Standing outside the dark, dark woods.

Hi all. New to this site, although dealt with my op just 4 years ago. Sitting here on my birthday (how sad is that!)and just stumbled across this site and your disscussions on hair. I always gave the impression to everyone else that my hair was my crowning glory. Always did it fresh everyday, no matter what. When I had my first chemo they told me it would be gone by the 2nd session. I couldn’t believe I just woke up 2 days before my 2nd session was due, and it started to come out in handfuls! Hubby got the bic out and that was it, my nickname was Baldy for some months to come. I kept shaving the wispy bits until half way through chemo when it started to come back. After a couple of tidyups, I let it grow, but kept it quite short. With regular trimming it is now thicker than ever and I have now decided to grow it back into a layered bob, getting many comments. I do feel for you all, but try and keep your chin up, I can guarantee you will get a lot of respect with the general public when they see you as a baldy! I never had so many doors opened for me! Hope you don’t think I am preaching to you, but as they say, been there and done that, these are only my thoughts and you all have your own. I can only say that my heart goes out to you all, and I never go a day without saying thanks that I am still here. Good luck and if you feel like chatting I am on here most days and will check up on you to see how you are doing. Take care xxx

Afternoon Ladies,

I have had a very splendid time in my tent. Positive Thinlking and BringItOn have become pals and it’s very sweet to see them arguing over the sherry.

the tent has been firmly zipped for the duration and i am flinging this message out of a small gap at the top of the zip. This has meant that OhSh*t WoeIsMe and It’sNotFair haven’t been able to get in and so have skulked around the field. Ha HA!! (B*gger, think they’ve heard me)

Santa bought me some splendid gifts (I think BringItOn may have made some suggestions); I for one would never have considered a chainsaw, axe and flame-thrower but now I have them i can see their advantages, so am squashing them into my rucksack and will despatch as required to those in need.

My entry is still schedueled for 5th jan (BringItOn is getting v. excited now i’ve mentioned it) so fingers crossed they will have it all sorted and i won’t have another reaction.

I hope you all had the best christmas you could and are looking towards the new year, and the woods, with BringItOn by your side.


Millykins - the icecream sounds perfect - and just what you need to counteract any sore mouth problems - so you go girl!!!

staycalmandcarryon - glad you’ve got the positive vibes keeping you company at the moment - keep that flysheet zipped on the tent, so you can see out but nothing else can get in!!

Chocciemuffin - Patiencepatience and Patienceisavirtue both deserted my camp early on in the scheme of things… think they’re prob. a million miles away by now.

Me and Ohsodit are keeping each other company today - as I just pulled a handful of hair off the side of my head… now, hair loss is not a big worry for me, done skinhead/mohican/stupid hair cuts since a teen - so figured this would be no worse - but actually, knowing that this is beyond my control is more of a kick in the stomach than I’d anticipated. Not ‘upset’ exactly, more ‘oh’, if that makes sense? Hey ho - maybe clippers tomorrow… unless I start shedding in earnest in the meantime - right now, it’s only if I run my hands through my hair. Oh, I do that a lot. Hmmmm…

Sophie xx

Please can I top the icecream queue as only thing that dosent hurt to eat is jelly and icecream!

I’m keeping company with Ohsodit too and havent seen patienceisavirtue since about last July when first called for the mammogramme that started this lot!
I think all the Patiences are on holiday right now… probably somewhere warm and green and lovely with good food and drink that they can taste!

Ok, in my rucksack I’ve got…

Limbo for covering PICC line in the shower,
Suppositories , Senakot, Imodium (!)
Biotene toothpaste and gel,
Paracetamol & Codine tablets
and a Digital Thermometer.
Water filter jug on order.
Seen the dentist, seeing GP tomorrow, getting hair cut short (arrrgh!) next week…

Have I forgotten anything???

Got CanWeJustGetOnWithIt round mine tonight with OMG and Don’tPanic for company, the 13th seems so far away… well at least it’s not a Friday!


P we will have to grab hold of Letsjustdoit…on 13th…I get my next dose then so we will do it together…! Stick some serious mouthwash in that rucksack too!

Oh dear. “HeadInTheSand” and her mate “Cancer?WhatCancer?” made a run for it this morning when I had another ultrasound. Yes, I know I shouldn’t have kept up the pretence but I did have my fingers crossed that the “something” on the ultrasound was another cyst. No such bleedin’ luck, aspirating it got out diddly squat, so another core biopsy. So “OhBu**er” (no, that’s not butter!) is pinning me down while “Yep,You!” is punching me in my left boob which is now starting to hurt. Need more paracetamol. And a large bottle of wine would be good for this evening but I’m driving this evening so will have to limit myself to two sniffs of a cork and top it off with orange juice.

Still not decided whether to tell my dad yet. It’s his place I’m going to tonight and I don’t want to spoil the party. And once it’s said, it can’t be unsaid.

Can someone please lend me a candle? Mine have all gone out and I’m feeling like I’m sitting in the corner of my tent in the dark. Oh, and a box of tissues would be good too. Thanks.

Here, reach out - massive 10000candle power torch, tissues, chocolate and a vat of wine here for you.

