Standing outside the dark, dark woods.

Helen, everything crossed for you, and hoping your route through the woods is a gentle one.

Hi Helen, one thing we all agree on is that waiting for results is one of the absolute worst, stressful, scary things we have to go through.

Best wishes for tomorrow


Hi all,

can anyone go to the thread called new girl its a new thread & direct the lady (silverShar) on to here, not sure how to do it.

many thanks


Hi all,

link has been posted so ignore above.

Hope you are all well.


Hi All
Peachez, buns in cup sizes, 42e please, just knew there had to be an advantage in having big boobs, although left one is smaller due to lumpectomy and nipple faces my armpit, sad but true! Loving all the new fairies, sprinkling their happy fairy dust all over the camp keeping the gremlins at bay, just look out for it, it gives a golden glow and surrounds us with love and wellbeing. Off to the Chocolate tent now, keep smiling girls love Alison x


are thera any iced buns up for grabs, i love them :slight_smile:

Alison my nipple is now pointing towards armpit too, very strange look :frowning:

I am NEVER going to be able to look at a cup cake again without smiling. 8-D

Iced buns definitely.

Helen, you can hang out in the woods any time you like, darling, you don’t have to be taking poisons to come and join us in the camp. It’s actually looking quite cool with the assorted public tents, and private sleeping yurts scatters around the edges of the camp.

Not quite sure who’s been doing it, but someone’s stocked up on the logs so the campfire’s burning brightly to keep us all warm.

And you’ll never guess who I saw lurking backstage in the party tent, ready for a guest appearance - Gloria Gaynor’s warming up for a prize rendition of “I will survive!” later today! I’ve been feebly humming it under my breath this week but voice is getting stronger and Glo is going to have to have a powerful mike because I’ll be joining in so loudly!

Any other music we need for the party tent? Another one I’d like (but only if I have a box of tissues handy) is Mike and the Mechanics, “In the Living Years”. It always makes me think of my mum. I’m a bit Pavlov’s Dog with it and ALWAYS cry when I hear it. A bit embarrassing when in company, I can tell you!

Better not get the bun tent and party one mixed up! Can imagine that being sticky- can’t have singing without dancing, and I don’t think my 36DD chelseas will stay on…( course given a month or so, will only need one!)

Hi Helen, hope your keeping the gremlins at bay while you’re waiting x

I would also like to put in a request for the Coffeetastesgoodagain fairy. Has anyone noticed Starbucks share prices plummeting?? Mind you they have HUGE cinnamon swirls for anyone that needs them…singles or doubles…
Tracey xx

… in the interest of impartiality, I just have to mention Costa’s almond croissants … if you can get hold of one, there’s a reason that they’re the first thing they run out of every day! The joys of having a daughter who is a Barista! Sadly no more…

Helen, sending hugs & thinking of you today. Pxxx

Morning all,

Glad the recent events went well CM and now you’re back on the track.

Helen - hang around here as much as you like, we have all been in the Waiting Tent and know how rubbish it is. If you can make your way to the bakery, although it sounds like it’s getting messy.

Peachez - i can totally understand why everyone is after the buns but a croissant?? What Are you doing with that??? I’m also noting it’s the one that comes complete with nuts! Goodness.

I have taken the plunge and have gone from my long locks in Nov, to a short crop in Dec to completely shaved now. Did it this morning and actually the thought was worse than the deed. Have stuffed an extra pillow for the tent. FEC2 on Monday and BringITOn is starting to get twitchy.

Good luck to all having their next treatment this week and welcome to new fellow Woodlanders - spread the word, noone needs to go through the Wood on their own.

I’m borrowing the YOUCANDOIT fairy while I have FEC 2. I’ve heard that she sprinkles special fairy dust to keep SE gremlins away. Don’t know how the tummy will be later but a pecan pastry sounds a good idea right now.

YouCanDoIt does sprinkle a special fairy dust to keep the gremlins at bay…it’s special becasue its spread thru’ a machine gun. Enjo her company and good luck x

Afternoon Campers,

Have got Letsgetgoing with me but alas another 13 days to wait also have needandwanttogetitoutoftheway :frowning:

Pecan Pastry sounds yum :slight_smile:

Am off to spa tent to try & chill, hope fec 2 goes well for you Janipi, hope you are adjusting ok to new hair do SCACO, am right behind you all, will catch up soon with loads of supplies as i see we are running low on some things, can someone keep CM away from the Rioja & get her into something more affordable, Sainsbury’s do i lovely Basics Cider (so i am told) & who has been nibbling the G & B ? ? ? :wink:

Love to you all

Not at all, it was a freebie that I was given for officiating at a swimming gala! And I don’t ever spend more than a fiver on a bottle of wine so I look for the ones that are half price or less, so you get a tenner’s worth of wine for a fiver. And it would cost more than that to buy two pints in the pub, so I reckon I’m living down to my reputation as a cheapskate.

