Standing outside the dark, dark woods.

Ali - eeew, that was my special bucket for my sand! Don’t think I’ll want to use it once you’ve thrown up in it… Oh well, by Friday the Results Monster will have chucked me somewhere else so I could be looking for the secateurs for the brambles or the big fan for the fog and won’t need the bucket for the sand.


Do we HAVE a topic?!! News to me…


good evening/morning
the bringiton fairy visited me in chemo suite i suppose it was yesterday. Tax and herceptin weekly. The chocolate tent was pitched in the suite right next to me 8-). I shall reward myself with a quiet day at home tomorrow, well today… can someone find the whatareyoutalkingabout fairy and send her over here cos i am making NO sense at all lol.
A big hug to all my fellow warriors on FEc, I had 6 and it is doable.
I shall retire to bed now where i shall probably finish reading my book…steroids!
x sarah

Xwelcomex- am relieved! Being new to all this posting lark, I thought there might be some unwritten rules we were contravening!! It is a lovely, sportive thread though - light-hearted it may be, but we all know what each other are going through. Thanks for the pm, it was v helpful. I think I have a good list of questions for my poor surgeon now!

Sarah- hope the fog not too bad. I’m impressed that you can read. I struggled after last chemo, Tax- blurry vision, the lot. Has herceptin agreed with you? It certainly counteracts the steroids- no risk of constipation this week!!! We will set up a ‘luxury loo’ tent for you if needs be! Plenty of books, perhaps a TV…!

Is everyone else ok?

Alls well here.

Glad you cleared up the cryptic message! I thought the ‘thought-police’ were after us!

I agree about this thread, yes: we have cancer, yes: we are all being treated, yes: we WILL get thru’ this cyberwise together. However, I don’t know about you, I’m Not JUST cancer. I’m a mum, sister, wife, friend, daughter, teacher, pain-in-the-bum too and if at times i, or others, veer off the cancer occasionaly well good!!

Have just hoisted the 2-fingered salute a little higher!


SCACO - well said… (standing here bald, mono-breasted, a stone heavier, but grinning from ear to ear… ).

Maybe if just occasionally we throw in a cryptic bc… blah blah shopping blah blah coffee blah blah chocolate (bc) blah blah…hehehe. Right now, if it’s about us, day to day, (bc) is always lurking, but now and again we HAVE to take our shovels and bury the slimey git six foot under in the swamp.

Sophie xxx

Was in the SPA tent yesterday!!

I was lucky enough to get on a LGFB session yesterday, it was fab. If you can’t get to one there’s a DVD and booklet you can order, think there’s a donation option and P&P about £2.50.

Here’s the link to thier new website for anyone interested:

Hope everyone has a good day, love P xxx

(they asked us to spread the word, so I’ve posted this link on 3 threads… no you’re not going mad!)

hi everyone!
up and about and the tax thing is ok so far, but i am having it weekly and not a mega blast! Totally agree with staycalm, i have been hatching plots to get back to work on a phased returen after feb half term(I am a teacher too) and it has done my spirits no end of good. Waiting to see how I get on with new poison, will have had 4 goes at it by then. Eyesight went blurry with Fec so used to that one! lol.herceptin seems ok so far,but agian its weekly at the moment. My onc is less than impressed at the monitoring time,quote’why the hell do they have to sit and stare at you for so long! What a waste of time’ I love my onc lol. Was in suite at 8.30 and escaped at 5.30, would have been earlier but my spoon bent whilst I was digging the tunnel.
Randomly the Havesomehair fairy appears to be maiking a visit, she will probally flit off again soon, but it is very strange…
still, one down, 17 to go! Oh, hi there Bringiton fairy :sunglasses:
x sarah

Morning All,

Well said SCACO, Tracey & Sophie, this thread is brill, as you have said, its a bit of light hearted fun that is helping us all get through this together :slight_smile:

Having now sat for 2 weeks twiddling my thumbs wondering how/what/when happens next I rang Oncology department at hospital & chased appointment & guess what ? ? ? they had forgotten about me :frowning: if they knew me believe you me they would not forget !! so anyway, now have an appointment with consultant man himself tomorrow afternoon, so fingers crossed girls, tomorrow evening i should have a plan of action, was beginning to think i had to do the next bit on my own :wink:

Thanks for LGFB info Sophie & Peachez, am looking forward to it, am meeting Deed & some others from the Bournemouth area for lunch tomorrow too so no glass of wine for me before Mr Oncologist :frowning:

Sarah, am glad you are ok, that bringitinfairy is blo**y good :slight_smile:

Anyway shall love you & leave you as need to get back to my position on gate at start of woods (as head security) no bloomin policeman will get by me :wink:

Have a good day everyone, hope the sun is shining wherever you are.


