Starting Chemo in May 2012

deleting multiple messages sorry

Hi Rattles
Hope you are doing well after your op yesterday
Take care
Gillian xx

Thanks for all the welcoming messages - they are much appreciated! This is a great forum as everyone understanding exactly what you are going through and at the same time. I am so glad I managed to get on at long last - the links for posting were simply not there! Wore my wig to my FEC 2 yesterday, her fringe got a bit wet as the weather was awful but she is fine. The ward was really busy and short staffed - and we were really short of space. It seemed that everyone brought a friend in, which I thought wasn’t not allowed!! I actually asked the visitor next to me to move as I can only get my injections on my left arm due to ANC - and she was virtually sitting on my left knee!! She was not amused, but I said I was actually there for treatment and she strictly speaking was not meant to be there at all! Eventually the nurse moved ME to a corner on my own - has anyone else got a lot more outspoken since being diagnosed - instead of Roadrage - I seem to have developed CHEMO RAGE!!
Thanks for the tips on cleaning the wig too everyone - I have only worn it twice so far and was advised to wash it every week - but then if you are not wearing it everyday that won’t be necessary. Hope everyone is doing ok today - got all my new drugs and lots for the ulcers and thrush so hopefully that SE won’t happen this time.
Have a good day xx

Hello everyone, hope all is going well and SE are to a minium.
Emylou9, yes, I live in Cheltenham, we’ll have to meet up for a coffee and compare notes!
Kitten-made, sorry to hear abut the crowding at your hospital - they are busy at mine but only let friends accompany anyone on the first infusion so usually it’s ok.
Wore my wig out for the first time to meet some friends yesterday, bit worried about the wind but they said the style was better then my original hair which was great. Think it makes me look younger, probably won’t go back to long hair once it grows back but have a style similar to the wig.
Having mild SE this weekend, tingling fingers, achy legs which is the same as with the last treatment. I also found the arm where I had the lymph nodes removed ached quite badly for a couple of days last time but it did go away. I’m not tired which I’m pleased about. A bit worried about next week when I dip into neutropenia as I had to go into hopsital last time.
I hope to go to the Gower for a couple of days with my OH before my next treatment, weather and SE permitting. So looking forward to being by the sea.
Rattles, hope you’ll be home by Monday.
Hope everyone else is doing ok.
Love Claire

Hello buddies,
everyone sounds like they are coping well. Josie and Em- you look great in your new pictures! I am working up the courage to go ‘au naturel.’
Kittenmad- got to ask if you have a kitten? It is a great name.
Claire- the Gower is a gorgeous place, and I am sure a break will do you good.
Polarbear- so nice to hear of your little one’s first steps.
Thanks for all your goodwishes. Very touched by your kindness.
Well, I came home yesterday. Op itself went smoothly and I seemed to cope well physically. As bloods all low, have to go to Marsden on Monday for review. Have drain in. Now I just have to wait to see if it will heal okay.
I was really proud of myself. Didnt cry or get emotional despite the huge shock it was to look down and see no breast. I am still not sure how I feel about it. Also, no warning from any of the otherwise lovely nurses and just expected to cope. I didnt expect to feel as upset as I am- not crying, but feel like, oh my … it really has gone. Just feel numb. Also, unusually for me, dont want to talk to anyone.
Cant believe it will be possible to resume chemo in 3 weeks, but at same time I MUST and so really focussing on eating, drinking, resting, phsyio…
Gonna be stuck in bed, so would love to hear from anyone around who wants to cyber chat…
Lots of love Rattles, xx

Hi Rattles- so glad you are home safe and sound and the op went well . It is boundunto take awhile to come to terms with emotionally. Give yourself time and be good to yourself. Hopefully it will be an end to all the pain you have been in lately. Rest up and get spoilt , much love Em xxxx

Hi Rattles, so glad your op went well. I didn’t have my breastremoved but have a dent in my left boob now, what with that, the bald head and the ever balding body, it’s a lot to cope with. But we do, and you will. I’m impressed with my own ability to cope and in awe of some of the ladies on here who have a much worse situation than me. You’re doing fab!
Im back at the hospital tomorrow to see if the bloods are back up to be nuked again on Tuesday. I’m feeling very happy though as we have put a deposit on a gorgeous little tabby kitten (she will be named Nora Catty) I don’t get her until July but I am so excited as i have wanted a cat for years but couldnt due to renting. Its giving me me something positive to focus on and look forward to.
Hope you continue to mend well and don’t get too bord in bed.
Love to everyone x

Hi Rattles
Glad your home & your op went well. Make sure you rest lots.
My SE’s are again mild after 2nd chemo. Mainly feel tired and achy legs.Over did it yesterday so just spending today on the sofa. My daughter has taken her dad out for lunch & cinema for fathers day.
Hope everyone else is coping well. Lots of hugs
Gillian xx