My babysitter arrived earlier today with his dog just after OH went to catch a train, so we took his dog and OH’s dog out for a gentle hour-long stroll on the common. Lovely to get out in the fresh air.

Looking forward to getting back in my car, but happy to leave that until Friday evening or Saturday. I can still feel the after-effects of the anaesthetic and there’s no point being silly. Meanwhile I’m chillin’ like a chilled thing in the spa tent. Just scoffed a whole pizza to myself - well that way nobody knows except you lot as I’ve already disposed of the box and washed the plate.

I LOVE my anaesthetist from yesterday, she did wonders and I still feel really good. I want her to come and visit me when chemo starts so she can knock me out for, oh, about 18 weeks and then that bit will be over…

…anyone else been poked by the I’mfeelingsorryformyselfwitch?? She was a right pain in the long dark hours last night. Tried hexing her not v successfully and then she started on OH - S… this I thought and zapped her with light sabre. Any other bright ideas? Barbara

Hiya All,
I’ve taken a giant step and jumped in to the woods, I hope no critters were squished! I have pre- Chemo assessment on Monday and start FEC 75 the week after!

Time to find the hairdressing tent and book appt?

Does anyone have any info on hair drop out with this particular heinz 69 variety of pink gin?

No, I haven’t hit the steroids yet, just my mad sense of humour.


The spa tent has a special gizmo for keeping a PICC arm clear of the jacuzzi, right? And lots of nice smells to try? And a magic mirror?

I went to sign up for LGFB today and there are no places locally until about the time I finish FEC or even later. I don’t want it when everything starts growing back, I want it when I feel and look cra##y.

I think the feelingsorryformyself witch has sneaked up on me, so I’m going to try some chocolate therapy to driver her off, plus another round of paracetamol for my arm.


Hi All,
Hope someones on duty for the hobgoblins and gremlins tonight, if needed.

Sophie, are you tomorrow again? Have lost track. Good luck, or ignore my chemo brain if not…!

Tracey x

Up and sleepless for the third night in a row, though I did manage a few hours. What is it with this not sleeping thing? I haven’t even started on the cocktails so there’s no excuse!

Seeing as I’m up, I’ve taken on nightwatch in the camp. All looking fairly quiet but I’ve put an extra special lock on the beer tent so none of the gremlins can nick the supply. (But I suppose if we got them plastered they might leave us alone for a while…)

To keep myself amused I’ve been reading the leaflets on the different types of chemo. If it weren’t so flipping scary and close at hand it’d be very interesting (she says from inside the detatchment bubble. The detatchment bubble is something I discovered when the sand in my bucket ran out, and it can be quite useful sometimes. Easier to find before the oncs fill my cocktail glass, I suspect the cocktails come with a detatchment bubble burster included, so I’m going to enjoy floating round in it for a little while longer.

Haircut booked for Monday, I almost wish I’d booked it for Saturday but didn’t want to be scalped at a busy time, and also didn’t know if I’d be ok after surgery.

Darling daughter is pressing me to let her start a facebook page thing, but I’ve asked her to hold off until the weekend so I can take a look at what she’s putting. The Reality Fairy also has a pin for the detatchment bubble, and I’m not sure my head’s quite in the right place yet. I’m gradually letting people know, but there are still some people I just want to keep out of this part of my life and the insidiousness of FB concerns me. I’d prefer to wait until I get the results from the re-excision before going so very public so will try to persuade her to just wait a little while longer.

Hi Choccie, I’m a sleepyhead conpared to you; only got up at 6.30. Although I have a FB page (that turned out to be the easiest way to see my sister’s wedding photos), I put very little personal information on it and haven’t put this at all.

There are two theories, it seems: one is that we aren’t defined by BC and don’t want others relating to us purely as cancer victims or sick people. The other is that we should be loud and proud to help build awareness and reduce stigma. I suspect many of us steer a wobbly course between those two.

I’m blowing another layer around your bubble.
