sorry if i rant!!!

what did I do to the title…told you I’m useless with technology!!!
oh, it’s ok now!!phew

Maz sweetheart

I get so frustrated that some BCN’s are really good and some just don’t seem to cut the mustard if you know what I mean!!!(sorry a true london girl thats me!!!). They should have called you to put your mind at rest that is their job, don’t get me wrong I know they are busy but this is cancer we are talking about not bloody flu for god’s sake!!! I am so sorry that you have been left with this uncertainty hanging over you all weekend but listen now, mother says do NOT think about it, concentrate on the family time, give the dog a big hug from Aunty Tracy (who just loves dogs), please try to get some rest and face Monday and the lump then. Nothing you can do now and I know its easier said than done but put it out of your mind. What will be will be Maz and no amount of worrying will change it so ignore it for the weekend ok!

I am off downstairs now for a well earned cup of coffee and to watch Grand Designs.

Lots of love to you all
Tracy xxxxxx

I’m off too, I shall fill you in on my rants and woes tomorrow as OH has returned ( well I think I hear the car) so I too have a date with a cup of tea as he will no doubt subtly evict me…kids have gone quiet, dog seems happy so think I’ll watch a bit of telly meself …goodnight one and all XXXXX

You lot are so funny, it’s great reading your thread. Your lives sound as packed and manic as mine, and some more so, so it’s great to see how you’ve bonded. I found the same sort of thing when I first joined the site and you’re right, this place is absolutely the best for support and information.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend. I’m sat on the sofa on my onesome with my cat looking disdainfully at my daughter’s cowardly labrador who’s afraid of the cat. OH is at his house, big son is up in London with mates, big daughter has gone out for dinner and small daughters (12 and 14) have gone to a party, so I’m on my tod watching the telly. Peace at last - for an hour or two at least.

Have a lovely weekend all of you, enjoy the sunshine, enjoy the families, enjoy the madness, then it can all start again on Monday. Do you think we all need a weekend off this cancer malarky? Sounds like a bloomin’ good idea to me!

cm, can i borrow ur kitty 4 a cuddle sometime? my boys all gone bye byes now!ggr jealous!m eldest has chinchillas but the nocturnal lil buggers get fed up of me in the small hours!ps ,the goldfish r boring-yesterdays news is all they have 2 say xx

and i tried 2 be clever. actually i was. made french onion soup/ took all day sauteein etc!whole house stinks,i stink,onion soup in fridge,my eldest son hates me cos the house stinks,good 4 u i said.full vitamins and lovely minerals etc-angry glare to mum!

I’m sure Tigger would be very happy to borrow your lap, as long as you have a laptop on it that he can sit on. Awkward feline he is, he’s happiest when “making puddings” and dribbling. Yuck. Oh, and getting in the way of the keyboard.

I also did a bit of cooking today and the stirfry was delicious. Lots of veg and yummy stuff with a very tasty coconut, lemongrass and coriander stirfry sauce from a sachet.

your right choccie m … cancer? what cancer! two days off, but must warn all got a couple of rants brewing about post SNB smelly armpits and other mad stuff… and before you ask i havent evicted strongman oh off the pc, im in bed on me fone doin this not even gonna try to edit mistakes, cant see em specs downstairs! mow gonna txt oh to bring me a cup of tea up… livin the dream!!!

Hi J,

Funny you should say that, since SNB that armpit stinks no matter how frequently I wash it. I read someone else saying that the sweay glands can get disturbed or something but anyway other people have said the same xx

If anyone had said to me since I joined this forum that I would have been the slightest bit worried about smelly armpits I would have thought they were mad. Now I know I am going to have a phobia and be having a discreet sniff every now and again with a bodyspray close to hand. I have been too busy dozing off since my op on Wednesday to notice anything at all. Mind you my partner definitely would have said something, I love him to bits but I don’t think I would list tact as one of his strong points.

Or maybe we could all have that recipe for onion soup - sounds like a good odour killer…

i did reply last night but dont know where it went lol

j our jess the lab is doing fab for a 10 month old pup she knows the difference between playing and working and responds to whistle carnt ask for much more right now as she only started training at 7 months .
tracy we love dogs too i have enough of them 1 lab 1shtzu 2yorkies and when other daughters here i have an extra 2 1coocker and shtzu, our shtzu is in season right now and we may breed from her only once i may add then get her done but i been saying this for the past 2 yrs lol ,we also have a large koi pond but sadly the last 8 koi should be going today as they are hard work and the gems from cleaning pond is going to be too much for me so i placed an add to sell the lot sold 4 already last going today sad to see them go they all hand tame i have had them since they were small and they a big now ,my other baby is summer she is a 8 yr old jardine parrot loud at times but we love her .
alex it is all go in this house wot with kids and pets only thing i hate doing is house work lol (hubbys job ) once its done im happy to keep it up but i got 2 fab teens and anyone knows with teens comes lots of mess there bedroom is the dump i never stop washing easy 3 or more times a day my girls are clean ill give em that just there room aint lol we been trying for the last few weeks to get it papered and painted only got 2 walls left to paint but it takes them that long to clean up its too late in the day to start painting so its taking forever to get it done i even took curtains down to make em move but no they dont give a monkey toots they walk around in underies as if they walking on the beach TEENS !!!
as for my lump WOT LUMP? i forgot about it i think it will most likely be from the op it would have been like digging around in a handbag so everything is moved lol just wish they had done the other boob now not nice having 1 firm one and one that drops lol
anyways look at me ramberling on its day 1 of school hois and im up at 6 am kids are flat out in bed wont see them till the afternoon got a litte bit of washing up to do house done then and then on to the washing with weather like this i should even get though all the baby stuff once hubbys gets it out the loft why did i save it all ???
have a good day all of you dont do anything i wouldnt do (gives you lots to do then )
maz xxxx

