Standing outside the dark, dark woods.

OMG (as the kids would say) I can’t even remember posting that! :smiley: (Better go and have a look at the rest of the forum to see what else I posted while “in my cups”…)

And I’m still wondering who got at the trees on the edge of the woods and decorated them with tinsel and fairylights.

I am STUFFED and have had a lovely day, I hope you all have too. Woohoo, Christmas is over for another year! Yay!!!

Hi All,

Hope you are all well & have had a good couple of days.

I do hope you have all remembered to hold back a little of the Baileys/Gin/Port etc & defiantly some chocolates :slight_smile: we wouldnt want to be running out of any of the above before we have started or half way through or even at the beginning of journey :wink:

Take Care All



P.s I have to say that in her defence, Positive thinking has been quite well behaved for me over Xmas, hope she has for all of you

Ah yes, it must’ve been Positive Thinking who did the fairy lights. (Reckon she was also the one topping up my wine glass on Christmas Eve too… :wink: )

Dear Campers, if anyone knows where ‘PositiveThinking’ and her cousin ‘SnapOutOfIt’ are, could they let them know I need them asap please?

I’ve had miserable ‘SorryForMyself’ and ‘WhyMe?’ here all day :frowning: and need a change of company!

Cheers, Pxxx

ooooorrrr Peachez i had one of those days boxing day i think its the time of year getting to me emotions are all over the place anyway ( or it could be that iam actually due back to work Jan 3rd after 9 months ) enough to make anybody cry.But hey ho New year new start to 2011 and hope its better for all of us xxx now wheres that white Zinfandel mouthwash again. xxJulie
ps hope you both doing ok after youre ops xx take care

If anyone can find my ‘getupandgo’ lurking behind a tree please send her back immediately! long will this tax aching go on…I’m just about to lose my little friend positive thinking too…perhaps she has gorned orf for a quick beer with Peachez little friend…send em back soon please!

Have any of you met the Ohgollythekidshavegonebackhome fairy yet? I know some of you probably know Whendoesschoolstartagain better, but somehow it seems that Christmas has ended prematurely this year, even with snow still on the ground. Pass that white mouthwash, will you?

Hi LIF, Your PositiveThinking turned up just after the Twins ‘StiffUpperLip’ and ‘BraveFace’ evicted my unwelcome visitors, I’m sending one of them over to you, with PositiveThinking coming along just behind… Think all the GetUpAndGo’s must have gone to an allnighter, hopefully they’ll be back in the morning!

Thanks Juliebtaurus, Zinfandel mouthwash - I’ll put that on my pre-chemo shopping list! Do you get a phased return to work?

P xx

yes im getting a phased return i normally work nights but im going to do a few hours 1st week and just do all the updating mandatory training then do one night a week i still have all my holiday entitlement to get so dont actually go back properly untill end of March im a bit apprehensive though cos i feel like i still have chemo-brain and loose my concentration and forget what im going to say mid sentance and im also still wearing my wig so its all still a bit daunting but all the girls have been lovely and i have worked with them a long time so they 're very understanding x

Hi Ladies,

have given her a stern talking to & asked her (positive thinking) to get right back to those woods & my friends that need her, I feel she felt she could partake in the festivities & may well of been helping herself to our supplies which has left her & some of us a lil under the weather but she should be back now :slight_smile:


Wow! I’ve had someone elses GetupandGo today, as well as my own!

Couldn’t resist a 3 mile route march with the dog and OH this morning now that the risk of breaking a hip on the ice has reduced.

Then into town with YD for promised shopping trip, got her 2 dresses for clubbing in, AND nailed the PROM DRESS for June for £25 !!! Can you ‘adam & eve’ it ? Made it to out of town shopping centre on a bus and got her some suitable ‘foundation wear’ too.

Treated myself to some Benefit brow make up and eyeliner for when I’m bald as a Coot.

Had to call OH for lift home - Cream Crackered. P xx

Right LIFs getupandgo…get back here by tomorrow morning and leave poor P alone!!!
I had to do a 3 miler without her and was knackered…!
Feeling a little better…

LIF, hope you’re GetUpAndGo is back with you now?

I had an hour’s walk round Kew in the drizzle this afty… at least I’ll be able to identify some of the trees in the dark, dark woods!