I’d keep it quiet for tonight unless you are directly asked what happened today… the news will still be the same tomorrow

(I was dx two days before my parents Golden Wedding Anniversary party… went through the whole shebang with a fixed smile whenever long lost rellys and friends asked how I was, and didn’t I look well…)

Sophie xxxxx

Stumbled into your thread, and the woods. Is that ok? I’m bringing thermal knickers with me too- hadn’t quite thought through the realities of NO body hair…big yes to the gin as well. Am currently bemoaning LACK of steroids for New Years Eve tonight. It’s the only way I stay awake these days. Not on them again till 3rd Jan, by which time everyone else will be catching up on their sleep and going to bed at 9pm!! Bugger. V. poor timing,

Another 10000 watt bulb here too (don’t care about climate change/global warming just at the moment) you are far more important! Tissues, chocolate, wine (for later) and lots of hugs, don’t be afraid, we are here to help you along, and it won’t be dark.

I agree with Sophie, a few hours isn’t going to make any difference unless you are asked directly, would keep quiet.

Lots of love to absolutely everybody, I have ample supplies of everything needed, both sensible and frivolous.

Onwards into 2011, through these woods, that aren’t dark at all knowing that you are all here with me and I am here for everyone too!

Lots of love

sj XX

Hi Tracey - sadly, there is plenty of room in these here woods by the look of it! How far on your chemo travels are you? I have my second FEC on Jan 7th, am feeling absolutely fine at mo, which makes the prospect of #2 even harder, somehow. Like deliberately making myself feel crap! Hey ho, it only lasts a few days :slight_smile:

Thermal knickers! Ooh, hadn’t thought of that… still psyching myself up to clipper off my head hair, which has just started to drift gently ground-wards…

Mine’s a gin and bitter lemon …

Sophie xxx

Thank you, tent a lot brighter now, but must find paracetamol as boob is SOOOOOOORE!!!

Family doesn’t know anything, so I won’t be spoiling anything by not telling them. All my kids are in various different parts of the country, one is even in France, so it’s just me doing the “party” stuff on my own, and have to drive home so will be orange juiced up for the evening. (Intend to get pissed on my own once I get home though and stick my middle finger up to this stupid disease.)

Alcohol is a pain reliever, isn’t it? (Remember too much paracetamol isn’t good with alcohol, though.) Personally, I’d keep the para to a minimum, maybe use an icepack, and go for the booze. It tastes better.

It’s hard enough facing the reality ourselves, without having to fake it or supress the truth for others.

Have one of my nice cinnamon-scented candles. Here’s a hankie. Blow.

Hope you enjoy the party.

ohh thermal longjohns!!! and a kelly kettle for tea…sod the drugs tonight…I’m having a drink. Right girls and boys out there in the woods, enamel mugs out thermals n woolly hats on drink of choice in mug…don’t forget you can put tia maria in cocoa if you need something alcoholly and hot :wink:
Heres to us all…keep them fires well stoked!!!

Oh what a nice thread. I’m a bit of a thread nomad…passing by. Might I stop a while?

I’m Herceptining, post op, chemo 'n rads. Last one was on Xmas Eve. Here on my own in the middle of nowhere for New Year. And was at Xmas too. OH works abroad. 19 an 20 year olds partying in town 50 miles away.

I am joined by a nice little Rioja Reserva 2005 which I am happy to share. Will someone please give me permission to be a trifle pissed off please? Exhausted of being brave. :frowning:

Get ur tent out tanya…heres the bottle opener!

{{reaches an arm out and takes bottle opener}}. Thanks Lif.
passes bottle.

Dark, dark woods are pretty damn cool when they turn into a festival… hi Tanya! Got a corkscrew in my tent if that’s more use than a bottle opener…honestly Val!!! I’m just sticking to the Baileys on ice tonight… and may indulge myself and watch the entire lot of Torchwood end to end, sighing gently over John Barrowman (what a waste), still… that’ll keep the embers burning!!!

And remember, girls… look up now and again - there are fireworks up there in the sky, past the black leaves and twisted boughs… there is colour, light, noise… and life.

Happy New Year


Pass the rioja, please. Have a cookie, it’s a family recipe.

The first neighbour has started letting off fireworks, audible but not in sight, so there goes any chance of an early night. I’m turning into Mrs Grumpy, I used to like the New Year’s Eve fireworks.


Here ya go Cheryl, got another coupla bottles here. Take one. Mmmm cookies and rioja, most excellent.

If you get your IPod earphones and stick them in really hard, you can’t hear the fireworks.

I took the dog for a very long walk and spent midnight in the pitch black in a silent field. It was a bit surreal but rather splendid. I saw foxes mooching in the hedges near the farm, a badger walking boldly down the middle of the main road in the village and watched a huge owl gliding from tree to tree across the fields. Then I walked back and the NY malarkey was all over and done with before I opened the door… Don’t think that would have worked in a town, but I managed not to see a soul for the whole time. And the dog loved me for the extra walk.

I think there will be a time in the future when we will like the fireworks again. Yes, there will. :slight_smile: