Standing outside the dark, dark woods.

Another early riser here too! Made it through until 4am today though. Bonus! Mind you, when you consider all that our poor bodies and minds are going through, it is not surprising. I thought, especially when I was first diagnosed, that it was a bit of the ‘fight or flight,’ instinct. Do you know what I mean? Your body being on this sort of permanent alert? So, no, the chemo doesn’t help, or the steroids either, but in think it is more than that- especially waiting for further results CM.

It’s really interesting what you were mentioning about FB and the whole way we deal with the BC thing Cheryl and CM. I know what you mean by the ‘wobbly course.’ I hadn’t really thought about having an overall attitude to telling people, but I guess I aim to say, yes, I have cancer, but that’s not who I am. It’s easier said than done though, especially if you are undergoing chemo. Being a bit of a control freak, I guess i usually make sure I am presenting the image of myself i want to project to the world at large. Yesterday though, I was in my nightie, no make-up, full chemo flush and bloat, little sleep cap on etc. We are having work done on the house at the moment, and despite them having being told otherwise, guys appeared to do various things…I could just FEEL their attitude- I looked every inch the cancer ‘victim,’ and I hated it.

Anyway, prob a bit deep for this cheerful thread, sorry folks! Had better find the spa tent and pull myself together!

Tracey x

Tracey, do you still have the plait with the bead on the end…?

Rumours of ‘pubic styling’ have been vastly overinflated on this thread!!
Tracey xx

Just thought I’d remind you of it, to bring the smile back to your face (and the sniggering behind hands for everyone else, tee hee!)

As for publicity and stuff, I’ve just emailed BBC Surrey who are looking for 100 lives to follow during 2011. As I’m down for Herceptin I thought that’d ensure I’d still be doing stuff during the whole year. And it will give me the chance to raise awareness and share my journey. Fortunately I’m not really the shy and retiring type (yes, I know, you’d never guess it from my posts!) so responded to the request on a whim. I know I could still pull out of it, but in a way I think it’ll be quite liberating if they go for the idea.

So which of you put that soapbox right in front of me?

Me…I did!!! rotflmao!!! I am on BBC Somerset tomorrow morning!!

Well done you two!
I have at least put my clothes on today- prob much to the relief of the builders!

A programme following someone over their journey- the longer the better- I think is great. Because it IS so complex, and we all feel different at different times. God, I felt different at different times, BEFORE BC! Great idea CM. Let us know when you are on!

LIF- how’re you doing, haven’t heard from you for a bit. Hoping that is because this one has been kinder to you!

On the lighter topic of lady gardens- I never thought I would have a ‘Brazilian,’ all be it not voluntarily! I am sure there are lots of well-groomed ladies out there who would have shuddered at it’s former lushous foliage! Hee hee. CM, perhaps not one to share with the docu team though!!
T x

Morning, or should I say afternoon all!!
Having made “The Decision” and got yesterday out the way the “Sleep Through” fairy kindly visited here last night and I was most put out to be woken by the alarm this morning! She also arranged a few other fairy visits in the night I think, given my mood this morning.
I’m of the “Let everyone know Tent” and this worked in my favour yesterday as a Very Nice Man in a car turned up unexpectedly to take me to Hospital ( NOT the EX & I was going by bus!!)
Anyway, I’m on FB and set my privacy quite high so only friends see a lot of my stuff, if anyone needs help with that please ask and I’ll willingly assist. I suppose I’d be classed as an IT Fairy for end users in the day job!
I hope you’ve all got the sunshine fairy today, she’s a bit shy at the moment here but trying hard.
Yup, I’m really mad and this is without the steroids they prescribed yesterday!!
Now off to sort out hair cut!
Lots of love
Helen xxx

I have had a visit from the Ifeelgood fairy for the past few days! The Ifeelnormal fairy is still a bit shy but its a relief to feel a bit like me even if I don’t look like me! avoiding mirrors, windows and shiny surfaces!
CM you really must get the beeb to broadcast that its not just head hair…will give us all a good laugh…we need it!
my fingers are going abit numb despite the frozen peas…without them it could be worse I’m told…yikes!
But last lot of bleach being done next thursday and whilst not looking forward to it I know it means next time I start to feel good it will only get even better…hurrsh!!!
Can we please have a nail bar and beautician tent…never needed or wanted them before but do now!!!

Lif, that’s so funny! Between the pair of us I think they’ve got a couple of oddballs to be “typical cancer patients”, don’t you? I’m chuckling at my end!

I got a phone call this morning (I was totally unconscious, having had my third sleepless night in a row so had crawled back to bed) and was dragged from the depths of the Land of Nod to speaking to a presenter on BBC Surrey. They’re really interested in using me, and now I’m one of their “hundred lifers”. I replied that I DO intend living to a hundred, so a very appropriate name, thank you very much.

I have already mentioned the free Brazilian, and all sorts of other stuff - blimey, I’ve been telling my whole life story to total strangers over the last month! - including my 14-yr-old and her support for me by also wanting to cut her hair, and how lovely my surgeon is, and how good the hospital is, and how I’m STILL waiting so could possibly have further surgery. And also mentioned what else I get up to, like the swimming stuff.

They MIGHT be following me to the hairdressers on Monday morning to share “the chop”, so that could be interesting. She was very sweet and asked if I’d mind, I’m sure they’ll be very kind and gentle with me and won’t push stuff if I’m having a hard time of things.

