Starting Chemo in December.2012

Hi, thanks for the warm welcome.
A delayed Christmas party sounds like a great idea to me, something to look forward to after the one we’ve just had. I still had my hair at Christmas which meant that people forgot I might be tired and, yes, somewhat iritable. Now I have no hair (I had it shaved off on 3rd Jan) and I don’t like the fact that people do remember and over compensate! There’s no pleasing me. Hats and a wig called the ‘Carol’ (my sister, Carol, was not much amused) are the order of most days, but I don’t mind the baldylocks look too much, it just makes my nose look even bigger!
I’m in Oswestry, North Shropshire on the Welsh border, is anyone near to me?
For anyone who’s already had surgery, how are you getting on with the exercises? I find it difficult to get motivated sometimes and have to really force myself to do them. I don’t want to be any more incapacitated in the future than I have to be.

‘The Blind Swine - an atypical north Yorkshire experience’ :
today’s post on

Cybele - thanks for culinary tales from Yorkshire - I am wide awake at 2.15am and that tale was just what I needed. I have decided to nominate BigSisFo to organise the Crackers’ Christmas party. Anyone want to second?

Well, that was a sh*t night. Finally fell asleep right on my Mx swelling and Rads “thickening”, so then I woke up again.

QueenDrama - whats with the sudacrem? Trying to tell us something?

Maire - hope you feeling better

Hamley - did my exercises religiously until rads finished then spectacularly lost interest. Soooooo booring. Now I just stretch my arm whilst watching TV. Maybe not the attitude.

Blood test time tomorrow - have the jabs worked?..

Morning all.
welcome Hamley…
Pretty snowy in East Yorkshire…and very very cold. Finally got my head shaved yesterday - my friend who is a hairdresser came round with his clippers and a couple of horrendous wigs!
Didnt feel too bad on FEC 2. Took tablets to sleep, tablets to go to the loo, tablets to ease the pain, tablets to stop feeling sick and cant remember what else needless to say i have had plenty of tablets…
…just feel a bit sorry for myself today…how do you stop being scared is what i want to know?
my kids are so young still and it’s breaking my heart
Need to get a happy head on…!!!

Hi Crackers.
Day 5 post tax 2 for me. This time around has been a bit better. Slept off the last of the steroids and didn’t get up till 10.30 this morning. Heartburn hasn’t been as bad but feel a bit more nausea-maybe that’s the herceptin. Just counting down the days till i feel better and praying moth mouth doesn’t strike.
Got my dates in for radiotherapy and discovered planning scan is day after next chemo. Thought that might be a bit of a struggtle so phoned to rearrange. Woman who answered could not have been less pleasant. Felt I might have a wobbly lip moment. She was just really unaccomodating and seemed to lack any understanding. I realise everyone is going throught the same thing but so far have been met with care and support all the way through. So it was a bit of a shock to speak to someone for whom my request for daye change was a major annoyance!
Hope everyone is coping with all that the lovely chemo is throwing at them.Central Scotland seems to have missed the worst of the snow. Very cold though.
Cressida, Hope you’re catching up with some nap time today and you get a better night’s sleep tonight.
Cybele-That meal, sounds amazing…and the cocktails. Wow!
Welcome Hamley-hope you can make it to our Summer Christmas Party! Maybe we could get some of Cybele’s cocktails to help the celebration go with a bang.
Flakes of snow falling now.

Hi ladies my last two posts havent posted for some reason. I welcomed Hamley and explained my sudacrem. basically i have folliuculitis- v sore and itchy head. the only thing that relieved it was sudacrem - which is nappy rash cream!!! anyway i ended up at hospital today because my picc line was really hurting. it appears that the district nurse deemed it ok to leave the sharp bit sticking into my arm! the hospital have sorted it and i mentioned my head and the fact that i have a butterfly rash on my face - all very common on tax apparently so have some Aveeno cream. will it be better than sudacrem? ill let you know! x

i’ll second big sis fo for the party! and oh yes I remember now , my 2nd posting was to Lolly to tell her that I had had my head shaved when my hair started coming out. i think it helped. no idea where my previous postings got to!!! Actually now I think about it - 3 are missing!! Is it a conspiracy? or am i just not pressing the right buttons!!! (probably the latter!) x

and my last post has gone on twice!!! x

just had bloods done result are perfect, so all good for my 2nd FEC tomorrow, good luck to all who is also haveing theirs this week.
wish my wig would turn up as dont think my hair will hold out much longer.

Will be thinking of you tomorrow Lolly…drink loads Xxxx

thanks Mandyp xx

Hi All, thanks for the welcomes.
Maire, I’m sorry to read about the unaccomodating woman for whom changing an appointment date was so much trouble; it doesn’t take much to be pleasant and I’ll bet the rest of the team she works with would be horrified to know how she came across.
Lolly, good luck with FEC 2 tomorrow, you’ll be in my thoughts.
QueenDrama, I’ve had ‘hurty hair’; from about day 10 after FEC 1 even if the wind below my hair out of the direction it grows in it hurt. I had it shaved off thinking that it would help but even the short bit of regrowth I’ve had still hurts. Does that sould anything like you experienced?

