Standing outside the dark, dark woods.

Peachez am here waiting to dive in tomorrow. Feel achey all over shoulders today like i need a good massage. Thing is my mind keeps scaring me with thoughts of bone mets. Then the dull headache-that must be brain mets. AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH i hate this. XX

Hi staycalm,

Hope today went ok for you, am guarding your tent & have all torches lit.

Good luck tomorrow Deb & everyone else due this week sometime.

Thinking of you all


Deb, sorry! So sleep deprived I managed not to know what day of the week it is this morning… am beating self up for being a clot. But I WILL be there for you in spirit tomorrow!!!

I don’t think you’re on your own with thinking the worst of any ache or pain, it’s like some macarbe new hobby !

Love to all, Pxx

Thanks for tent sitting whilst I was in prison guys!!! Now back in woods in my tent with the kelly kettle boiling outside…tea anyone?

Please! Glad you’re out.

At least fearoftheunknown has slunk off somewhere, though probably waiting to jump out again.


I’m just about to enter, so get the kettle on the log fire. Jan x

Hi LIF, am always up for a cuppa.

Hiya Jan, meet you at the tea tent :slight_smile:

Cheryl,I will get fearoftheunknown with the flame thrower :slight_smile:

Well, Woeisme skedaddled today after seeing Readyforaction sitting on my shoulder. All I need now is for Cancelthechemo to leave me alone and I will at last be on my way. I have so many supplies that I think I will need a suitcase when I go on Friday, so if anyone gets taken short of anything, do let me know. Talking about being taken short, I have been drinking lots so I don’t get dehydrated and I am wondering if there are plenty of ‘rest rooms’ in the woods (told you I’d been possessed by the Crazy Fairy). Lizzie xx

Lizzie, don’t worry about rest rooms, just pee behind a tree and be a rebel - if it’s alright for the blokes to do it, it must be ok for us. And after all the flashing we have to do, can you even FIND your dignity? Mine went west fairly early on and is still running, though my dignity hasn’t ever been terribly easy to keep hold of, we’ve never had a particularly close relationship…

Can someone please get hold of the string round my ankle and pull me down out of the clouds a bit, it’s a bit chilly up here. Isn’t life strange. Five weeks ago I had not a worry in the world, and now I’m bouncing around like Tigger on acid because I have only ONE lump of breast cancer. Weird.

Sarah et al, you really did for that FearOfTheUnknown today, thanks very much. Cheryl, you’re safe from her for a little while, I hope. I do find ReadyForAction is all mouth and no trousers though, so I’ll no doubt be in a total state by Sunday evening.

The FootInMouth Fairy is yanking my chain again today, so I’m feeling a bit sheepish. Conciliatory Chocolate Muffins on offer for all, baked 'em specially. Eat up. (No calories either, because all the calories stay stuck to the paper case.)

Thanks, Sarah. Fearoftheunknown is a bit of a hydra, so we’ll need the flamethrower to hit each new head.

Already caught up with you on 'phew, ’ Choccie, but a calorie free muffin for the lady on double steroids sounds like a great idea…!

Hello All - I’m Back!

I packed tent and rucksack, trudged to the woods with PositiveThinking being dragged behind me (the chain is still holding ladies) and then had another reaction to the chemo, so it had to be stopped immediately. GRR. I’m in again on Monday to have good old FEC, so i’m not too bothered as i did give the consultant a good grilling about my treatment and all the abbreviations in my medical letters they keep sending me.

‘FEC’, is it just my coarse mind or does anyone else think it’s aptly named? ‘FECkin Hell’, ‘FEC That!’, or my particular favourite ‘FEC Me!’

PositiveThinking is still here! Mightily impressed and have lengthened her chain so she is free to roam the campsite so please invite her into your tent.

Reading the past posts there’s a lot of Bad Fairies out there, I wondered where WoeIsMe had gone. Please feel free to use the flame-thrower.

On the way back to my tent I took the liberty to call in the flame-thrower shop and bought us all one - They’re in my tent, inscribed with your names. Also bought more supplies of choc, biccies, hot chocolate, warm boots and booze so please feel free to join me to hunker down or just pop in as you’re passing by towards the wood.


There’s a new fairy on the loose: Loseyoupost! Or is this a lesser-known SE?

I was trying to say my first reaction was that FEC must be more than an acronym, so it’s not just you.


Great minds think alike or indeed maybe warped :slight_smile: thats the way I have been reading FEC since i first saw it, am soooooo glad its not just me :slight_smile: Results day today … must go & find itwillallbealright & get rid of whatifitsworsethantheythought who keeps following me. Sarah.xxxx

Sarah - Best wishes for today.

Have found your BringIToN wandering around the field so have shoved her in your direction as she may be a good one to take with you.


Hi Staycalm,

have grabbed her as she tried to sneak past tent & now have her firmly attached to my shoulder.

Am loving my personalised flame thrower:)

Sorry to hear that you had another reaction, hope it gets sorted quickly, ah well another couple of days in the tents with us lot, pass the baileys please :slight_smile:

Just been out with flamethrower and got one of the bad faries as it was sneaking up…will hire out me services soon. Tea is always available from my tent including chai and roobush! For those of you with a likeing for acronyms look baco n the pink thread and you will find a film or two we are making called ‘meet the feccers’ and ‘finding chemo’…apparently there is a new one out called ‘little feccers’ …will hire a screen and solar powered projector for a film evening in the woods!

Found the perfect extra for those worried about being caught short in the woods!! Scroll down and see the YouTube clip from Top Gear too !!

They are VERY good…:wink:

I have a cracking compost loo here at home so will get a team together and we can build one…lots of wood around and I do have my chainsaw licence…anyone got nails, hammer, a saw, a bucket, sawdust and a loo seat?

Lif, you’re positively dangerous, with a personalised flamethrower and now a chainsaw! Those fairies had better watch out (not to mention lardy-boy!)

I did have a she-wee and it was very good, but very odd to use.