Standing outside the dark, dark woods.

Peachez et al,
Lovely, am going to get my 5yr olds craft kit out! I am inspired! Something like a sparkly Charlie Chaplin size moustache, and perhaps some jewels I thought? Butterflies or glitter? Could start to get a bit crunchy…Perhaps I could start up a mail order lady garden company? Any takers? Bespoke of course dahlings…
Hee, hee,
T xx

TSR…go for it…do you remember the discussion on the pink thread re false lady gardens…oh flip…cannot remember what they were called!..but there is obviously a market for them <grin></grin>

Welcome Helen, Glad you have found this thread, it will keep you entertained day and nightand hopefully give you the support you need. Trip, I had ec2 today so one third way through and half way for you yeah (not looking forward to the next few days though!) Nurse has cut my steroids dose in half due to insomnia so I could get quite nauceous but its worth a try. Nail Bar and beauty parlour, can I book in now for next week, sounds really good, especially with a Gin and tonic and ice and slice whilst being pampered! Choccie well done, get them told, warts and all and stress we need to hurry up the waiting times, they can be the pits. Love to you all seak soon Alison x

Okay, once again it’s ME that has to enlighten you all… this is becoming a habit on the subject of


That’s your false lady garden!! And no, I have never possessed one…lmao, tho swarowski crystal ones are quite cute… and DON’T pretend you haven’t googled them to see… :slight_smile:

CM - you go girl! (That’s me doing my best Jerry Springer guest arm waving and eye rolling). Yup, def. not pink and fluffy but damn hard slog made harder by dodgy newspapers claiming celebrity cures and blaming us all for never walking/drinking too much/being overweight when this is blatantly untrue for a lot of women on here… as for me, well … I do walk a lot but will mumble about the other bits…

Sophie xxx

Hey Sophie…thats the things!! T you could do a roaring trade AND get CM to describe it on the Beeb…should make several nice middle class ladies have apoplexy!! he he!!

Oh and having met Sophie I can guarentee she is NOT fat!!

Definitely a party going on in the woods this evening, ladies. What with swarowski-crystal-trimmed merkins and blue pubes with butterflies on, TSR upsetting the kids by pinching all the nice stuff out of the craft box and some random bloke cycling round with a bacon buttie in one hand and a pint of bitter in the other, the place has gone bananas!

I have put up the gazeebo…party on!

Yeah, hurrah- no gremlins tonight, not unless they want to stand still long enough to have their bits glittered…Makes a change from the flame throwers and such like we usually deploy!

Feel I know more than I needed to about female adornment, but thanks all!
Tracey x

Ps, Sophie, it IS always you!

A merkin, now there’s an idea! (not that I would have been able to pick that definition out on Call my Bluff but it would have been worth it - my Dad used to cough to hide any words he thought were rude!) He’d have been coughing and shuffling around the crystal trimmed merkins and jazzy pubes (lmao I phone keeps correcting it to lubes, may be needin them too with the tamoxifen!)

And to think I started the week with gremlins galore and ended it planning landscaping of the lady garden! Xx lol had to edit this thing has a mind of it’s own tonight and changed pick to lick which sounded even ruder…

Ok then Trip, here’s one for you. As we all know, it’s not just the hair on your head that tends to disappear. We’ve got a wig to put on our heads and a merkin for our girlie bits, so can you get replacement nasal hair, and what would it be called?

I’m thinking a Snorkin, a Snoutlet or perhaps a Remington?

OMG! I’m loving this thread!!! So glad I found it! I was diagnosed mid December , had lumpectomy and SNbiopsy 39th January and am abot to start FEC possibly with tax next week.
I’m very positive because of great support from breast cancer nurses and docs and oncology staff as well.
Got my wig- still to be trimmed by my hairdresser but doubt I’ll bother with the other adornments lol Glad I won’t ave to shave my legs!
It’s great to know there are so many other wanderers in this wood as daft as myself and I’m sure you’ll help see me through the darker places- I’m scared of the dark.

Where is the nochinandliphair fairy when you need her?


Welcome to the woods Marym17 !!! don’t worry about the dark, we have camp fires, 1000Watt torches, flamethrowers and MK47s etc etc to keep it at bay, we all take turns keeping watch for each other too.

TSR, perhaps you could create a special Merkin for BCC members, we could call it a TinkerBell ??
(Okay, sorry enough with the Merkins ;-))

Cheryl, I know just what you mean - don’t they seem to get darker and stronger while all else is falling around us! What the …??? I had to resort to shaving my legs yesterday!!

Making hay while the sun shines here(metaphorically, it’s grey and overcast here), won’t be able to stave off the FEC2 jitters for much longer, 3 days and counting…

Hope everyone has a good weekend,
P xxx

As far as I’m concerned, one upside of winter is that I don’t shave my legs unless they become irritated when I wear tights. While the hair on my legs and forearms seems to have become sparcer with age and menopause, the opposite is true with facial hair, drat it! Do you suppose if I have a session with the tweezers it won’t grow back?

I’m putting a bit on dress shields (from when I was young) on the deodorant thread, just to get away from body issues here a bit.


Too late Cheryl… found you there too!!!

I don’t think I can go better than a ‘remington’ for fake nose hair, that’s just pure genius, so won’t try!!

If anyone would like to meet the hotflushhobbit, then please shout out and I’ll gladly throw her out of my tent, she’s been becoming increasingly annoying over the last couple of days, and now seems to have taken up permanent residence. I thought the point of a flush was that it came and went… not just lingered on a permanent simmer with occasional flashpoints?

Feeling a little brighter this morning after rushed FEC3 yesterday, which actuall made me feel properly nauseous for first time since starting chemo, but didn’t amount to anything. Maybe onc. listened to my pleas for skinny chemo, as it took me half hour to eat bagel with philly for breakfast, unheard of! (LiF, I love you, but am even more convinced that TAX is playing havoc with your eyesight).

OH has just taken youngest to hairdresser to rid her of her russell brand bedhead. Fortunately, after weeks of cursing when trying to brush her hair before school, she has decided that a bob would be a good look for her, so no fights over it. Slightly older sibling is bolted to sofa in sitting room, doing best impression of tree so that no one might suggest that her bum length locks are trimmed… (well, strands of it are bum length, some a bit shorter, and other bits that she cut herself a year or so ago are rather shorter than that… lest anyone be impressed that I have such a girly girl at home).

Sophie xx

Wow…the party was good and the mad cyclists are nearly at their total of £2000…and currently frozen to their bikes near Liskeard! I too would like to transfer hair from chin to inside of nose…any hair transplant experts lurking out there?

Please send the hotflushhobit this way as have been freezing for several days now…was warm enough on fec…freezing on tax…

Hi everyone. Hotflushfairy coming your way LIF. She’s just finished with me and I’m trying to cool down. Day 3 post FEC and NO sickness!! I’ve been given cyclizine this time, but instructions say keep away from the booze tent. My Neulasta injection was a pain in the b-- (literally) but if it keeps me out of the hospital tent I’ll put up with it. X

Sorry I meant hotflushhobbit, chemoheadgremlin is trying to interfere with my typing x