Can the mods or someone from BCC step into the woods for a moment please? I want to have some help to make sure if I say something that I give correct facts, so I publicise breast awareness properly and don’t come out with nonsense. I seem to have inadvertently thrown myself into the role of ambassador for BC awareness. Now why on earth would I do that? It’s GOT to be BringItOn’s big, muscular cousin, YOUGOGIRL!!! shoving me hard while my back was turned.

To think my first thread on here I was worried about telling people, now I’m telling the whole world! OMG, what on earth have I let myself in for?! Oh well, you never know, I might become famous through all of this and I’ll be waving at you from inside my stretch limousine… Ah yes, I know where that last bit came from, DreamOn’s just smacked me in the left ear!


Just be honest when you’re having a bad time and let people know that you don’t get a free pass to sainthood just because you’ve got cancer. (Do I need to tell YOU to be honest? No, probably not.) But we’re not just hapless anonymous victims, either. So you go girl!


Hello chocciemuffin

I have have passed your post onto the appropriate office so they can give you some advise.

best wishes
June, moderator

CM - well, guessed you weren;t the shy, retiring sort but…don;t you put pots of beer out to get slugs p…d, not gremlins?

Hope you all have as gd a w’end as you can.

Anyopne seen any posts from Muffet? Wondering how she is. maybe Tamoxifwen Brain here missed them? Barbara

Hi all - just popping on quick to say hi before disappearing up to hospital (yes, Tracey - 3rd FEC today, thank you!!!) - will catch up on all posts properly later when lounging on sofa, obviously unable to cook tea/collect children/let dogs out… (got to milk it for at least 24 hours seeing as OH took day off work to be with me…hehehehehe).

Big hugs to all

Sophie xx

Thanks June, and welcome to the woods!

BW, I suspect she’s busy sorting things out. I had a PM from her a couple of days ago but haven’t seen her posting since then.

Good luck Trip. I suggest you loll around in the Spa tent when you get back. 90210 has done a lovely job in there, and if your sense of smell is working, the aromatherapy oils are very relaxing. (I know your tastebuds go on strike sometimes, but how does the nose hold up?)

Me put beer out for the slugs and gremlins? Get lost, I’m not wasting a decent drop of London Pride on slugs and gremlins, they can buy their own!

…London Pride - we live not far from Fuller’s brewery and on Weds OH and no 1 son were drinking Golden Pride - said it was their pud but they’d already pigged out at the restaurant. No woods near there but I do have a yurt-maker living not far away. Any requests/

Hi ChoccieMuffin

I’ve sent you a PM - someone in our press office would be happy to help.

Best wishes

Did someone mention London Pride…husbands favourite!! We live down the road from the Otter Brewery…oh bliss!
CM…you are possibly the bestest down to earth sock it to em person to get on bbc surrey…go girl!

My son in law to be is cycling …from Lands end to Frome in Somerset starting at 5am tomorrow morning and finishing at 4am on Sunday morning! I am the tea and bacon sarnie stop on the Somerset/Devon border at 10pm tomorrow night!
He is doing this because my daughter his future wife and me his future mother in law have both been got by the bc monster this past year.

He is not a natural cyclist…and its 220 miles!
He is doing this for cancer research and has so far raised…over £1300

If anyone wants to contribute or better still knows someone that wants to contribute you can here

Ok - why are there a load of paparazzi outside the spa tent? Oh - now I see, CM you have alot to answer to! There we were, quietly (?) getting on with our cancer and you invite The World! Fabulous darrling I think it’s a fab idea. Please, please wear your bucket! Unfortunately I’m up in staffs so i won’t see it, do you know if there’s a link anywhere?

London Pride - OOOOH, now there’s a thought!
Having lost the taste for vino I hadn’t thought to try beer, now a good drop of LP, Marstons, Sussex Gold or my local Flowerpots sounds like a fab idea!

For us ALL to hear CM try this link or copy & paste to your browser
and click on listen live. I haven’t tested it but it should work!

Do you know who the beeb presenter will be CM for your interview?
H xx

The WakeUp Fairy was busy this morning wasn’t she?

ChoccieM, some of my worst nights for not sleeping were BEFORE chemo had started; it gets better between FECs. Don’t pull any punches on the Radio thing, let them know it’s not Pink and Fluffy, it’s Cancer! And LIF is right, they need to know about loss of lady gardens et al. it would certainly make listeners’ breakfasts more interesting!! I can hear the men choking on their CrunchyNuts already .

Anyone heard of getting a ‘Tiffany Box’ wax?? Apparently you get everything but a square inch waxed, dye it pale blue and have the option of sticking on glitter and shinny things to the waxed bit… beats a plait with a bead methinks…

I went to work today to have meeting with HR as appealing about being put on half pay. They have already reprieved my January pay packet, phew! But I have agreed a minimum attendance target for the next few months on a sort of ‘suck it and see’ basis.

Lif , I hope your (nearly) son-in-law arrives in Frome tired but in one piece. It’s wonderful what he’s doing. Glad to hear you are having a better time of it lately too. Xx

BW, is that the Fullers brewery next to the Hogarth roundabout? I don’t do beer so someone else can have mine, so long as I get Sapphire G&T or a good soft full bodied glass of Red… hmmm

Hope all Taxers and Feccers have a quiet SE free weekend ((()))

P xxx