sorry if i rant!!!


Girl after my own heart I love that film but OH is playing on PS3 so cant watch it but I did watch the ABBA songs thing before it and was singing my little heart out…what are we like.

Cancer…what cancer!

thats it,mega shave of offending armpit u ocd peeps,my house is sparkly and shiney unlike me!after the nxt abba song i may and oh singing away,our guilty pleasure!ha!cue disgusted glare from my eldest! my lil un loves it!bless his dirty cotton socks alexxxx

Just a little tip sweetheart, do NOT run the shaver over the scar as you do not want to nick it with the razor. I just did the upper part of the armpit as it had the growth. As I said in the smelly thread, I have not really noticed any smell really thank goodness. You might find it is better once you have a little shave.

Hope it goes ok and again be careful. Off for a coffee now as been upstairs for long enough.

Lots of love
Tracy xxx

Alex, wud av watched abba but alll my ‘sing’ has ebbed away this aft and as for you and tracy turning into regular mrs mops not sure my guilt will condone it??? on the bright side im gettin my moneys worth out of OH and nxt week when the colds gone (not to mention the girls troubles…now theres an idea for a thread what do/did you call em i had a friend thaat used to say ‘me usuals’ lol)i too will have a gleaming castle, by the way tracy my OH is the window cleaner!!!

poo.posted on wrong thread!

tracy i did the same and had a shave well i didnt do it got oh to do it for me lol oh yes my man will do anything lol he been on the go all day so now he having time out lol he planted all veg this am then the fish were sold so pond is being filled in walls smashed up plants removed and i just stand over him telling him this and that bless him he did it all i did to much yesterday so not doing much today & sod doing girls bedroom with this weather it too nice to be inside painting .all i have had to do today is washing first thing (still got move to do ) then took kids out to park and to see there great grandparents ,went up asda to get stuff for salad £78 later came home ( asda chicken buckets are fab £6 for loads of chicken ) and as oh has been so good i got him a nice outfit too dont know if he will wear it tho he fussy sod (not a make name is it ) but he said he like it so really i have had a good day lots of cuddles off my baby nephew and my grandson but like 2 of you its that time of month so i feel like crap, now i know why i was an moody cow last week and still am lol might just go to bed stick me ipod on and fall asleep hubby will come to bed later so if its wrap round me neck he will pull it tighter or remove it, by the j ipods come in handy when hubby snorning drowns out the sound lol right time to drug my son up or ill be up all night night all chat to you in the morning nodoubt ill be up before you all why carnt i sleep past 6 am for once
sweet dreams maz xxxx

I think i understand, when youve got boys like us once they awake sleep for us is not an option! mine not long asleep even tho went to bed at 7.30! just removed from his bed. a dozen toys, countless books, 2 cups and a pencil! tip toed round the toys on the floor coz man it comes keen when you step on the lego! especialy the slightly larger stuf that mine have. I wouldnt mind but it was tidy when he went to bed? xX

gosh i hate the barefoot lego thing .ur boys sound fab,would love 2 hear more bout em both 2morro?nighty nite alex xxxx

Indeed tomorrow, can’t keep my eyes open! keep nodding off & dropping the mobile?!!! so its a goodnight from me to all fellow ‘ranters’ and ‘stinkers’ goodnight xxxxx

morning all dont belive i stayed in bed till 730 found hubby sleeping in front room i ask wot he was doing do here and he come out with "you snoring " lol seem i was on my back and snoring about time i got him back for the last 18 yrs of him snoring .
daughter just rang me to let me know that her landlady has her horse in back garden so ben can go round he now a happy boy he has always loved horses but has only even been on 1 (garandad was jokey and so is his big bro )
alex wot can i say about my son he is an angel well for a child with autism he is meltdown are not often he runs around in his undies all day if he can hates clothes need meds to sleep at night or he dont fall to sleep untill 6 am but he hasnt got adhd his mind just dont turn off he lives for his laptop and xbox he knows all there is to know about wwe he knows which flag and wot country can speak spanish and understand welsh dont ask me how he is self taught from internet he talks well altho he dont understand alot of wot he says he talks so posh you wouldnt have said he was my son (im common )he is also a very loving little boy not so little he 10 but there is another side to him he can sometime swear the sock of a monkey he will say it as he sees it so dad and i are fat lol he remembers the past right down to date always going on about fat girl in wheelchair (1st trip to theme park need i say more )he goes to a special needs school after 2 yr of fighting mainstream and is doing really well and routine is a big part of our day i could go on but you know asd kids /adults they all different but at the same time the same only thing i can say is i wouldnt change him for the world my teens are more hard work lol
hope you are all feeling good this morning suns out wot more can you ask for
laters peeps im off to get washing done again lol
maz xxx

Mornin’ girlies

OK I hope I have not upset anyone by doing it but I took the liberty of starting our sillyness thread.

Look under Living with Breast Cancer heading and then go to Cancer what cancer…time for a giggle.

I hope this is ok if not we can remove it.


Tracy xxxxxxxxxx

p.s Posted this under the stinky thread as well!

quick question pls,had snb monday,seems 2 be healing well but qite swollen and lumpy feelin this morn,not hot,red or any more painful but can really see a lump around it?do u think its anything 2 worry about?thanks,alex xx

Alex you will find that is scar tissue hun nothing to worrie about mines the very same all hard around the cut
but healing wel
tc maz xxx

Me too Alex, put that one to bed got plenty else to worry about darlin’ haven’t we! xxxxxxxxx

Mine the same too kido, so agree with the girls & not gonna worry x

if its gone really large (just read wot yr hubby said lol) try and lift arm up it will be fluid my nurse told me to sleep with arm higher and its working my elbow is getting thinner
maz x

Alex, it could be a seroma, or build-up of fluid. If you’re concerned, give your BCN a ring in the morning and talk to her about it, she might suggest you go in for her to have a look. If it is a seroma she might even drain it to ease the discomfort, or might suggest ways to help it go down on its own. Seroma isn’t uncommon, and can usually be sorted fairly easily, so do give that BCN of yours a ring.


Hello All

Why do we have such down days…is it the weather, just a Monday, new moon…what!!!

I got up feeling quite well and positive but as the day has gone on I have got more and more and more and more fed up!!! Have been looking for an argument with OH and he doesn’t deserve it, plodding around house like a lost sheep wishing I was someone and somewhere else!

I feel fat, ugly, boob has dent in it, armpit is still sore so getting on my nerves, keep getting this weird electric shock type feeling in both boob and armpit and all in all I have had it well and truly. Now forgive me I know I am very lucky and all that but what can I say…why me that’s what I keep saying!!!

Any suggestions besides putting my head down the toilet!!!???

Tracy xxxxxxxxxx

Miniminx, I SOOO know the feeling, but that’s from before BC as well as after diagnosis. I find that when I’m having one of those days I have to work really hard to batten down the hatches for the day and I try to go to bed as soon as is reasonable, as I usually feel a bit better after a night’s sleep, even if the sleep isn’t that good quality.

So my suggested remedy is have a cup of tea, and take yourself off for an early night, have a bloomin’ good cry if you need to, and go to sleep. I predict it WILL be better in the morning.

And I usually have to apologise to people for having been a bit of a bitch.

Sorry tracy, can offer NO suggestions or would have applied them to myself, coz i too have been sore and really,really miserable!!! could it be post op blues, stress at witing for results??? who knows, ??? xxxxxxxxxxxx Hope you feel better tomorrow xxxxx