Standing outside the dark, dark woods.

I ahve just polished off a mini bar of green and blacks butterscotch choc. Oh so yummy. However, need to take anti sicky thinbgs and rentadine tonight and find that I cannot POSSIBLY do that without an emergency hot cross bun, so have sent OH to erect a tent wherein bakery products may be obtained. Have instructed him to put up the tent next to the choccy one I am presently in, so the walk is not too far.
(There was talk of Chelssea buns also)
x sarah

Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement. I’m back on track, found all the litter and am heading for the chocolate tent before bedtime. I can now see you all and Positive thinking is coming my way. I’m now trying to find IwillcelebrateMy93rdBirthdayWithaBig GlassOfGin. Did someone say Chelsea buns? Together we are amazing x

I predict we’re going to have a heated debate over the best buns - personally I adore Belgian buns - that cherry on top just hits the spot!

So we do need a bakery tent by the look of it.

You lot do need to swat up a bit though. When was the last time you read your copy of the Bumper Book Of Monsters? If you’d looked at page 495 you’d know that what you were standing outside was NOT the ImGoingToDie TENT, but the ImGoingToDie MONSTER, who last week ran off with the Housework tent and used it as a cunning disguise to lure us into his mouth. I have to admire his ingenuity. He’d spotted that the Housework tent had been abandoned as there hadn’t been anyone in there for WEEKS and clearly thought he’d be able to bite more of us if he looked welcoming. That’s a sneaky so-and-so, so we’re going to have to be vigilant to stop him sneaking back and biting us. As you know his venom is Depression, which can be a bit difficult to get out of your system if you’ve been bitten, though frequent visits to the Chocolate tent help greatly.

Not to worry though, I still have my meat cleaver (you know Monsters run away hiding from that cleaver, look what the flipping Results Monster did!) so after my spat with the SneakyDCIS goblin later today, I’ll be after him and will chase him to the very edge of the trees. I’m sure PositiveThinking will do her best to keep him at bay for us if we ask her nicely.

MG, I suggest you spend a bit of recovery time in the Spa tent. 90210 kitted it out beautifully, and there are some lovely soft lambswool rugs in there from Lif’s baa’s that are very cosy.

((A thought just occurred to me. My kids just don’t realise how right they are when they accuse me of being away with the fairies! :smiley: ))

Chins up, fellow campers, WE CAN DO THIS!!!

BringItOn has brought in reinforcements. Didn’t you realise she’s one of octuplets, and her sisters BringItOn and the other six sisters, also called BringItOn, have just come back from a motivation class. GungHo (BringItOn’s Chinese cousin) has also wandered into the woods, as has GentleHugs and that lovely creature HaveaGiggle. With this many friendly faces around us, the gremlins, goblins, monsters, imps and witches are going to have a hard time getting to us!

Off to surgery later. I’m hoping to wake up surrounded by Morphine cushions, as I was a total wimp last time. But my surgeon knows now (thanks to LetterWriting imp and Tantrum Witch) and has told the anaesthetist, so I am expecting to wake up with the fairies some time later on today.

One of the BringItOns is sat right beside me, can you tell?

Thinkingofyou fairy is also sitting with you, along with megahugs! Havent posted much recently but everygoodwish is on her way!

SJ x x

Thank you CM! Thinking of you too. See you on the other side of the Hospital Tent… Pxx

Good luck CM - I’m sure they will be keeping you as comfortable as is humanley possible, but not SO comfortable that you can get to any writing materials!!
Everyone else, I’ll be in the bun tent, Tax allowing. Didn’t want anything sugary last time- but might have a few small samples now… Homemade Chelsea buns for me, fragrantlly hot from oven, swirled with cinnamon, and crusted with sugar…
Tracey xx

Good luck. Here’s hoping you wake in a gentle rosy glow this time.


Gentle rosy glow be damned, I want to wake up completely off my face!


(ps at least my nodes are clear!)

ChoccieMuffin, have pm’d you re your post on 24th. Pxx

Hi Cm,

Hope all goes well today, will be thinking of you.


CM - on reading your post suddenly remembered a pink sweatshirt I picked up in TackyMaxx a while back - which has ‘Away with the Fairies’ written on the front… now, how darn appropriate is that? Strange, too, as | NEVER wear pink, but just ‘had’ to get it. Despite the fact that chemo stone is now bulging attractively around my waist, and the sweatshirt was already on the skimpy side, I am wearing it today in your honour… and hoping that after this op, ‘away with the fairies’ is how you feel when you wake up, and it keeps away the ‘owbug*erthathurts’ troll.