Hi everyone - feeling a bit yuck today as was fine yesterday and did too much. Rattles - you are bound to feeling a bit weird but try to be positive and rest up and get strength for what lies ahead. I have NINE kittens at the moment - no I am not a mad cat lady - but my two cats had them 10 days apart. Probably not the best of timing with operations and chemo going on - but honestly seeing them being born (and helping) really has helped me - and you can’t be bored with all of them to cuddle. However they are now coming up for 7 and 5.5 weeks so trying to get good homes for them. Four are now spoken for but not to be collected until July and strangely the gorgeous whiter ones in the photo - nobody has chosen them yet as everyone wants the smaller ones! So our house is a bit mad at the moment and they are everywhere and are eating us out of house and home! Strangely both mums will feed any lot of kittens now and clean them which is lovely - wish humans would do the same! Although I would love to crawl back to bed - my daughter decided to do some baking before going to work and has left all the mucky washing up in the kitchen for me to deal with. Hope everyone has a good day - although I can’t imagine us all going out for fathers day lunch somehow!

We might have to re-name the thread! Josie a kitten will I am sure give you a big lift and provide no end of entertainment! Kitten-mad- I wish we could have one of your kittes, my daughter loves cats but flats and London and kittens don’t go togther very well…
Does anyone know how to change the font when posting? I dont know what I have done but I can barely see what I am trying to type?
Gilliian it is great the your SE’s are mild.
I cant seem to keep my eyes open for more than about 30 mins. Keep falling asleep.
I managed to get a Fathers’ Day card but will have to spoil OH at a later date.
Rattles, x

Hi Rattles
Good to hear you’re home - take care of yourself. I found things got much easier when the drain came out.
Spent the morning at my work ‘open day’ (I work for a mental health charity, we are based on a farm and grow organic veg) - was really nice to see my colleagues.
Wishing everyone a good weekend, Alix xx

Hi everyone, Rattles glad you are home and doing ok after the op, it does get easier to accept only having one boob, just don’t try to rush things, dont look there if you dont need to, I go back to the hosp for bloods tomorrow, hope they are ok dont want any more delays, hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
love and hugs to you all xxx

Hi everyone

Rattles - glad you are back home after your op, hopefully the pain has gone and you are resting. Would like to be able to offer you some mx recovery advice, but I haven’t had mine yet, but I am thinking of you.

Kittenmad - welcome to the group, wow your kittens sound so cute.

Hope everyone is doing OK and has minimal SE’s. We had a lovely weekend in Northern Ireland - but I put my back out and can hardly walk and am off my face on strong painkillers, which makes a change from being off my face on steroids I suppose! Going for onc appointment and bloods tomorrow and hopefully FEC3 on Thursday.

Squeakymouse xx

Happy Sunday everyone!
Hope everyone’s weekend was good, went up to my parents as OH away at a wedding but spent all weekend being driven mad by hair shedding everywhere. So my mum cut it short and much more manageable although a great source of amusement to my 5 year old. Not sure what my OH will think, when he left it had just started to fall out!!
Glad to hear you are home ok Rattles and good luck with everything, I haven’t had my op yet but I’m guessing I’d feel the same as you. Are you going to the Royal Marsden? Which site as I’m at the Sutton site tomorrow!
Off for FEC2 tomorrow so fingers crossed bloods are ok

Welcome Kittenmad, your cats sound lovely, most jealous!
Hope your back feels better soon Squeakymouse
my little one is showing much reluctance to repeat her walking from the other day but it will come!
Hugs to all

I hope everyone is doing okay. Big thank you to PTchit and Carolyn fir “popping in” from their thread, always nice to hear from those further along.

I was a bit behind on the posts.

Good luck Poplarbear for FEC2 today.

Zumba I hope your hair is sorted, sounded traumatic! Will need to post my baldy pic if I can be bothered to use the Lap top. Yours looks good Em.

It was interesting hearing your chemo rage story kitten mad. My chemo unit is soooo spacious. I will be taking a different "chemo buddy"with me every time. I’d imagined them all like mine. Could easily fitthe whole family in. I’m Going to Salisbury and the Pembroke unit is quite new. Where does everyone else go?
Was nice to have an update from Rattles. I only had a wle so can offer no practical advice. At the beginning of this ‘journey’ i did google image loads of mx and wle. I would have chosen a mx at that time as have small boobs/large lump. Thought it might have been neater? Was led by surgeon though. I hope you are okay xxx rest up for next three weeks before you are back on th chemo train