hi j,just thought it was more fitting under ur heading!!! wot u up 2?x

morning campers…or should that be afternoon, I didn’t get up til after 10 when OH finished his daily chores I sent him off to Asda with a shopping list …on a saturday morning? Is that cruel or what? I hope he treats himself to a couple of bears for later ( when the chores are done of course) as I think he deserves! The kids are doin me head in! 1 still in Pj’s ( him) its t-shirt & shorts so doesnt look too much like a waife! & the other in a peter pan costume (full rig out) moaning it’s too hot and yet refusing to take it off!!! my mother has been round with her washing as her machine’s packed up… the kids have got bikes and every other outside toy strewn all over the lawn and the dog is following everyone round witha ball hoping for someone to take pity on him and throw it!!! I can hear someone yelling… ok i’m back she moved a cushion , that was propping the door of the bike shed open,… so it shut, he thought she was shutting him in and responded very autisticly…panick and grip!! life’s never dull!!! OH been gone ages?? either they’ve moved asda or he’s sitting somewhere a quivering wreck …who hates supermarkets on saturday’s XXXXX

ur oh gone 2 asda 4 a bit of peace!sat or not!mine dont break up til fri so my house will sound like urs nxt wk!or has ur oh disappeared cos u have a really bad personal hygiene prob with ur pits and he scouring the deodorant aisle?ha! my kids moanin its 2 hot as well,4 gods sake, bit of sunshine and they turn into vampires.xxxxxxxxxxxx

OH turned up, so thought can’t smell that bad!? then when he came near he said “your right you do stink a bit” at this point i would like to point out he has a nose like a bloodhound !!! (in it’s ability not appearance!) so not gonna get too paranoid, mind you i’ll keep wipes right beside me! kids now fed and happy on the trampoline& gettinh OH to sellotape kitchen roll round the necks of small soft toys as parachutes? OH alresdy had to rescue one off the shed roof!!! never a dull moment? its gone quiet out there better check? that’s never good eh? lol j xx

hi j, ur life is as mad as mine, had a normal day 4 me!! had bbq 4 tea,yummy! now banished 2 house cos OH decided to treat decking with some oil stuff.leave him 2 it.goin 2 put my lil un bath in a mo-one he stinks,two he has grass stains where the sun dont shine ane three im knackered.will prob bagsy the bath after him!!alex xxx

Alex i hope u enjoyed the bath, my two had a bath as they were boggin! just how do they get so grubby? good thing they ate all their meals outside with jack, the dog, doing the cleaning up! just as well as dining room is fast turning into a launderette! oh is doin the washing & pegging out, not sure about letting him loose with the iron?! kids just going to bed, wonder how long they take to settle down?! now if common sense and decency were to prevail i would go for a half shower, half wash but im waiting for my chinese take away to be delivered then after that i prob do the decent thing!

enjoy ur takeaway hun,in not bathed yet!not gettin in after my skanky kids! bein really cool and watchin mama mia,havin a good old sing song,love alex,(i am the dancin queen!)xxxxxxxxxxx

Alex & J

OMG I am exhausted just reading your posts from today…I am starting to think having a 23 year old living 7 hours away is a good thing!!!

Busy day for me too…due to sun shining and that always inspiring me to get busy busy busy I decided that the time had come to undertake some spring cleaning…lump what lump…so at 10am this morning I started by requesting OH to become my window cleaner and go outside and do front and back windows upstairs and down (oh and window frames thank god they are UPVC) whilst I cleaned all windows and frames inside house, polished both bedroomed within an inch of their lives, changed bed, cleaned bathroom top to bottom, moving downstairs and cleaning and polishing lounge diner and then bleaching and antibacing kitchen top to bottom. Phewwwwww thats was me finished at about 3ish when I had a lovely shower and got dressed!!!

Followed this by relaxing in garden with OH who did a stirling job on the outside windows amongst other jobs over a lovely coffee and sandwich. OH then decided to take dogs out for a long walk to which I declined today so watched Candy Cabs on iPlayer with another coffee and then once he returned and had a shower he decided to do us both a gorgeous salad for tea, spoilt or what!!

Now with regard to smelly armpits…did notice this for a couple of days post op but assumed it was because it could not be cleaned properly so hoping that it is not something that lasts. Not sure if I did the right thing or not but in the shower earlier I decided to get rid of some of the hair growth under my sore arm as I do not like body hair at all…no blood or soreness so hopefully all will be well.

Tracy xxxxxx