Sophie xxx

many many good wishes CM. I am absolutely sure that the Givemethe drugs fairy will be with you.
I am leaving the bakery tent due to over indulgence last night. The Haveagiggle fairy visited me last night as I laughed my socks off at a stand up comedian on the telly. The Housework fairy is with me as I tackle washing and ironing. I am keeping my pjs on to remind me to take it easy. After a chat to my chemo nurse she is booking me in at the Spa tent with a couple of free reflexology sessions…bliss! Has also suggested dance classses which run for free also.
So it 2 down, 16 to go. I shall require the bringiton fairy again next Tuesday please, so perhaps someone could remind her.
xxxxxxxxxx to all


Have sent BargainBooze Fairy (chain of off-licenses round here if you don’t have them) who is more than happy to deliver offYourFace.

Good luck x

Why can I never find that flipping meat cleaver when I need it? Didn’t even have a billhook handy.

Rushed into M&S to get sports bra for after today’s dicing and slicing, got back to car, silly cow that I am, I forgot to get a ticket at the machine, so the lovely traffic warden wrote one out especially! I have appealed it online but said not to phone me about it as I will be in hospital recovering. Let’s see if they take pity on me for exceptional stress.

Big hugs CM…youcando this fairy in ur luggage!

The brain can only contend with so much stress at once. Good luck with both.


just back from seeing the haematologist about the Lymphoma they picked up on the CT scan The Lymphoma node was taken out during the Mx, and some of the chemo I’m having for the BC should zap any left overs apparently.

But I wasn’t too pleased when I asked directly what it meant for my general prognosis, and he wouldn’t answer!!! just said to ask my Onc :-(( Teflon shoulders or what?

Re Buns: keeps reminding me of Calendar Girls “we’re going to need considerably bigger buns”. Also have strange idea that is they came in cup sizes we could use them as emergency rations through the woods, and keep them in our ‘pockets’ instead of our falsies??? What do you think, can I order a DD chelsea please???


How on earth could I have forgotten hot cross buns?! Totally delicious with lashings of butter or similar. OH was a total darling and brought a buttered hot cross bun in for me to scoff after surgery. I really love that man! :smiley:

Sorry for stealing all the fairies earlier, my anaesthetist borrowed them as I’d asked her to make sure I woke up with the fairies, and she duly obliged. They’re still loitering, wafting cool breezes over to me with their wings. (Ably assisted by whatever drugs they gave me - I love morphine!)

Have taken Movicol already, in preparation for the extreme shyness of bodily functions caused by codeine (don’t need to say any more, I’m sure!)

Thank you all so much for tarting up my tent while I was away, it’s lovely. The fairy lights are very pretty, the cosy blankets are great (particularly the lambswool one from Lif’s baa-lambs) and I particularly like the warm socks. And freshly laundered PJs was a great finishing touch. Everyone who leaves their tent unattended for a few hours in order to go for hospital stuff of one kind or another needs to get the same makeover treatment for their tent.

I’ll have to stay away from the beer tent for a couple of days, but have already stuck my head into the chocolate tent, with a small slice of chocolate fudge cake and cream for pudding. Yum!

Peachez, please don’t stress about the haemo not telling you any answers, it’s probably above his/her pay grade to tell you. Just like I wouldn’t ask a radiography technician to interpret the results of scans/MRI because it wouldn’t be fair, the only thing you can ask really is if they got what they needed for the tests.

Completely love the idea of using the products of the local patisserie for prostheses! I suggest you avoid chocolate eclairs though, the cream and chocolate sauce would make a bit of a mess of your undies and chocolate stains can be a bugger to get out.

I’m swapping the meat cleaver for a pair of scissors on Monday. I’ve booked myself in for a near-scalping (at my nearest Toni & Guy because they have those massage chairs by the sinks and I intend asking them to leave me there for at least 15 mins - go and cut the next lady’s hair and leave me to it, I’m sure she’s very busy and would love to be seen quickly. Now where are the buttons that control this chair?) That way I can get used to the lack of long hair and have the benefit of a proper hairstyle for the first time in lots of years, and it also gives me the opportunity to mention the cancer if people comment on the short hair rather than everyone getting the shock of seeing me bald in a couple of months. Anyone got any suggestions for websites to look at hairstyles? I haven’t bothered with my hair other than a plait for so long I wouldn’t know where to start looking for ideas for the stylist.

Hiya everyone,
Finding out if I’m joining you all tomorrow and am scared s&tless, but hey ho, I’ll get there, like all you amazing ladies.
Would have a large glass of vino but it and me don’t like one another at the moment, and neither does chocolate which is a bit of a bummer, so, if anyone has the “Like booze & chocolate again” fairy in their back pocket can I borrow her for a small wave of the wand please?
Many thanks
Helen xx

Hi Troymaiden,

have been hogging her am sending her right over, good luck for tomorrow :slight_smile:
