sorry if i rant!!!

for gods sake,just nearly knocked myself out bangin my head pickin somethin up from under the stairs oowwww!ive only lived here 13 yrs .think i would have learnt by now,back out,then stand up!!

youbetcha!!! I should be online later OH said " can I go to the gym tonight" ( he does powerlifting) I said “only if you’ve finished all your jobs” ( kids’s fed and bathed, tea, washing up, washing off the line ect)he he!! so I should have the computer to myself from 6 till about 8 when he comes back, and ever so gently takes over…I don’t mind he’s a good un XXXXXX I had better stop at the shop on the way out for lunch to see if they still sell 1960’s fags!!!
speak later jeanette xxxxxx
p.s. never smoked in me life , imagine trying a woodbine!!!

Hey you lot…

Just wanted to say been reading your posts over last couple of days and I have been totally laughing my head off!!!

J just wanted to say I hope you are feeling better after op and your cold. Good luck with your results next week fingers crossed for you.

Like Alex and Maz I get my results next Wednesday and am hoping its good news. My arm is still painful if I try to put it up but I am making myself use it as much as possible. Like you all I am now trying to get back to normal and am getting hair done, make-up on yesterday and today so I do feel a bit more like myself now. I did have my already short hair cut shorter last week as I don’t think there will be much point getting it cut again in a month or so when its due as I should have started chemo by then and knowing my luck its all going to fall out anyway. I am quite dark now as the last remnants of highlights from 4 months ago gone and again no point getting them done when hair was cut as that will be money down the drain. I hate it like this but hey I keep telling myself it may not be there for much longer so make the most of it!!!

OH keeps telling me he is getting me a bobble hat knitted but I said not to bother its a bit warm for that now!!!

Lots of love to all
Tracy xxxx

hi tracy,big sorry,been lounging in garden,hope ur ok hun?only came in cos oh is brandishing

doh! last post interrupted! will read urs then back at u xxx

sorry tracy,oh blasting the decking clean with his new toy! def leave him 2 it!.missed u last couple of days. 4 get the results bit nxt wk if u can?im trying hard, wont bore u with the inane stuff i been up 2,lots of love alex xxxx

Ha ha that is so funny…did wonder what the hell you were talking about. The image of your OH brandishing…and then nothing just silence did leave me wondering if you had a better offer!!!

Well OH has gone to the gym , having done all his chores…kids fed & clean,& in pj’s watching ‘how to train your dragon’ I was laughing thinking I’m working on mine he he, Lunch out was fab and just the tonic I needed & on such a beautiful day,was with two dear friends who I have known since I was 14 and used to babysit for them, Alex have you been cooking nicely? Tracey you can come here and have a laugh with us whenever you want…amusingly enough as the thread is ‘sorry if I rant’ should be renamed, join us for a laugh!!! Must admit to feeling jaded now though, thanks at least next week we know what’s what, If they wanna thrrow chemo at me I shall be pushing em for a quick start…as I’m on holiday sept 1st!!! how can yuou tell an autistic 9 yr old sorry hols are off??? insured though…phew!! have heard from Shar she’s bin wiped out xpect she be posting soon…what’s been happening in your worlds? XXXX Jeanette

Ahhh thanks for missing me Alex that makes me feel somebody loves me!!!

Yeah I am back working my way through the posts seeing what is going on. I am not too worried about the results to be honest not really had much time to think about them. Had a lovely couple of days with my son and his girlfriend here and whilst I don’t want to get too excited from the way they are both talking they are hoping to move to Dorset from Lincolnshire in the coming months so I will have him close by again…yehhhhhhhhh that really will be great I do miss him.

So how you doin’?

Tracey that be great to have your ‘baby’ back near you, the main reason for moving back from scotland was to be back near my family, it must be great when your kids come nearer to you…somedays I think mine are a bit too near, but at bedtime they toddle off and I breathe a sigh of relief for the elusive peace and quiet…then when they asleep I say to OH i wish they were up and sitting here!!! mad or what!! coz if they were I’d be sending em off to bed!!! ( they 7&9)

be good pls ladies! OH still faffing with his weapon(decking cleaner) leave him 2 it! glad u had nice lunch jeanette,tracy so glad 2 hear from u again, all is well in the alex camp.tell me all ur news, mine is boring.healing well and have kiddie tshirt marks from falling asleep in the afternoon

J I was just the same when my little boy (he is nearly 24 years old I hasten to add) was asleep at night, I used to look at him thinking how angelic he was then some 10-12 hours later wishing he would go back to sleep again as he was driving me completely barmy!!! Like you say thats kids for you but I love him to bits and after five years of not being near enough to visit anytime it would be lovely to know he is close. He gets so upset on the phone if I cry albeit I try not to but sometimes I cannot help it, then he says oh Mum I wish I was there to give you a cuddle and I sob even more…bloody hopeless case I am!!!

