Standing outside the dark, dark woods.

Ah, wondered whether my tummy bug had driven everyone away, that or the “You’reAllCured!” fairy. Darn, you’re all still here.

SCACO, please can you lengthen PositiveThinking’s chain a bit so she can make her way to chez moi for tomorrow afternoon. I know I’m only waiting for results but I’ve already done the waiting for results bit once already and now I’m doing it again. Bum. Anyone else had a second lump discovered a couple of weeks after the first one? If so, could it be a different grade? I’m dreading tomorrow’s results and the fear that my current Grade 2 status could change to Grade 3 with its accompanying systemic poisoning and woolly hats, even though No. 2 is smaller than No. 1. Aaargh!!!

Quick, everyone, catch that headless chicken, it’s CM and she’s about to knock over all the alcohol supplies!


its ok am looking after the alcohol so you wont knock it over as have drawn a large safety circle around it for when headless chicken is on the run :slight_smile:

Hope tomorrow goes ok for you & am sure SCACO will lengthen the chain so positive thinking can make the trip with you tomorrow.

I know what you mean about the bloody waiting game as got to be honest one of my fears is that i will go on Thursday & they will tell me something else etc so may grab a bit of positive thinking myself, where the hell is Removethatthoughtnow !!! I need her :frowning:


Hi CM, was a bit amused at your mention of Tummy Bug, quickly followed by reference to a self cleaning carpet :wink:
Good luck for your results tomorrow… everything crossed for you.

It did go a bit quiet didn’t it, personally have just emerged from having ‘WoeIsMe’ as a house guest for a long weekend. Think she’s gone to sulk in the garage as visit from StepSon & Pregnant Partner (who happens to be a Dr) has given me ‘SternTalkingTo’ , might need to borrow that flame thrower to keep Woe coming back though…

Have shrunk to a DD cup, so can now buy from the prettier range of PostOp bras from M&S - Yippee!!! Also all going out for a slap up meal this evening, looking forwar to treating myself to an unhealthy pudding!!

Today took my last Femara before Chemo on 13th, so feel a bit vunerable. Will stoke up the embers of my fire, and restock the Baileys and Choc, I will be holding ‘open tent’ for all in the coming week. Getting v nervous and need your company!!
Thank you lovely ladies,

Hi Ladies
Been hiding behind the bushes for a while just watching all the activities in the woods…Take my first tentative steps on 7th January at 930am…looking forward to holding hands with the other newbies entering the woods with me on Friday…Have had hair cut short and decided not to use the cold cap ( good advice from positivethinking!) Really need to pick myself up and get on with this sh@t and give woeisme a good kicking. Love to you all and thank you for kick starting my sense of humour again! Alison x

Hi everyone - I’ve been hiding in my tent with Woeisme (won’t leave me alone) for a few days now. My chemo was meant to start 10 Dec but keeps being postponed because of this stupid seroma. I’m hoping it will start this Friday. Can’t believe I’m saying that ‘I hope’ - I think I’ve been possessed by the Crazy Fairy. Thank goodness you’re all still here. Lizzie xx

Stay calm - good luck for tomorrow. let us know how you go on. Im swiftly following in your footsteps for my first on thursday.

Peachez hope you enjoyed your meal and had that best pud on the menu!!

Deb XXx

Hi Peachez, Alison & lizzie,

hope you are all doing ok.

woeisme can be a real bugger as can the crazy fairy but in a different way, am so glad we have found each other again as i thought you had all decided to extend your Xmas festivities & leave me on my own in the woods for another week & am REALLY not that brave,lol, also I really would of eaten/drunk all the supplies as am sure the only company that i would of had is nowillpower & justhelpyourselfonewonthurt :wink:

looking at everyones different dates its good to see that it looks like no one will be on their own for any part of the journey, always someone ahead & always someone behind & what with tents/thermals/chocolate/alcohol/flame throwers & torches,i just know we will be ok :slight_smile:

Will deffo take up the offer of the open tent Peachez as had started to get a lil nervous too but am feeling better now.

Deb - this Thursday or the following? Just so I know when to cheer you on!!!

Sophie xx

This thursday 10am. Yipee. I must be mad to say that but at the moment bringiton is by my side.


