Starting Chemo in May 2012

Well done Em! xx

Ooh so many posts! Cant be sure to remember everyone! Well done Em - RESPECT!!! Brilliant. I thought I had done well walking a couple of miles…
Quinny what is the pain like? My arm and collar area were achey for about a week and still get achey from time to time. Have you tried applying something warm yet? That made a bigger difference to me than painkillers. If you are worried you should get advice.
Josie - shopping…what can I say ? Lots of sales. I have been indulging. Not sure why. Not going to be going anywhere…
Squeaky mouse - this breast cancer buisness is a powerful lesson in giving up a bit of control and letting yourself be looked after. Cant really make any of it better but thinking of you.
Doggirl - so sorry that you are having to go through cancer treatment at the same time as your grandad and father-in-law. I know what you mean about losing a year. I keep wishing chemo will be over but then realised it will be the end of summer and winter again…
I have been feeling better today - physically the best since February of this year. Emotionally, being able to do something nice helped too - we went to a ‘new’ park today. First family outing in months. Daughter determinedto go in new paddling pool despite rain so watched her from under umberella and had a lovely lunch. So amazing to be able to enjoy something ‘normal.’
Hope harry duck, Merc and Polarbear okay. Claire - my headgear arrived too. Very beautiful.
Love to ginger and gillian and anyone else I have forgotten.

Hi all
Just wanted to say ‘Well done Em’ - very respectable time too! Well done, we were rooting for you!
Alix xx

Hi all you lovely ladies.
Hope you are all well and those that were recently juiced, hope you are coming out of the fog.
Well done to those who did the Race for life today. I went along to support the girls from work who were runnng for me today. I did not enter as they applied before I knew my chemo dates, I actually would have been well enough to rece today. Was anyone else at the Salisbury one?? Can’t remember where you all live??
It was a windy day I spent most of the day holding onto to my sunglasses strategically positioned on top of my wig - so it looked like I was holding my glasses in place and not my wig.
Don’t those 3 weeks between chmoos come round quickly, I just get used to leading a normal life again and then before I know it I am back to square 1 again. My next (3rd) chemo is on Thursday, so looking forward to being past half-way, I bet that will feel good. Some of you must be past the haly-way by now?
Josiejo - You going back to work? How long have you been off? Do you feel ready to go back? Hope it all goes well.
Take care ladies love to you all xx

Omg. I was at Salisbury!!! Gutted I didn’t meet you. Was at the finish line shouting like a looney! Loved being that side of things as usually one of the hot sweaty people. Lol. Would have been good to meet up.

Well done Emylou beautiful picture of you and your daughter. I’d have been chuffed with 40 mins before cancer!

Hi quinny. Sorry your Picc line is troubling you. My arm was quite bruised the second tine round for over a week. But was never that much og a worry and was only where the line went in. Has someone been checking it daily?

Josiejo hope you find some new trousers. Eleasticated waist?? I know soooooo funny!! A combination of comforts eating, too much baking, lovely friends and a bit of “I have cancer” has increased my girth. Fat AND bald lol.

Squeakysloth(!). I want to give to a big hug xxxx cancer was not your fault. It does scew things up but again not your fault! I too didn’t tell my husband. In hind sight would not be easy to hide


Alixj. Sorry to head about your mate. Is nice to share but not BC. I meet a friend of a friend today who just had mx about to start chemo. Was nice to speak to her and for hear to hear first hand about chemo. Also good for her husband to speak to mine.

Rattles; sounds like you have had good family day. Glad you are feeling physically better xxxx

Thanks for the kind wishes regarding my father in law and grandad. My poor husband had a rough march. His father dies 16 days after diagnosis and then I was diagnosed 2 days after. He still wont stop flipping smoking though grrrr

Well done ladies. Fab work!
Itsmelou, I’ve been off for about 6 weeks. I’m only going back for a few hours a day for a few days, then hopefully bloods will be ok for round 3 next week, so I won’t go in again. I miss everyone and think itll help me feel better, even if I can only do it for a bit on every third week. Need to keep my brain healthy too.
Doggirl, I have been using it as an excuse to eat whatever I fancy, and why they heck not, we’ve got enough to deal with without worrying about been a bit chubbier.
Quinny, it took over 8 goes to get my picc in, and I was in so much pain and bruised, I hated it and wanted to rip it out too. BUT now I don’t even know it’s there and it makes chemo so much easier. My bruising took about 3 weeks to go. Stick with it, I promise it will get better. But do get any pain checked out, if you don’t think it is bruising related. Also, I found it ached because I wasn’t using my arm properly, so it may be that too.
right, off to locate my old work trousers (couldn’t be bothered to shop,in the end) and see if I cansqueeze in them…maybe I would wear my jImjams? Xxx