‘Share a Little of That Human Touch’:

today’s post on

Hello everyone , TC looms again, just as I was starting to feel a little normal again, boo! So dreading feeling ill again , had a shock today in the shower with my hair , clumps seem to come out , I did have the cold cap but looks like it’s not worked , I’m trying to keep it together for my 3yr old boy , but keep feeling the tears well up , I’ve also seemed to have put on weight from no where , or maybe it’s being back at my mums and her lovely bacon sandwiches , also I try to eat healthy but my taste buds have gone , I can still taste chocolate and pickled onion monster munch though, not very good for me but so nice , welcome hamley , good luck to everyone having chemo this wk , I’m only on my 2nd and it’s dragging , I swear by sudocrem ! Having developed spots since chemo , never had spots before , I’ve been putting it on them and anywhere else that’s sore xxxxx oh and wish the snow would do one ! I’m going to have to get a taxi to hospital for bloods tom as my dad can’t get the car out ! Xxx

Good luck lolly! movicol corsodyl and lots of fluids!
Hamley - hurty head? yes! ask your gp for Aveeno cream
Maire - big boo to the the horrid appointment booker!
lisalouw - keep going. Ive just had my 2nd as well but by next time itll be the half way stage
Mandy p - im not sure if you ever stop being scared so make the most of EVERY day!
Cress? - u ok?

its still snowy in Brum and my daughter is enjoying a THIRD snow day! hope her school is open tomorrow Shes doing GCSE’s for heavens sake! She also has tonsillitis and is on antibiotics - and its my danger week! eek!!!

love to all x

2nd tax seems to be much better than the first. Tongue is ok…so far… and I seem to be rallying a bit on day 6. I wonder if it’s because they slowed my treatment down when i had a reaction.
Having just read Cybele’s blog I really sympathise re. doctor’s lack of understanding. It really knocks you sideways when you come across a stumbling block of a person. I think we all try so hard to be good little girls. Not complaining too much, putting on brave faces etc. Well-we’re all paying for the NHS. It’s there to help sick people and if some of the folk that work there can’t put up with folk that are ill and struggling-too bad. I wish I’d been less humble on the phone the other day and said-sorry, can’t make the appointment and left it at that. Rant rant!
Hamley-When my hair came out my scalp was sore. Very odd sensation. Must be the follicles being irritated or something. It passes once the hair has gone. It’s not nice being baldy but you do get used to it.
Lisalou-I got massive fluid retention from Tc. I put on 4 lbs overnight, but it does eventually calm down. Good luck with your next tc. Hope it goes ok (and enjoy the bacon rolls).
Lolly-Hope chemo goes ok today and Cressida hope you’re having a lovely snooze.
…and I do appreciate the NHS really and applaud the fantastic staff who far outweigh the old miseries.

Hello fellow crackers had second TC yesterday so half way there. Feelinga bit yucky today but ok ish.

been to genetics as I am TN and also had BC twice I more than likely carry the BRCA 1 or 2 gene so they are going to try and find some blood I donated 14 years ago when doing trials for this mutation and if blood ok I should have an answer in 4 weeks if not have got to get sample of blood before next chemo and will be another 8 weeks.

Fed up with this snow now causing chaos with driving to all these bloody hospital appointments .

Take care everyone x x

Hi Girls, needed a bit of a diazepam holiday. Really felt sh*t for days 6 & 7. Need to be sedated next time before it starts. I keep learning, just slowly.

QueenD - I hesitate to tell you this, but I ended up with actual nappy rash on Taxotere. Let me know if you need the names of more creams and I will fish about in my giant plastic box of drugs and dressings and see what I used.

Maire - it’s very inconvenient of you to be having piosonous cancer treatment that clashes with radioactive cancer treatment. Perhaps you could try to be more considerate next time.

Lolly - hope chemo day has gone OK with no snow problems.

Hamley - hurty hair is normal I fear. Wedge glamorous wooly hat on top.

LisaLou - Pickled Onion Monster Munch? I am impressed. I have eaten 2 packs of hula hoops and some quavers today. Think I am just celebrating lack of moth mouth since I decided to just wallow in Corsydyl and let all my teeth go brown. Sod healthy food - eat whatever you can get down and taste.

Wendy - is there a shortage of needles? Can’t they just take a bit more blood and get on with it? Or have I missed something? Not had my genetics appiontment yet - what do they do?

Mandy - really hope you feeling better - scared just comes and goes - hang in there, x

I can now confirm that Filgrastim does work. They said my white blood count was very high. Just off to find someone with plague and snog them. If I survive that, I will be getting number 2(b) (or no 4) tomorrow and finally making it 1/3 of way through.


Cress - still going to have blood test anyway but they can’t do it until just before next chemo as only had chemo yesterday so will take extra blood with chemo blood then takes 8 weeks after Addenbrokes receive it To get results . That means results wll not be back in time for surgery at end of March when I need to make decision about double MX but thinking I will go for it anyway as he said there are genes out there that they don’t know about yet. Feel for my daughters as if I have faulty gene they have a 50% chance of having it as well .

Wendy x x