Like you Alex, been outside enjoying the sunshine and had a lovely walk this afternoon with the OH and the dogs. I love this time of the year and its so great that its still light outside.


know where ur both coming from.tracy i think u already know u have chemo ahead?bless u .j ,if u do then we will be all doing 2 gether.need that.if i loose my sense of humour it will all go 2 pot! hold hands 2 gether whatever.god i feel like a stupid mare but i never felt like this b4 and im glad u r there with me,ok tears dried.sun dried skin drenched in cream,rant and tears over/love alex,xxx

Don’t talk about dogs!!! Iv’e just had to move coz mine who lives outside is at the front do doing his shout for grub!!! now I’m not mean I love dogs …Jack is now a 12 year old border collie(well he’s always been a border collie, but you know what I mean) I had him as a pup off my dad who used to breed them and do an amateur ‘one man and his dog’ Jack was trained… but was usless… he would run right through the middle of the flock and was not partial to a bit of tasty wool!!! so as a ‘working’ dog he was rubbish, and having lived outside he has always been out… we had a wooden wendy house for him and he lived in that and with a bale of straw in the winter quite happy, he is a bit of a chewer ( and a theif, steal any food left out, he once ate 6 lamb chops…when they were frozen solid) and over the years managed to eat most of the wendy house!!! He now has a very large kennel and access to the shed in which he has a dog bed, I hope he doesn’t learn to open me freezer! still he’s been a faithful gentle compaion to the kids and they (nor we) would be without him…I have fed him now so he’s shut up at least for now…now for a double whammy it’s time for them pair to go to bed…I wonder what stalling techniques they’ll try tonight??? J

Alex my sweetheart, don’t ever feel stupid for tears, I get like it all the time and that is what we are here for. When I can offer you strength take it darlin’ I know what you are going through and how tough the road ahead is for all of us.

Yes I have been told 5 months of chemo and then rads for 3 weeks after so the road ahead is a very bumpy one but today I have the strength to take it, tomorrow I may not but I know one sure thing and that is this bloody disease has taken so much from me already I am not going to let it take me completely. I intend to remain as much the person I was before Cancer once the treatment is finished…so look out world here I am!!!

Just remember I am always here with you and I hope that sometime in the future we can meet up properly and hold hands together and say piss off to cancer!!!

Lots of love
Tracy xxxxxxxx

Ditto Alex…I don’t do tears but I’ve done plenty recently… we, as you say, will all help each other… xxx& sorry my daft dog story crossed your sad moment , wasn’t being insensitive …just a slow typer!!! XX

thank u j and t.just caught up with me 2 day/over and done not like me. need a snuggle with my lil un, no doubt he wll protest after the months of mummy saying-be a big grown up boy,like ur big bro!love alex xxx

hi girls im going to rant !!!sorry i rang the bc nurse at 10 am and she still aint got back to me dont see the point ringing me on monday when i will be hosptial on wens all im told if you worried ring them well i did and wot do i get nothing so from now till wens im going to be trying to forget that i found a new lump higher up away from the scars not as big as the last one but its still a lump and my last one came over night .
on a good note i happy you all had a good day and starting to feel better i have cleaned out daughters flat (she moving to 3 bed house ) cut the grass and had time in the garden with family and dogs training our lab (gundog in the making ) and enjoying the sunshine tomorrow im going to park with my grandson and son and my 2 fab great nephews 1 being only 7 weeks old so lots of cuddles there then back home to get hosptial bags ready for daughter she thinks if she dont do them baby wont she got 5 weeks left and already been told she is showing 3 weeks more than she is (baby was 4.5lb at 30 weeks) never time to rest in this house always something to do lol have a good week end all of you
maz xxx

maz,u work to hard!it will be nothing,chill,enjoy ur family,and get a flipping early nite sweetie xxxxxx

Isn’t it true some of us get better advice and support from this site than some BCN’s… Maz I hope that your dog trains better than mine!!! The sun will shine and you will enjoy your family and when monday comes you’ll be able to remember what a lovely weekend it was xxxx I hope the forthcoming baby isn’t as heavy as mine was nine pounds 10 ounces and came in 1 hour!!! now she’s upstairs arguing with meladdo and causing mayhem! xxx enjoy your family