Starting Chemo in May 2012

Hi ladies.
Myfanwy. Yes, Ihave found it much better without but I did have an extreme reaction to them, I didn’t sleepmformdays, couldn’t sit still, felt high as a kite (literally bouncing off the walls) they also gave me panic attacks. Itmwas really frightening.
Without, I just slept mostly for about 2 and a half days and have felt really good since.
If anyone else has a bad reaction, I would say to talk to your onc. they just gave me two extra tablefor for sickness, but I didn’t need totake them as the other two I took worked.
Hope everyone is feeling good today, I’m knackered as my neighbours came home drunk at 1 and were out in their garden with music in and singing until 3, yay. Xx

Hi everyone

I changed my profile picture to a sloth because they spend most of their time resting, slowly emerging from their nest every few days to poo. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Note also the dazed facial expression and fixed smile .

Squeakymouse xx

Hahaha, that is so funny Squeakymouse, brilliant.
I feel a tad tired today and an area on my left hand is a bit painful when I move it in a certain way, just down from my thumb and slightly red and swollen. Had a bit of pain last month down the length of my arm for a few days, no redness or swelling, so hope its just the Taxol working it’s magic!
I have my third lot of Tax next Wednesday, on my birthday. Amazed at just how many buddies have had this happen this month on their birthdays.
Rattles, I received my order today for some head gear from that company I told you about, It is very comfortable, I ordered a couple of the jersey ones in the end.
Hope all the May buddies are having a relatively good day today and for once the sun is out.
Claire x

Good one Squeakymouse sounds just like me :wink:

Just a quickie to say hi. Have been unable to post all evening?

Had 2 days in bed/on the sofa post FEC 2 and today has been good. Have been a busy little buddy. It’s our local race for life tomorrow so will dust off the pom poms and cheer my friends and family on. Was planning o. Doing it but day 5 a little optimistic?!

Cannot believe it’s July already. I must admit I am wishing this year away. It’s brought nothing but cancer sh1t, my father in law and grandad both diagnosed with The Big C, and both have died. This year can p*** off. It’s not having me!!

Ohhhh a little rant. I apologise!!

Have a lovely Sunday with min se to all

Take care xxxxx

Doggirl- I couldn’t post either. Our race for life in Cheltenham too. Although I’m only 4 days post FEC I was hoping to be able to walk/stagger it!!! Wish me luck- haha. Daughter and friends doing it too so hopefully I can drag myself round. Will post later if I’m not totally incapacitated. Love Em x

Gosh do you think they’ll do drug testing??!! I’m full of steroids lol xxx

Good luck with thr race for life

Emylou wish I had some of your energy, good luck and try not to overdo it , doggirl think I could manage to shake some pompoms lol , good luck to everyone doing race for life today and hope evryone is having a good weekend ,
hugs to everyone xx

Go Emylou!
You’ll do it no problem. I do wish I’d gone for it but ummmed are arrr’d until it was too late to enter. First year in as long as I can remember and ironically the first year I’d have anyone to write on the back. Before this ear cancer hadn’t touched my life at all. Ho hum!

Ps good luck with th dope testing!!!

Em - Good luck with the race for life - don’t overdo it! Hope the weather is OK.
Doggirl - so sorry to hear about your Father in Law and Grandad, sending hugs
This is a short post (sighs of relief all round) cos my chemo arm veins are all achey today and can hardly use my right hand (I am right-handed), just waiting for the painkillers to kick in.
Squeakymouse xx

Morning all
I was supposed to be doing the Race for Life too - though I feel ok, I gave my place to a friend’s daughter some time ago. I’m in my ‘middle week’ so am trying to avoid crowds, so will be shaking metaphorical pom-poms at home!
Good luck Em - with the run and the drug testing!!
Maybe we should all run next year…
Doggirl - so sorry to hear about your father-in-law and grandad - like you, I’ve kind of written this year off. A really good friend was diagnosed with bc about a month after me (same sort, similar stage etc - we are breast cancer twins). She is due to start chemo soon, so we will no doubt soon be comparng head shapes!
Squeakymouse - hope your arm is recovered soon, and hope all the buddies are having a good weekend with minimal SEs.
Love to all - and go Em!
Alix xx

Good luck with the races girls. I did it last year but didn’t get round to signing up this year. Been a bit busy with something…can’t think what :wink: I shall definately signing up next year again though.
Dog girl, God, what a year youve had! You poor thing. Xxxx
Im off to town in a mo to try and get some new work trousers for my first day back tomorrow. My waistline seems to be getting bigger and bigger. Id blame the chemo but i think it Might be all the baking I’ve been doing to pass the time. Oops
Have a good day, shaking your pompoms xxxxx


Painkillers and Deep Heat have worked.
I know what you mean about writing the year off - in my case it has written the year off for other people as well, which I feel really guilty about. I have always been the one who is never ill and never has any problems and is there for everyone else so me having cancer is like some sick joke and I still can’t get my head around it. I wasn’t even going to tell anyone in case they thought it was attention-seeking behaviour on my part. I thought I could just be off work and in and out of hospital for Mx and reconstruction in a day, then if hubby noticed a scar I was just going to dismissively say “oh that, yeah, had boob replaced”. Fat chance! However, hubby caught me crying when I thought he wasn’t looking so the whole story came out. By this time my boob was so red, swollen and hard and ripping holes in my bra’s that I was having to hide it from him anyway so it was only a matter of time before he noticed.
I also told the rest of the family in case they thought I had shaved my head to join some strange religious cult!
Hubby was in the middle of sorting out a family situation which has now escalated partly because my cancer has distracted him (not that he or anyone else has said this or blamed me for it) so feeling guilty about that too.
Squeakymouse xx

hi ladies i am just wondering how long after you have a picc line in does it start feeling better im still bruised and sore and feel like asking to have it took out .i new i should of said no :frowning: sorry to jump in to your thread but the ladies from june havent had one and need advice thanks xx hugs to all xx

Hi Quinny,

Sorry, can’t really help you with that one as I haven’t got mine yet but some of the other ladies here have. If I remember right you had it fitted earlier this week. Do you have a phone no for your hospital that you can ring as its still sore after several days? They can then decide whether they need to take look at it.

Hope it settles down soon, sending hugs

Squeakymouse xx

thank you squeaky mouse some one said a couple of weeks …i go to get it flushed in week if it carrys on i will go earlier thank you hope u are well have u not had one b4 then .i no it will b easier in long run just need to get over the pain i gonna take a pain killer and put some heat to it it does help xx

Hi Quinny

I have not had a PICC line yet as my hospital doesn’t do them as routine. My vein pain is a result of having chemo directly into the veins instead of a PICC line, so I am now having a PICC line as I am only halfway through chemo and have 12 months of Herceptin to go, and veins were so bad last time that they had to use the arm on the side where I am to have surgery.

Squeakymouse xx

Wahay, we did it !!! A mix of jogging and walking but completed the 5K in 40 mins. Daughter quicker of course but was such a great atmosphere and feel so proud of myself and my team!!! Doggirl was thinking about your grandad and fatherin law as I went round and all of us on this forum, especially my May buddies. Think the steroids helped a bit too! Em X