Standing outside the dark, dark woods.

Good luck with results Sarah x
My Lord LIF, you’ve hit the ground running on your ‘release,’ armed and dangerous! Welcome to Kickassfairy and i’mbackandi’minchargeagain!! Woo woo.
Just been brought a lovely large electric heat pad by a friend- gentler than a flame thrower, I know! Lovely on the achey joints, and covers more than a hot water bottle at one time. Virtual spares in my tent, real ones in Boots, £20.00!

Sorry Staycalm, your news buried in this busy, steroid fuelled thread. That is rotten luck. A reduced dose? Different drug?

Sarah - how did you get on? Been thinking of you today xxxx

SCACO - what was it you were reacting to? Was it you who was on a trial of some sort? Rotten luck anyhow, (as if you needed a little extra <grin>), but FECcin Monday then?</grin>

The only positive thing about this chemo is having one called FEC because I can say FEC FEC FEC and I’m not really swearing :slight_smile:

Which makes a change.

Had bloods done and saw onc today and we are go for second round tomorrow. Will be gradually reducing steroids this time, in hopes that day 4,5 and 6 aren’t so flattening this time.

Sophie xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi sophie

It was Docetaxal which isn’t a new chemo but the one they’re using along side the new drug Artemis. I was randomised and came out not recieving the Artemis but still in the trial as a comparison. Think i’m still in trial even though not on the Dox stuff. So just Feccin Fec but it will be feccin good to get something going!

Good luck tomorrow, sounds like i will def be in the woods monday so keep the fire burning!

Sarah - how did you get on?

Evening all. Thanks for all the great advice (and laughs) re the rest room situation - I can take that bucket out of my suitcase now. I’m hoping to enter the woods tomorrow morning. My chemo nurse said she wants to go ahead so long as there’s no infection so hopefully I’ll be starting cocktails after 10 tomorrow. I thought Cancelthechemo had got me again this morning, but here’s hoping. Good luck to anyone else going tomorrow - we’re all together in spirit and I’ll be thinking of you all. Lizzie xx

Hi All,

Have Pm you scaco, am hiding at the mo from results appointment today, will come join you all soon but need to get rid of whyhasthishappenedtome & I feel so sicksad&shaky.

lots of love

Notverybravetonight Sarah.xxxxx

Oh Sarah, have just asked how you were on another thread - sending the friendly wolfpack your way with alcoholic supplies and 1000watt torch. Come find me when you feel able.

Big hugs

Sophie xxxx

Hi Lizzie - virtual hand holding coming your way. My second dose tomorrow :slight_smile:

Sophie xx

Sarah - massive hugs xxxx
Sophie and Lizzie - can I virtually hold hands too?

Sorry haven’t been around much, HaveBeenFeelingVerySorryForMyself with no idea why, but BringItOn has reappeared again today.

Hi ho, hi ho
It’s off aFECcing I go!

Hugs to all

SJ xx

Hey SJ, was kind of counting on you!!!

Sophie xxx

By the sound of it some of us could do with a group hug from the other woodland elves (didn’t you KNOW you’re an elf?) so I suggest we all gather round the nearest campfire and hug the nearest fellow elf. Emergency supplies of chocolate are probably called for too.

{{{{{hugs all round}}}}}

I’m fine today - after all, I haven’t had ANY treatment yet so I feel great!

(CM takes deep breath and rams head firmly back into the sand. Just wait until “OHF**K!!!” gets hold of me on Sunday evening, I’ll be in bits.)

Morning woodland friends,

Am peeping out from my tent & all not looking so scary as it was last night.

Am having a meeting later with Bringiton & lets getthisshowontheroad & then perhaps a few cups of tea/Glass of gin with the rest of you in your tents.

Am preparing flame thrower for anything negative that tries to visit over the next week or so as just not going to let that happen as have run out of tears.

Good luck to all those having treatment today.

Much love


Glad you’ve found BringITOn - that flame thrower can certainly pack a punch so use it abundantly!


Well, it’s finally happened, I’ve had FEC 1 and I’m home again and even managed some lunch. Didn’t have any nasty reactions and Cancelthechemo is now gone and I’m happy to say Letsgetonwithit is doing a great job - so far. (Not sure how I’ll feel when the anti-sickness drugs wear off.)
Lots of love and hugs to all my fellow elves - see you round the campfire later on. Lizzie xx

Hope SEs are being kind to all further into the woods!

Sarah, will see you at the meeting!!

Warning to all! There’s a huge ugly hairy GRUMP in the woods - I found it in my tent this morning and chased it off with my flamethrower… invested my blood money this morning so my back pack is a bit lighter at least.

OH keeps wandering off, don’t think he’s interested in coming thru the woods with me, he’ll probably skrit round and see me on t’other side.


Hi Lizzie - glad you feel ok, long may it reign!

Peachez - sometimes an OH can be as troublesome and niggling as any of the other character’s we’re dealing with! He probably is searching for his Reassurance and fighting his very own OhGodICan’tDOAnythingToHelp. Rest assured that if he does feel that the wood is a bit too much to cope with and has to wait the other side we are all here to see you safely to him.

Hi Woodland friends
Entered woods today at 930am…feeling ok at moment just waiting for something to happen!! Got a wig yesterday and OH shaved my head to a 5. Went out with some friends wearing wig and it was ok although I dare not have a cigarette in case it went up in flames. Hope all you lovely ladies are ok, love to you all Alison x

Alison - lmao at you not having a ciggy in case your alternative hair went up in smoke - woman after my own heart! You’ll be wearing baseball caps in no time, much more fire retardant…

~Well done on getting first one done - keep up with the meds and you may well be fine - I’ve discovered that most of the fatigue and blech feeling I had the second part of the week was due to steroids, not chemo - otherwise I only got a little woolly headed and more tired than usual - but well able to walk dogs, nip to shops etc. See, not so scary once you’re in here, is it?

My hair is shorn as close as it can get without being shaved - and stubble is now starting to fall out - 3 weeks on from first FEC. (I could pull strands out at 14 days, so took it off). I can feel little prickly patches on my head, bit like there’s a spot there, but it’s actually prickling where the stubble wants to come out… all I have to do is rub that patch…abracadabra… stubble on my fingertips!!!

Just do what you feel you can do - there’s no ‘rules’ on how we should react, I’ll keep it all crossed that you float through the se’s - it’s about time one of us got through easy!!!

Sophie xxxx

Lizzie - that’s fab news - just keep taking the anti-sick meds, even if you don’t feel you need them - you don’t want to get that pesky Ohmygodimgoingtopuke imp anywhere near you…

Long may the good feelings continue!!! Maybe today is just the greatest day of the year for FEC and we’ll all escape scot-free!! All hail No S E Day!

Sophie xxx