Somebody’s chopped the head off that chicken again, it’s tearing round here leaving a messy trail of feathers. This bloody waiting room’s the pits. I have LOADS of things I ought to be doing today but I just have the Results Monster chasing me round the room and I can’t put my head round anything more taxing than whether I have a cup of coffee or not. Roll on 3.30 and let that sword of Damocles finally flipping fall! AARRGGHH!!!

(CM runs round dripping in Limbo mud, bucket firmly on head but empty of sand (bucket smells vaguely of vomit I wonder who borrowed it for emergency peri-chemo puking), chased by the Results Monster and chasing the headless chicken and just getting in A STATE. Anyone got any Tamazepam? Sod that, I could do with someone bashing me over the head with a large rubber mallet!)

Sarah - How could they ‘forget’ you?? Outrageous! Suggest you where a clown’s outfit tomorrow and have your photo taken whilst sitting on consultant’s lap, frame it and stick it on his/her desk. Hopefully they won’t forget you too easily then! Good luck, hope it comes up trumps.

There is a new tent in the clearing, its cancer free. When you arrive you can hang your ‘cancer-coat’ up on a peg and only put it back on when you leave, in the meantime you are just you, fabulous! Please make sure the said coat is clearly labelled (there’s the teacher coming out!) as i don’t want anyone else’s - mine’s bad enough thanks!


CM, I have Diazapam!!! hold on, it’s coming…

Sarah, I think the clown outfit idea is a winner! Looking forward to the new photo on your Icon :wink:

Never mind the diazepam, Peachez, I’m now looking out for an industrial sized meat cleaver so if any of you have any demons or pixies running around making a nuisance of themselves, send 'em over to me and I’ll sort ‘em out good an’ proper!

Sod the headless chickens, some “£^”%^& has chucked me right back in the middle of the Limbo swamp for another week and stood on my flipping head to make me even more firmly stuck. And I am P****D OFF AND ANGRY!!!

For the sake of everyone else in the wood will someone PLEASE find me some more sand for my bucket so I can stick my head right back in there for another week and wait for my blasted results. I clearly did too good a job with the Results Monster and chased him away completely. Bloomin’ coward, that monster.

Can’t even have a large glass of wine or a few pints because now the kids are back at swimming I’m on permanent taxi duty every flipping night and won’t get home until it’s too late to bother opening a bottle.

Have collection of at least 50 axes and about 500 billhooks here…will they do instead of a meat cleaver?

Cannot do sand but can do wool…has good sound proofing qualities and will not get in ur eyes like sand…

Big hugs CM xx

Not even a small glass Choccie? What about one of those vacuum jobbies that keeps wine from oxidising too quickly so you can have a glass when you get home?

Choccie - another virtual Tamazipam on it’s way - may help you sleep, partic after you get home from swimming duties if you wash it down with a ?small glass of wine. My 'script says ‘try not to take every day!’ So, when I requested a repeat I said that I wasn’t taking them every day or selling them on!! Got 14 instead of 10. Thinking of you, Barbara

Sorry no sand, plenty of disgarded hair though!! Armpits suddenly shed today ( must admit I did pluck a bit, new party trick!) Rest of bodily hair following quite quickly, quite sureal really! Head hair seems to be holding its own but it is shaved quite short! Think the hair goblins are definately on my case and have set up camp in my tent. They are harmless though andno pain involved…yet!! Love Alison x


Loving the new tent, have labelled my coat, its easily spotted as I have mittens on elastic hanging out my sleeves, bright red ones of course :wink:

Off to get clowns outfit will load pics soon,lol.