Standing outside the dark, dark woods.

OH had another chat with yet another registar last night, and he recokened the dose of the tablet was not high enough, so took 3 last night and lasted through. Gone for another 3 this morning and the TeaAndBiscuit fairy turned up this morning!! With her friend FeelingHalfHuman too! Hope to have turned the corner. Going to be jumping up and down for better next time !!!

Hope to stay in this little clearing today…

Love to all fellow travellers who may be feeling under par too, and everyone else, hate to think how much more awful this would be to going through without such support. Thank you. Pxxx

I’m so glad to hear things are a bit better now. Let’s hope they set you up better the next time.


Hello campers

Can you see me? I’m way down in the boggy brambles, directly before mastectomy mire, and a bit before the dark, dark woods.

If you can make me out in the distance I’m the one standing right next to BringItOn and AboutBlo*dyTimeToo (those two little dots that you might be able to see way behind me are the diagnosis twins, Tweedleprod and Tweedlepoke).

I can see Sarah standing guard outside the forest (or I could see her until a minute ago, but I think she’s nipped off for a fag). And I can smell the smoke from your bonfires, and also something else, might that be gin?

I’m packing my flamethrower, a Kendle mint cake and my best hang-gliding knickers, and would like permission to lurk in the shadows on the perimeter of the dark, dark woods (and perhaps share guard duties with Sarah) until such time as I know which direction I will be taking.

I’m going to nip under the brambles to hide for a while now though (if you don’t mind) as OMGthey’reGonnaCutMyBoobOffOnMonday is chasing after me and slashing the air with her steely fingernails.

Anyone got a pair of nailclippers?

Cathy xx

Hi Cathy

Don’t skulk around the edges - join the party!!

Have laughed in the face of OhMyGodThey’reGoingToCutMyBoobOff! and manicured her nails into a nice shape with some beautiful swirls on them, not looking so scary now!

Have found your BringITon - somehow found its way over here, but have dispatched it with shortshrift and should be with you shortly. Not coming empty handed, she’s carrying copious amounts of LaughInTheFaceOfDanger and Bo**ocksToThis, as well as Gin.

Karen x

Peach - Glad the prob seems to be solved.

What a palaver this damn thing is!!!

Hi everyone - am I glad to find you all again! I’ve been lost in the woods and wandering around trying to find my way for ages. I suddenly bumped into Whatsthematterwithyou,youcandoit who led me back to base. I’ve had a nasty cold and sore throat which sent my chemo nurse into panic mode and I spent yesterday at the hospital but I’m not too bad today apart from a really annoying cough. Think I’ll try the hot toddy cure - anyone care to join me? Lizzie xx

Awwh Lizzie, poor you , so glad you found your way back too! Hot toddies all round then? hope you’re ok, keep an eye out and shout for the chemo nurse if need be… P xxx

Everyone knows a hot toddy is the perfect antiseptic for a bad throat, right?

Especially on a miserable day in the middle of January.


Mmmm hot toddy sounds good, but have no whisky round this campfire, so will raise a salutory baileys instead (still trying to get through the hazelnut one I bought… original never lasts this long!).

Got so pee’d off with the wakeupyou’vebeenasleepforfortyminutes imp that have bought new fluffy pillows, new fluffy duvet and new bedlinen in supermarket sale today - hoping that might do the trick. But prob. won’t. Still, managed to find enough enthusiasm for housework brownie to make a half hour appearance and clean up sleeping area. She disappeared fast after throwing clothes vaguely into cupboard - think that brownie is slacking whilst I’m not up to chasing her with big stick.

Cathy - can just see your rear end sticking out of brambles - only cos friendly fireflies have been sent to locate you and whisper in your ear that all will be ok - they love Kendal mint cake, so it was easy for them to track you. Didn’t think to pack my handgliding knickers - perfect for floating across the chasms of gloom that occasionally appear.

OMGthey’reGonnaCutMyBoobOff has got a cousin called BurnTheKillerBoob who does the same job but with your best interests at heart, and cares deeply about how you feel. She takes great pleasure in incinerating tumours, but quietly weeps with your pain. You’ll be in good hands with her.

Sophie xxxx


Actually I thought wakeupyou’vebeenasleepforfortyminutes has been living at my house for the past 10 years. She must have a lot of sisters somewhere.

More seriously, natural sleep cycles are roughly 90 minutes and it doesn’t always take a lot in the way of discomfort, chemical imbalance, stress or anything else to cause you to wake at the end of a cycle.

Also more seriously, if this goes on for more than a few nights and especially if you have trouble with essential daily tasks such as looking after children, I would suggest seeing the GP or phoning your chemo unit.


Hi All,

Am glad that everyone seems to be doing ok apart from the dreaded sleep thing going on, am seeing far too many 2,3 & 4 am’s myself but appointment with GP on Monday so am going to mention it, am also hoping to see Onc this week as want to get going with next stage whilst am in the company of feelingalittlebraver fairy.

Cathy, always good to have someone share security duty’s with me in order to keep the unwanted imps out of our woods.

Am loving our new tents, they are springing up all over the place, cant wait to use the spa one.

Hope everyone has a good Sunday & as i seem to have the getup&go fairy with me I will trot off now & cook roast for everyone, to be served in the food tent 2nd on the left as you enter the woods, see you all at 5pm, anyone up for bringing dessert ?

Love to all

Roast beef & yorkshires please Sarah…and can someone explain why I can smell food but when I eat it it all tastes the same???

I’ll be bringing cranberry and apple crumble with vanilla icecream/custard/double cream… or all three. Home grown apples, but shhh, think the cranberries might be well travelled…

Would it help if you SMELT something really delicious and very fattening and very bad for you, and than actually ATE a salad or something uber-healthy? Just a thought…

So the catering tent needs to be filled not just with lovely things to eat, but also lovely things to smell.

HeadInSand back in CM Towers, at least until next Wednesday’s results appointment. Another one that I’ll be going to on my own, as OH is working in London that day. But at least with HeadInSand there, all the scary demons don’t bother pestering me.

hi all
Need headinthesand fairy, can you ask her to pop over CM? I am having new poison on Tuesday and am winding myself up right royally. I am heading for the food tent, sounds lovely there. The housework brownie has visited OH so that’s ok.
x sarah

Please send housework fairy this way…now got sons dog staying and 3 lots of dog hairs are not funny!..Tell her to bring very good hoover type thingy too…hairless dogs are becoming more attractive daily, esp when I have less hair than this lot!

LIF, sending housework fariy as she has just finished with OH and YD (sending MopFairy for your son too, too to clear up after all those dogs! (Is son staying too or just the dog? ))

I’ve got the furrymouth fairy at the mo, so on melon and grapes as some toe rag has eaten all the mimi magnums, bah humbug!!

Crumble sounds good though, yummmmmy!!!


Thanks P…son has gorned orf skiing…we get pleasure of springer spaniel…say no more!!

Ill send my OH round i think he’s been possesed by the housework fairy( every home should have one ) he’s a real blitzer when it comes to housework and cooking bless him ( mind you so is my mam she used to hoover and dust round me bless her ) he has now taken to tidying out drawers and cupboards but he’s driving me MAD xx still mustn’t complain
ps i will bring apple pie and ice-cream to the food tent no probs x