Nope, get on and get started, and you’ll be much much better off. I’ve threatened Bringiton with all sorts of nasties if she deserts you, so you should be safe…

Sophie xx

Good lass thank you. XX

Hiya Debs,

me too, she wont be going anywhere, I have been leant the flame thrower by staycalm & will get anyone that is negative that stands in the way (will have to use good arm to operate).

Lots of Love to you

Thanks sarah and positive thoughts coming your way for your results meeting. XX

… got nice comfy chair waiting for you by the fire Sarah!

Deb, had a lovely meal - the coffe even came with G&Bs dark choccies!

Love and hugs to all those having Cocktails or awaiting results this week. Px

Arrrgh! still awake!!!

Anyone else had terrible pain in ribs just under Mx scar, worse when lying down, taken painkillers but nothing seems to touch it???
Presume it’s all the scar tissue tightening up, but might ring bcn in the morning.

It’s coupled with intermitent throat tickle, lack of temp control and restless legs! One marmalade sandwich, a tangerine and 3 chocolate digestives later… just weeping with frustration :frowning:

Hi Peachez

I’m awake too and trying to find some friends at this ungodly hour…sorry to butt in on your thread! Got the night sweats and tired/awake syndrome.

Sounds like you’re in a lot of pain, I had some rib pain too but only fora couple of weeks post mx…prob worth checking it out with BCN.

Hang in there, sending big hugs your way!

Cat xx

Hi Torch Bearers and Bottle Clankers,
Apologies if thus is a repeat, my WiFi is going crazy this morning- bit like me.
It looks like I’ve had a lie-in though- this thread has been very quiet over last day or so, everyone was obviously saving themselves for the wee small hours! As I’m on double steroids at mo, I would have joined you sooner if I’d known! Had first Tax yesterday, and unlike FEC, no sickness (yet??) hurrah!
Chocciemuffin, again apologies if this appears twice- good luck for today. I turned out to have more than one lump, Inc numerous DCIS, and diff types, Er+ and HER+++. Try not to worry too much (i know you are prob screaming EASIER SAID THAN DONE, sorry) I was told this could change throughout treatment in any case. So I guess the more they throw at you the sooner the better??!
Looks like a lot of us have the first session of the New Year, or are getting started this week, Positivethinkingandgoodcheer to all, I’m off for first Herceptin at 9am, fun doesn’t stop…

Well, IAmFedUpWithThisGameCanIPlayAnotherOne is firmly on my back atm, together with WoeIsMe. Have FEC3 on Friday and although not scared, just p****d of with the thought of feeling c**p again!

And if anyone tells me that PositiveThinking is my best friend, and she’s doing a great job I shall scream!

I haven’t felt anything but since my op on the 4/10 and am totally fed up now…all the thoughts of G & B, gin or Baileys cannot lift this mood atm.

I know many of us have had/have treatment this week, and all the lights are keeping me going…but feel like sitting in the corner and being miserable…sorry…

Hi Sj,

Sorry your feeling c**p at the mo, i wouldnt dream of telling you that positive thinking is your best friend, as we all know she can be so bloody fickle & eratic with her affections, often bugg**ing off when we need her most :frowning:

I personally will be camped out by Peachez fire on Friday but will await yours & a cpl of the others return & will have G&B & G&T on standby… just in case :slight_smile:

TSR & Cookie Monster, hope you are both ok ? I too have had the Icantsleepfairy for company too much lately & am now bordering on exhaustion/craziness but its ok as keep picking myself up & making my way back towards the clanking bottles, flashing lights & my good friends in the woods & all seems ok again :slight_smile:

Love to you all


thanks Cookie, put my meditation tape on after posting and stayed on the sofa for a while. Got about 3 hours sleep in all. I have noticed Femara side effects much worse if I drink alcohol, so have put it down to the wine with my meal out last night. I have left a message with my BCN this morning though just to be on the safe side.

SJ, my tent has corners with SadSacks to sit on which are comfy and soft and will take care of you, Sarah and I will just keep passing you the baileys and chocs and you can take or leave. ((((hug)))))

Weena, you must be there waiting by now, thinking of you. Keep that torch lit , will be following this time next week! Love to all, Px