Mtfanwy, good luck through this neutrapenic bit. I was in hospital last time too. This weekend was the same stage in my cycle and was hoping the injections would do their stuff. Saturday my temp went up to 37.9• so was fearing the worse. Didn’t call the hospital as wasn’t 38! Plus husband was away blah blah blah. Today my temp was sligh tly lower but have had a trip to A&E. Am at home though (hurray). Friday I’d noticed a spot on my inner thigh. Nothing to write home about. Saw there was a few on both legs but this one was a bit tender with a bit of inflamation around it. Being the trained medical professional (ahem) that I am a drew round the reddness to keep track of it. The next day it was larger 50p sized and the centre was blistered. Showed it to the nurse who thought it looks like an insect bite bit not too concerned as temp had gone down. Anyway (god I waffle) this morning the red inflammation was as large as my hand, couldn’t walk properly and blistered centre thing was the size of a 5p coin and bursting with pus (sorry!!). Called the unit who said call oncall gp for antibiotics (temp only 37), they wanted to see it so up to gp up at a&e. Good service there. In and out with script for antibiotics and usual temp taking advise. Pus bit had popped now and have lovely hole. Luckily nurse coming daily as had new Picc line on Wednesday. Great fathers day! Revolving around me!

I realise how much I took for grAnted being “healthy”. I already had an Autoimmune disease and had been on immune suppressants before all this and never got ill so thought my body would be fine with all this. Argh!!!

Anyhow. Really long post. Must be the time of night. serves me right for napping during Countryfile! Good night. Sorry to go on, and on, and on

Sarah xxxx

JosieJo75, hope your bloods are OK this week. I love cats to, I have two who are wonderful company, Paris a rescue cat and Lucy a little black cat. When my OH is at work they follow me round all the time.
Gillian - same here with the SE on 2nd chemo - achy legs and feet, tingly fingers but thankfully today its less than yesterday. I’m going to try and do my painting today, I like to paint horses so am worried about the numbness after treatment, just hope its temporary.
Kittenmad, I’d have more cats if I could but OH said no. I had a friend once who breed Devon Rex cats, the kittens looked like pipe cleans, sooo cute.
Ginger 1 - good luck with the bloods today, hope your treatment can go ahead, another one out the way.
Squeakymouse, glad you had a lovely weekend in Northern Ireland but sorry about your back, sounds painful. I hope to get away for a couple of days to the Gower with OH, weather permitting before next chemo, just love being by the sea.
Hello Polarbear74, hope you’re OK and hope all will be OK with your bloods today.
Doggirl, I go to the Cheltenham Oncology Unit, fairly new but always crowded although the nurses are great, especially when getting a vein! Yes, neutrapenic time, I think mine is due to start on Wednesday - my boss is paying me a visit that day, hopefully not bad news! I’m sorry you had problems again, it sounds horrible what you had, hope you’re feeling better.
Rattles, glad your’re back home - it will take a while to get used to but I find now I can hardly remember what having two boobs was like. I was going to have a reconstruction this year but because of the spread to my ovary and having this removed I don’t know now whether I want one, the thought of another big operation doesn’t fill me with joy. I might just get a better false one as it doesn’t really affect me now and OH has got used to it.
Hope everyone is doing OK today and there are no delays to treatments, another one ticked off. Also apparently we’re going to get a summer for a couple of days so time in the garden, yipee!
Love Claire

Hello Darling buds. Its all been happening while i have been in hiding.I had another reaction to tax 3 and they had to stop it and send me home! Then had to go back the next day (my birthday) to have it put in over 7 hrs. It was all very horrible and dull and i was super grumpy! Infact i still am. Im on day 4 and feel yuk. Grumble grumble. At least no more Docetaxel now just fec to deal with. It also means im halfway through. Rattles have been thinking of you lots.

Sorry to hear that Harry Duck, hope you feel better soon.

It was very good to catch up with everyone but please forgive me, head feels too much like cotton wool. Please bear with me…It seems we all have our own challenges to face- doggirl, you sound like you had an awful time. I think Julie posted about insect bites a while back- like I said then, those little blighters sure picked the wrong person to bite- I bet they are suffering now!
Squeaky mouse- sorry about your back. Polarbear- I am at the Marsden in London…Sorry about your hair. It is another stage on the way. I think we all mourned our hair (those that lost it a bit earlier) but you do get used to it.
Harryduck- sorry you had a miserable time. Thank goodness it is the last one though. Mark it off. It is done. Do something nice to celebrate (when you feel better…)
Claire-hope you fare better this time. Did you get the Neulasta injection? I have to have my ovaries removed too, and like you, I cant see how I woul contemplate more surgery. But still, I am surprised by how upset I am esp as I was in so much pain and it was so obvious it had to go. I have small boobs and did not realise how much they meant to me. It is such a shock to have nothing there at all. What was strange was that when I had recnotructed breasts, they looked normal, but did not feel ‘real.’ Now I have no breast, and it feels as though I have one. Very, very freaky! I am sure you are all right and it is about adjusting. On the positive, I feel much brighter this morning. Just go to go and get my bloods checked.
To all of you suffering SE’s thinking of you. To those getting bloods done. Fingers crossed.
It would be so nice to see a bit of sunshine.
Rattles, xx