Bikerchic congratulations on the birth of your grandson, Zumba sorry to hear about your nan.
Hope everyone is doing ok and all those who are having there FEC this week get on ok. I’m seeing onc next Tues hopefully my bloods will be ok they were low last time but still able to have FEC, then weds I have 3rd lot. I will be half way through.
Take care
Gillian xx
Congratulations Bikerechic on the birth of your new grandson, sorry to hear about your nan Zumba, hope everyone else is doing ok , feel really strange today , kind of disconnected ??
Hello to all. Mixed news on the catch up. Sorry about your nan Zumba. Sad news at any time.
Congratulations to bikerchic though. Henry - lovely news xxx
FEC 3 for me tomorrow as well. Shame we are not all together. Could be fun.
I’m not brave enough to go naked head in public, but do at home and at friends and family. It gets too hot otherwise. My baby nephew and I have a similar look going on. I’m sure he thinks I am a big baby!
I will officially not be taking my steroids this time. My oncologist thinks I am
Sensitive to the dex. I didn’t take it last time and didn’t have that fuzzy, fogginess. My onc said I am my own scientist (?!) and will find what works for me. Yeah man!!
Feeling so well today. Seems a shame to ruin it all with all th chemo! Seem to be getting a rough idea of what’s to come now in terms of planning. Had to laugh. I also had the “what are your plans for summer” question. This was during the insertion of my secnod PICC line and was from the radiographer. I said “mainly getting chemotherapy”. To be honest we did laugh a lot after as was stupid question!
Hugs to everyone and hope you all are dong alright xxx
Zumba - so sorry to hear about your nan, on your birthday too. Sending hugs.
Bikerchic - congratulations on your grandson!
Em - sorry to hear about what your onc said about the chemo and your white bloods, hopefully tomorrow’s FEC will hit the cancer properly.
My chemo brain has just melted after doing a full day’s work after chemo last Thursday so had better stop posting!
Just thinking how strange it is to have a serious illness (BC) that doesn’t make you feel particularly ill yet the chemo for it makes you feel terrible.
Good luck to everyone being juiced this week.
Squeakymouse xx
Good to catch up with everyone,
Zumba - so sorry to hear about your Nan. Like Doggirl said, its hard to lose someone at anytime in your life, but even more so when you have been diagnosed with breast cancer and with your wedding coming up. I hope you can get support from family and friends.
Em- know it must feel disappointing, but the chemo has a cummlative effect, so dont give up. You will be half way through this time?
Bikerchic- congratulations on the birth of your grandson.
Squeakymouse- well done for doing a full day’s work!
Rattles, xx
sorry to jump in to your thread but i had a picc line inserted yesterday and just wondering how long your arm aches and what do u put over it so u dont need to see it thank you ladies xx
sorry to jump in to your thread but i had a picc line inserted yesterday and just wondering how long your arm aches and what do u put over it so u dont need to see it thank you ladies xx
Hi all
Haven’t posted for a while as I’m just emerging from the post FEC2 sickie fog! Feeling more like my old self again this morning.
Polarbear - hope you have a great birthday when you reschedule! Becks - so sorry to hear about your nan, hope you’re coping ok. Toni - congratulations on your grandson!
Em - sorry to hear about your bloods being low. My ‘score’ was 1.6 before FEC2 (it was 6 before FEC1), and the onc thinks I may have a delay for FEC3. For a week after juicing I can’t eat much except ryvita spread with philadelphia, which probably doesn’t help my immune system much!
I seem to be hanging on to to a thin layer of head stubble - it’s annoying really, as it means I leave a trail of hair everywhere I go.
Hope everyone due to be juiced this week gets on ok.
Love to all, Alix xx
Just a quick post - hope it makes you smile. I run a girl guide unit and we have a girl with special needs - last night she said to me. “Where’s your hair gone?” I told her it fell out She asked me again “Where’s your hair gone?” I told her it fell out because I’ve had to have some medicine that makes that happen She replied in a cross voice “Bad Medicine!” I told her yes it was nasty medicine! So to all of you suffereing with side effects - my lovely girl guide has told our chemo off for being naughty and making our hair fall out!
Bad medicine! That sums it up. We call it friendly fire in this house, cos it takes out the goodies as well as the baddies. As explained by my nine year old son.
Just back from FEC 3 so might be quiet for next couple of days although have decided not to have any side effects this time
Cannot scroll back today. Quinny (?) I’m on my second Picc line. I don’t remember my arm hurting much. Was a bit bruised and battered for a week the second time. I cover mine with cut off children’s tights. Have different colours and some stripey ones. The hospital sent me home with a bit of tubigrip but a bit ugly. Hope your arm starts to feel better x
Take care all xxx
hi doggirl its not hurting as much today did u feel like u could feel in neck or is that me just being para i had it put in yesterday and felt like it not all time and i read that if you cough or sick it can dislodge it is this true ? xx thanks 4 answering me x
I never felt like that. It shouldn’t be too near your neck as it goes along the vein in your arm, along the sholder and ends in the large vein close to the heart. It’s alla bit strange if you think about it too much. The PICC line is very soft so once any bruising has improved there should be no pain. Are you seeing a nurse daily to clean it? Thy could maybe reassure you? If you are feeling any pain you need to tell them.
As for dislodging it. I’ve not heard that. Have coughed and been sick and it’s fine! I would imagine it cannot go anywhere. Well fingers crossed!
