelling mistakes…I blame the anaesthetic!!! 2nd edit for mistakes!!!

mornin jeanette,glad ur colds on way kids at skool and oh back at work so im enjoying the peace and quiet for a few hrs.hope ur not 2 sore!i feel lots betta 2 day.washed hair and put a bit of slap on so feelalmost human.thurs the day 4 reslts for me.let us know wen u find out.enjoy the peace while u can and have good day!!lots of love alexxx ps theatre gown and stilletos!!!haha!

Good for you doin yerself up a bit I’m gonna atempt that soon…ironicly it’s the cold that has made me feel more yukky I think ?? Wednesday is a ’ clinic day’ for the prof where turs is a operating day I spoke to his med sec this morn and think it will be wed??? sometime. I’ve got very mixed feelings about it all, I know I’ve got to have the mx but can’t stand the thought of another op just yet? thats two already in 4 weeks!! I REALLY HOPE for clear nodes though, which would prob mean the surgery as soon as it can be scheduled? then tam or something after, depending if the find. something in nodes, then chemo?? not sure if they do chemo anyway if nodes are clear cos of ext LVI…he wasn’t sure, its so up in the air eh??? always waiting and wondering…still by next week we should all have a clearer picture?? I’m going on holiday sept 1st!!! I refuse to be dnied it he he xxxxxxxxxxxx (but got insurance just in case, and because it had been such along time since otherBC I am insured for that too Phew!!!) still waiting for the sunshine??? XXXxXX Jeanette edited again for mistakes1!!!

Just to tell Alex I finally got my half shower/half wash tonight…my little girl stood there lovingly ‘helping’ bless (she is only 7) she kept saying “it is breast cancer you’ve got isn’t it mum? why ? when will it go…coz it went before we wuz born” Bless xxxx goodnight, I’m off to bed! Jeanette xxx

janette i havent told my son and now i know why i would of fell apart if he had said that to me bless your daughter she just gave me a kick up the bum thats for sure, was feeling sorry for my self but when i read that it made me think carnt do sorry got to fight this no matter wot so thank for telling us just wot i needed xxxxx
i almost kicked someone the other day was so mad but had to smile and walk away, ex’s wife stoped me and said how she was thinking of me and that she knowns ill be fine and pull through with all the new and wounderful meds there is ect … she just kept going on , i just wanted to tell her to shut the f up my god she knows nothing if she had just stop at “how are you today” i would of been ok but no she went on and on wouldnt mind but this is the person that told my daughter not to eat veg cos it give you cancer and crap story like that when she was small and to top it all she is 1st exs wife she dont like me i dont like her so why go out her way to be nice ? oh yer i got bc i forgot it make me different in wot way last time i look im still the same still got hair (for now ) only now i got 2 4inc scars i know she was trying to be nice and give me + thoughts but come on it would of been better to be the same and our nomral hi in passing and bi*** once out of ear shot would have done you get wot i mean ok rant over or as my nurse say pukkin lips and panting "clam down and chill out "
hope you have a good day

what a stupid,ignorant woman to say that maz!forget it,shes not worth the effort.and as 4 the veg comment,well!!! what a sweetie ur daughter is j.they r what keep us going.on mon when i was in hosp,my dad picked my 5yr old ud from school.(hadnt told him)on seeing granpa,demanded 2 know where mummy told him in a 5yr old language,to which my lil darling yelled across playground to his best mate"hey daniel,my mums in hospital havin a lump cut off her chest!" saves me explaining 2 the other mums!!! alexxx

lol kids !!!
my son just knows mommy has a poorly boob and he ask every day if it getting better i have to show him the scars ( it high enough up he carnt see full breast )and he can see its healing well all he knows is that the meds mommy will have will make mommy seem poorly but its so mommy will get better im leaving it a that,as for that stupid cow well she is forgotton not wasting my time cos belive me i would knock her into next week but i need my energy lol
hope you feeling better today
sending hugs maz xxxx

EEEEEE first, I was mad for you Maz and you did well to take the moral high ground and be nice,…Dozy mare!!! Alex I’m bannibg you from making me laugh for a couple of days cos this cough once it gets going I’m like an old granny on 40 woodbines a day!!!(or are you too young to remember them , I do just about at JUST 48!) then I can’t stop coughing!! YOUR fault and it made me make up run and it took ages to put it on!!! I’ve got friends coming in a min to take me to lunch!!! Bless our babies eh??? Maz it’s hard with em eh …I’m gonna PM you both with their names ect later… anyway gotta go and do a touch up! arm ect alittle easier today wot about you xxxxxx

go and sort ur mascara out then have a super lunch hittin the garden shortly, have heard vitamin d is good 4 u!have a woodbine 4 me! chat later hun! alex xxxx