South East Meet

Looking forward to coming and meeting you all. Can definately confirm I have secondaries!!!
Not sure if I will drive or take train - either way I can’t walk that far so may need a mobile tel no of someone who can give me a lift if can’t park at pub.

Suffering a bit post chemo at the moment and I have to work out child care but I really want to be there. Will let you know later this week.



I am a maybe…I am going to try my hardest…please put me on the maybe list…


Fay :o)

Me and my bone mets will be there :slight_smile: I’ll be the one with shopping bags, hopefully do a bit of retail therapy before we get together.

Is it too late to say I would like to come?
I have secondaries (bone mets) and can do Monday 14th as son is going out for the day
Driving up from Basingstoke

I’ll be there too and definitely have secondaries (bone and liver). Probably bringing a friend, Liz, who also has bone secondaries.
look forward to meeting everyone.



sorry forgot to mention, yes I have secondaries…(bone and lung)…

I am having oopherectomy on Friday 11th so hope to be up for the monday meeting…finger crossed…

Is the train station near to the pub???

I dont know Guildford so will probably get lost…

Not too late for anyone (with secondary bc) to join us for lunch on the 14th (at the Weyside Inn in Guildford). It’s about 15 mins walk from the station, Fay, but I may be picking dippykate up so let me know if you would like a lift too

Those now confirmed as attending (5): me, dippykate, jools, mrsblue, and gillsc

6 “previous definites”: Deidre, JaneyR, carolinew, hopege, judyw47 and KatieP

5 “maybes”: Humphr40, LouLou2, Fayjay69, Gill’s friend Liz, and Dawnhc

Kay xx

Hello… unfortunately I’m not going to make it… nor are my bone mets. I hope you all have a lovely get-together and please keep me informed of any other plans to meet up.

Hi Kay,

I’m a maybe as I am trying to change a morning appointment. Not been on forums much as I have just started on fentanyl patches which seem to be making me SO sleepy and seem to be asleep more than I am awake at the moment. Still here in spirit, if not in body…


Yup, me and my mets will be there. Kate - if you take my number and decide to catch the train/can’t park at the pub I will pick you up. Will PM you with my mobile number.


I am still hoping to make it but with daughter getting married this weekend, and lots of family here from abroad am having to play it by ear at the mo. My mets nearly came in the way of even considering it - but have had an MRI today and results which have showed no further deterioration but am going to need some rads. So long as the treatment doesnt clash with the date or leave me worse off than I am right now I hope I can meet you all.


Really pleased to hear that the MRI shows there is no further deterioration, Dawn - that’s fantastic news! When do you start the rads?

I am going to be optimistic though and put you down as a “confirmed” (along with Deidre). No pressure on you or anyone else - obviously if on the day, people don’t feel able to get there, then that’s fine! Just have to hope they can make the next one.

So an update…

Those now confirmed as "intending (all things being equal!) to attend (7): me, dippykate, jools, mrsblue, gillsc, Deidre and Dawnhc

5 “previous definites”: JaneyR, carolinew, hopege, judyw47 and KatieP

5 “maybes”: Humphr40, LouLou2, Fayjay69, Gill’s friend Liz, and Angee (hope you can change your appt, Angee - or would you be able to come on afterwards?)

Kay x

Kay xx

Just to confirm that I will be there together with my metastic lung!! Not sure how to exchange mobile numbers but am happy to pick you up Kate if needed. Am looking forward to meeting everyone. How are we going to recognise each other?


I am still a maybe as I have oopherectomy on Friday 11th and am not sure how I will be feeling.

I may well get a taxi from the station as I dont want to get lost on the way to the pub.

Hope I can make it but will let you know how I am feeling on Sunday 13th.

The train I am hoping to get stops at:

Portsmouth & Southsea

So if there is anyone getting a train from any of these stations it would be nice to meet up.


fay :o)

Hi all

Have just rung the Weyside - they were really helpful and have suggested they keep the restaurant area free for us, as it evidently will give us a bit more room etc to move around and sit where we want. I’ve told them it will be for about 12 people - they asked me to ring and confirm numbers on the Sunday. Evidently Monday is quite a quiet day for them so I don’t think we will have any issue with finding each other.

Menu is still the standard bar menu - things seem to be around £5 (soup, baguettes, paninis etc) though they also do more expensive meals.

Time needs to be changed to 12 as they don’t open until then, though we could be queuing up on the doorstep!

Hope that suits all. I’m away on my hols from tomorrow, so won’t be back on-line until Sat 12th. If someone could keep track of how many, that would be great. And still happy to taxi from the station/car park if necessary - just let me know and I’ll get back to you.

Really looking forward to meeting you all - though also a little scared!!

Kay x

And the updated list is…

Confirmed as “intending (all things being equal!) to attend” (8): me, dippykate, jools, mrsblue, gillsc, Deidre, Dawnhc and KatieP

4 “previous definites”: JaneyR, carolinew, hopege, and judyw47

4 “maybes”: LouLou2, Fayjay69, Gill’s friend Liz, and Angee

K xx


I am in hospital (loooooong story…) and have been for a week, feel so cut off. Hoping to escape… er I mean be discharged tomorrow so would love to come and meet you all.

Sorry that it seemed like I had fallen off the face of the earth … well, I had for a bit but hope to be back and chatting in no time at all.

Thank goodness for wifi connections…!!!


I am definately coming, how will we know whos who? I’ve not been to one of these meetings before. So please be gentle with me
regards CAroline

I am still a definate
Bit worried about finding the pub as I don’t know Guildford at all
Coming into Guildford via the A31 Can anyone give me pointers or directions or hints?
SHould we all be wearing a pink flower or something pink so we recognise each other (lol)
Looking forward to meeting you all

Jools (Julie)