Qunny, you have already had good advice from the buddies resident medical expert (sorry doggirl- do you mind being teased?). I was convinced my neck and shoulder ached, but like you had the fear factor- I used a heat pad which I was told opened up the vein and helped things settle- not too hot though! Also, I was told that if it moved, it would move down, not up if that makes sense. I still find it a bit achey sometimes but I am verging on the neurotic about it…
Doggirl - well done for getting your FEC3 done. That is you half way too isnt it? I am I right in thinking you, Harry Duck and Em have all have 3 now?
Alix - well done for getting through the fog. Friendly Fire is very apt too.
Julie - that is a funny story.
Anyone suffering with a dry, itchy scalp and skin? My skin gone mad and feel like a rhinocerous?
Hi all.
I haven’t been on for a few weeks. Just read through the last pages to catch up.
Zumba, sorry to hear about your nan. I know it is hard to loose someone so close, especially now it must be even harder.
Bikerchic, wonderful news about your grandson. Something lovely to focus on.
I have nothing exciting to post. I have been very lucky with the side effects. Nothing major just mouth and nose sores, pains in arms but feel very fortunate compaired to alot of people on here. I have been back at work for the last week and a half and had my third chemo today. I am currently doing a week and a half off and a week and a half in work. Found it more tiring this time though.
I am quite pleased with my wig although after wearing it all day I cannot wait to get it off. If I manage to keep working I think I will eventually end up wearing scarfs at work too. I really don’t care much now what other people think. I still keep getting a five o’clock shadow on my head though so something is still growing which is odd!
I went to see Coldplay at Manchester City ground a few weeks ago. First major wig outing! 55,000 people so didn’t really take the advice of keeping away from crowds but I figured it was really outside so it didn’t count?
I hope everyone is coping and each chemo is one step closer to the last one (thats what everyone keeps telling me).
Take care Alesha x
hi all i think its all in my mind xxx
Hello to all the May buddies.
HarryDuck, very impressed with our mascot for sleeping through the night - more than many of us can do at the moment me thinks.
PolarBear74, hope you are feeling a bit better now and sorry your birthday was ruined. Hope you arrange something wonderful when you feel better.
Emylou9, hope your treatment went well today. Hopefully it will start working on the tumour as the chemo builds up in your system.
Bikerchic, congratulations on your grandson and I hope your treatment also went well today.
Zumba, so sorry to hear about your nan. Its never easy when you lose someone but particularly someone you were close to and at a time when you need her most. I hope you are coping and have the support you need from your family at this sad time. Sending you big hugs xx
Alesha, I’m impressed you could wear your wig all day and impressed you are working. My wig gives me a headache after about an hour so I only wear it when necessary. I decided not to work during chemo as the place where I work is open plan and they seem a particularly unhealthy bunch, someone has always got some bug or other and I didn’t fancy being in hospital every time I got neutropenic, once was enough with the first lot of chemo.
My brother and his new girlfriend came round today. They met on the internet, she came over from Italy last week to meet him, flew back to tell her abusive husband she wanted a divorce and flew back yesterday to be with my brother. I can’t keep up with him. Hope she wasn’t put off by my bandanna, really must order some better ones as I really do do a good impression of a Russian peasant farmer!!
In my good week which is great, no treatment till next week which is half way through. Will have to have a scan before the lot after that so see, hopefully, how well its working.
Hope all the May buddies are feeling ok today.
Claire xx
At last someone recognises my medical expertise! Thanks Rattles, I knew all that holby city and ER (ummmm Dr Luca) would pay off. I’m off to work at the hospital as we speak. Consultants must get paid A decent wage and I’ll get free parking. Plus all the chemo you can take!! On second thoughts…
Alesha, don’t worry about the lack of side effects. Enjoy it!! But make sure you still get lots of looking after etc I’m all for milking it. Hope your third FEC went okay today. We are the same!! Are you having six? If so half done and all that. HoPE you are feeling okay. I have just vomited whilst on the loo. Wasn’t really sure which way to face. Glad noone was home! Wasn’t sick last time so took me by surprise. I wonder if it was the snickers I had?!
55000 isn’t a large crowd lol! Hope you had a wonderful time.
Claire, thank you. I only have me and one other person in my office and two people in the warehouse. They are all quite a healthy bunch otherwise I think I perhaps wouldn’t work.
Another thing I meant to mention, by lovely brother in law was 50 the other weekend and he had a party and told everyone not to buy a present but to pay £5 to enter. He therefore managed to raise £600 for breast cancer. When he did his little speech to thank everyone I even managed to hold it together, just! (Even when my 15 year old son put his arm round me which he would never do normally in public).
I also had a few dances, and stayed until 1.00am without so much as a teeny glass of wine passing my lips. The dancing thing without a bit of dutch courage would never had happened before as I have always been self conscious so the positive thing is that it has made me feel what the hell!
Stupid iPhone. Wasn’t finished babbling on!
Today is a busy day for FEC. Just wanted to wish everyone luck for their next cycle xx
Doggirl I am having E/CMF. The Epirubecin I have once every 3 weeks for four lots. Then I have the CMF which I think is Day 1 and then Day 8 then nothing for two weeks for four times. (Still trying to get my head round that one). They are also going to give me radiotherapy then too so have an idea work will be out of the window then.
I feel OK usually, then bomb when I stop taking the steroids, not so much physically but emotionally. They now spread them out over two more days so that helps alot, nowhere near as bad.
What is it you are having? Love your picture, you are braver than me no one has seen mine yet only OH and my son.