…am slowly stocking up on stuff . Ordered a scarf, a buff and a sleep turban… will be making appt for hair cut next… Uggh. I’ve never had short hair, first time for everything I guess? Pxx

Hi Everyone
Have just spend a few days with feelingsorryformyself and whyme? Have decided to kick them into touch in readiness for my entry into the woods on 7th January. Met two more guys along the way, canyoustandthecoldcap and shaveitoff not sure which one to team up with yet, decisions decisions!! Love Alison x

I’m all for “F***offCancer!” at the moment.

If you’re thinking of going for the chop, do consider another way to stick your middle finger up to this nasty disease and give your hair away rather than just chucking it in the bin. take donations of hair to make wigs for children. If I need to go down that road, that’s certainly where my long hair is going.

Hi everyone,
I feel as if I’ve been camped on the edge of the woods for such a long time as my chemo kept getting delayed because of my seroma. Hopefully, it has now all but gone, but when I move around it makes some weird noises - a bit like a hot water bottle (yes - sounds gross, doesn’t it!)
Alison, I’m due to enter the woods on 7 Jan too. I’m teamed up with shaveitoff and have already cut off all my hair in preparation.
Love to all xxx

I’ve never had enough hair to donate and now it’s partly grey, but when the hairdresser gave me the chop yesterday, she put a lock aside in case I need it for getting a wig. The cut she recommended over my ‘just cut it all really short’ looks like the Twiggy inspired style I last wore aged 20, which is cheering while it lasts. So there, hairloss! See you later, shaveitoff!

I took the long way round to the post office to get some thank you cards for people who have sent cards and flowers, which gave the heart and lungs a good workout and left me feeling like a healthy person. Getupandgo must be working really hard just now–surely female and into multi-tasking?

Hi girles
Haven’t been around for a few days but it’s all to do with GetUpAndGo and her friend GotUpAndWent!

Managed to get the former to be available for my every need until Christmas Day evening and cooked lunch for everyone (the first proper cooking I had done since beginning of October) with a band of Santa’s elves helping me out.
Then GotUpAndWent appeared…since Boxing Day (FEC2 day10) I have had no energy and can fall asleep AtTheDropOfAHat, good job I recorded all three of Upstairs Downstairs, otherwise would have only seen the 1st 20 mins of each episode!

Anyway, looking forward to being with you all tomorrow, wherever we end up, have further supplies handy, Baileys and chocolate cheesecake (if it lasts that long now DS has returned from visiting friends).

Have had a row with PositiveThinking and told her that she can go away for a while…

SJ xx

HI there - Just found you - Well & truly in the woods now & it’s much better to be in them than to lurk outside. At least you can see what you are dealing with rather than letting your imagination run away with you. Big Bad Wolves threatening to drink your red wine and eat your mountain of chocolate, Nasty old witches who steal your hair turn your nails black and make everything ache (oh perhaps they do exist?)

anyhow - I waited so long for my chemo to start after loads of issues with my wound - 12 weeks after my first op - so to those waiting I sympathise!!!
Had No 1 on 17th Dec and although I was very sick first night & poorly for 3-4 days after once it lifted I felt kind of OK & was fine for Christmas day a week later - In fact I was one of only 2 people who did NOT fall asleep after lunch- the other was my darling 4 year old Sophie.

I am seeing ONC today to up the anti (literally) on the sickness front & to see if the infection in my wound is better after shed loads of antibiotics. Currently entertaining can’tbebotheredwithanything as getup&go went away apart from things I WANT to do of course!!
am making lots of ice cream today as OH went shopping & bought shed loads of reduced cream not up til tomorrow so am experimenting with mint choc chip, banana, peanut butter & coconut ice flavours today. just got off the phone to my mum & she told me off & said I shouldn’t be eating it - I somehow held my tongue!!!

But we all know that you’re just making it for the party tomorrow, and you will hardly touch a mouthful of it… (yeah, right! :smiley: )

I just want to get on with things now. I have nearly two weeks to go before my first actual treatment and I’m now feeling like I’ve known about this forever and nothing is happening fast enough. A second core biopsy booked for tomorrow and that’s about the extent of it since the first biopsy on 1st Dec, surgery not booked until 10th Jan, I just want to get on with it all. PatiencePatience has completely deserted me. Anyone seen her around?