Standing outside the dark, dark woods.

Julie…I’m coming to kidnap him now…

Not if I get to him first. Mine just made lunch, and I’m still clearing up…

Do you know, I think I’ve been putting off making a pot of tea because I’ll have to tackle the kitchen when I do. OH had to dash off to a choir rehearsal. Of course if I cook I should clear up after myself, but if he cooks, I should clear up after him.

Which tent is housework fairy visiting?


LIF, SPRINGER SPANIEL !! heck! I’ve been privvy to some police training of them things, they’re just mad!!!

…get him a St Bernard, he can take the thing with him then and let the chalet maid do the mopping and sweeping , lol!!! My little mut has decided to be a hottie bottle for me this evening and is neatly laid out between me and my laptop - novel sort or wrist rest this!!!

Can we have and B&Js Yurt/tent some phish food , caramel chew chew and choccie brownie too … Cherry Garcia anyone (not that I’m addicted or anything :wink:


Sorry Cheryl, HouseWorkFairy has b*ggered off from here, so can’t send on to you. Has been replaced by " if i spread all the paperwork over the floor I can pretend I’m sorting out the filing" fairy who has got into OH, who is now sitting in an island of A4, and watching the telly … Arrrrgh!!!

Hi Guys
Everyone seems upbeat, see safety in numbers, we’ve beaten the demons at their own game, positive thinking marching right by my side…x alison

Hi All,

hope everyone enjoyed their Roasts & thanks to those that brought the desserts, am off to the gym tent now (yeh, right ;).

Alison, just read through the latest posts & was thinking exactly the same, safety in numbers defiantly seems to be the way to go.

Hope all my woodland friends have had an enjoyable weekend & its onwards & upwards for all of us all the way.

Much love


P.s, i had housework & washing fairy at my tent today, will send them on.

I’ve had sewing and cooking faries here with me today, a much better day and first one free of Steriods, so hoping for more than 3 hours of sleep tonight… it’s like having a baby, wondering when you’re going to sleep through again!

Love and hugs, hope you’ve all had good days and that’s why it’s been so quiet??? Or has everyone gone off to work ???
xxxxxxxxxx P

Glad you’re having a better time Peachez. It is quiet isn’t it?
I had a turbo charged day yesterday, went out, did supermarket shop, made dinner, sorted out builder, homework with kids etc. It felt SO good just to do normal(if a little mundane) things! I was even running up and down the stairs- woo wool!!
Hope everyone else ok?
Tracey x

Thank you for pointing towards the younger woman’s thread! It turns out I am not too old (41), and it is a lovely thread- have both given chemo advice, and received lots of support and info about surgery, thank you,

Morning All,

Hi Tracey,your welcome :slight_smile: its nice to see others chatting on there as for a while it was just the 4 of us so the more the merrier, also really helps with the different advice people can bring as we all seem to have different Op’s, treatment plans etc.

Peachez, am glad you are feeling good & are being visited by the more positive fairies :slight_smile:

I think everyone must be resting at the spa tent as it is very quiet, i was visited by the buymeanewcar fairy yesterday, so have wheels will travel, am very excited, only a 2nd hand run around but at least it will get me from A2B, ok home to hospital appointments,lol.

Hugs to everyone

Morning all

Am on line too much…can someone send thetaxreturn fairy over here!!
Feeling much better and long may it continue!!! Sun is out tent is dry and am going to visit a friend on Exmoor tomorrow…when I will send taxreturn fairy back and swap for vatreturn fairy xxx

I’m stuck in the Limbo puddle at the moment, up to my shoulders in Limbo mud. I can’t make decisions about what I can commit to over the next month or two until I get my lump results on Wednesday and however hard I try, I just can’t keep that bucket of sand on my head until Wednesday. I suppose that has something to do with the fact that I’m standing upright in the puddle and the sand keeps pouring out of the bucket as it’s upside down. I do feel a bit silly stood here in mud with a bucket on my head… S’pose I just have to wait until the Results monster pulls me out of the mud on Wednesday, and see where he throws me.

CM, rope at your feet, feel around and hold tight, and we’ll all pull when you’re ready to take bucket off your head and climb out of Limbo swamp. We’ll even use our ‘bad’ arms to yank you out, stuff the lymphedema…lol

Sophie xx

Trip, yes it is much more like a swamp than just a puddle, I seem to have got stuck in here a couple of times already waiting for results. The bucket’s not a terribly good look. It’s fine if you’re standing up and bending over (well not if you’re standing right behind me of course!) but I do feel a bit silly with an empty bucket on my head.

Thanks for the offer to pull me out, but I reckon the Results Monster’s going to get to me first… I might need help to get through the chemo brambles if that’s where RM chucks me so I’ll let you know if you have to get your lympho sleeves on ready to pull very hard. In any case I will also welcome the candles to help me get past the radio fog, not to mention some assistance walking while wearing Tamoxifen boots. (I much prefer beer boots, don’t you?)


CM - Glad you’ve cleared that up - was wondering who the wierdo was in the mud with a bucket on and now i know! Was starting to wonder if it was one of those undercover policemen!!

I have to say that apart from a little woolliness and walking, at times, as if i’m ‘in the shallow end of the swimming pool’ (Thanks oldest child!) alls well. I went to an aromatherapy session at my hospital yesterday (NHS supplied) and it was reallt interesting. She said her approach is for the body, mind and soul - not to massage muscles. We talked about how anxieties can delay the healing process, not necessarily cancer related but just general stuff that we gather thru’ life. She suggested that have a think about these and then take the people involved to an imaginary campfire to talk stuff thru’. Well, we’ve already got one of those! So when we meet up later and you see a load of strangers around the fire you’ll know they’re my anxieites!! Get there early if you want a seat, i think there may be a few!

I did find it interesting and really relaxing so if you haven’t had it offered yet ask if they do it. My next one is same day as FEC2 so a bitter sweet day.


Hi All,

nice to see everyone upbeat & chatting on here too, CM please remove the bucket from head, not a good look;) & SCACO, ever the good security guard me as am already at the campfire & have reserved seats for all so not sure what anxieties are going to do when they arrive.

To top it all its a lovely sunny day, hope the sun is shining for you lot too, get those sleeping bags & tents aired & dried :slight_smile:

Love to all


Bucket probably should stay where it is to reduce transmitting infectious naughties, I think I’m starting a cold. (Serves me right for snogging other half when he had manflu last week I suppose…)

Afternoon fellow campers. Decided to pitch tent further down the path as 2nd chemo next Friday and probably wont be up to it then. Feeling really good today, gave gremlins a good kicking yesterday but reckon theyll return in a couple of weeks for a repeat performance. Thanks for the seat sarah, smokers end I hope. Watch your wigs round the camp fire ladies, any little spark and they self combust! I have so much energy and good vibes today so I am sending some of them out to all you who are feeling a bit low, you can return them later! Just think, on 28th Jan I am one third of my way though, only 4 left after that, happy days! Love to all Alison x PS Save that bucket choccie, i may need it soon!

Hey there alimbutt, my FEC2 is next Friday as well. We had to ask for a change to a day when the OH is available for chauffeur duties.
Meet you at the next clearing, first one there sets 'em up.