Well done ladies. Fab work!
Itsmelou, I’ve been off for about 6 weeks. I’m only going back for a few hours a day for a few days, then hopefully bloods will be ok for round 3 next week, so I won’t go in again. I miss everyone and think itll help me feel better, even if I can only do it for a bit on every third week. Need to keep my brain healthy too.
Doggirl, I have been using it as an excuse to eat whatever I fancy, and why they heck not, we’ve got enough to deal with without worrying about been a bit chubbier.
Quinny, it took over 8 goes to get my picc in, and I was in so much pain and bruised, I hated it and wanted to rip it out too. BUT now I don’t even know it’s there and it makes chemo so much easier. My bruising took about 3 weeks to go. Stick with it, I promise it will get better. But do get any pain checked out, if you don’t think it is bruising related. Also, I found it ached because I wasn’t using my arm properly, so it may be that too.
right, off to locate my old work trousers (couldn’t be bothered to shop,in the end) and see if I cansqueeze in them…maybe I would wear my jImjams? Xxx

Sorry for the double post…must be my chubbier fingers :wink:

thank you josie the pain is not there all time and what u have said makes me feel a bit better some days are worser i to wanted to rip it out but i will see how i go to got another flushing before chemo so thank you xx

OMG doggirl so gutted not to have met you too. I too was at the finish line, (quietly not shouting) then we sat just to the left of the finish line in the middle of the grass (in everyone’s way) for a picnic. Can’t believe you were there too!! Wasn’t that woman on the microphone getting on your nerves in the end?’ well done you’ve done it SMILE’ grr. So sorry I didn’t know you were going to be there, we could have had a good natter, compared notes/picc lines etc.Had a lovely day just shame I wasn’t joining in this year and managed to hang on to the wig!!

Hello all. Sorry i have not been online had a very sleepy weekend and a very down in the dumps week last week. It has taken a long time to recover this time and i am being juiced again on Thurs. Still dont feel great now but much better for lots of sleep.
My scan went well and my lump has split into 2 and shrunk by half. This you would think was great news but when the scan consultant says well its gonig in the right direction my brain starts to over analise the whole thing!
My GP also scared the life out of me with a silly comment about being well for a good few years. I have a small baby in need more than a few years. Makes me think she knows something i dont even though thats not the case my brain just wont let it go!
My finger tips are now sore and my feet.
We went to a friends for sunday lunch today and it was lovely but i feel as though im not part of it all somehow. How can i expect anyone to really understand they couldnt unless they have been through it. I would have been clueless if it was the other way around. OH is truly fantastic but even he doesnt get it. Good job i have you lot otherwise i would go mad.
Much love to all
Harry x

I thought you’d been quiet Harryduck. It sounds like good news to me. Chemo is bashing that cancer. Sorry it’s been so rubbish for you this time. I know what you mean about being around people that really ‘get it’. Unless you’ve lived it is hard. Glad you’re back with us xx how’s our baby doing??

Itsmelou. I’m still gutted! Cannot believe how how close we were? I was on the left side if he runners were coming towards me if that makes sense. Prob the oposite to you? I had my scarf on so looked like a cancer person! I’ve still never worn my wig yet. I did share my head with a few curious friends lol. Saw a lady I don’t see very often today. She is lovely, but mental! I think I am token cancer friend if you know what I mean. How strange. Are you local then?

Good luck at work josiejo. Hope you don’t have to type? Might have to get special keyboard for your plus size fingers :wink:

I’ve worked all through but at least I can wear jogging bottoms lol

Hi everyone and big well done to all those who did race for life, most impressed.
Well I was only released from hospital on Friday in the end as I ended up neutropenic whilst I was in. Daily blood tests and vast amounts of antibiotics and finally I could come home. Feel paranoid about catching anything else now, hated being away from my children for so long.
Celebrated my sister in laws birthday yesterday but just really felt strange and not quite there really. I think the reality of everything is finally starting to sink in, this is happening to me and not someone else. Although quite who this bald strange looking person in the mirror is I do wonder.
Well on the upside my one year old mastered walking whilst I was in hospital and is now off into everything and my five year old cant stop hula hooping, great combination!!
Hugs to all and hope you all have a good week, I think I’m going to hibernate!

Hi all
Welcome back Polarbear - sorry to hear you’ve had a bad time. Hope you get some rest with your lively little ones!
Harry - hope the FEC is kinder to you, I think the SEs are reasonably short-lived for most folks, so hopefully it’ll be easier. It’s so easy to over-analyse what the docs say to us, isn’t it. The scan sounds like really good news, means the chemo is working it’s magic on the cancer cells. I seem to get a real downer on the day after I finish my steroids - catch sight of my bald self in the mirror and the reality hits. Hope you’re feeling a bit better today.
Am off for a hypnotherapy session at my local cancer charity. last one was very relaxing, and I wasn’t made to dance like a chicken while I was ‘under’! At least not that I recall…
love to all,
Alix xx

Morning Buddies, not feeling too achey today just looking forward to a quiet day at home! Polar Bear - glad you are out of hospital - so sorry you had to go in and miss your babies though - this bloody disease has a lot to answer for. HarryDuck - that scan sounds like really good news to me, I’ve got my half way scan this Friday but I don’t think my tumour has responded very well so far. I know exactly how you feel about the comments from the doctors/oncs which they probably say with hardly any thought but we then over analysis and stew on for weeks!!! Itsmelou and Doggirl - so close yet so far!!! what a shame you didn’t know. Never mind we will have to all meet up when all this sh***y treatment is over. Rattles - so glad you had a nice normal day with the family - those days are the ones that keep us going and remind us that life will be good again, different but good once again and we will appreciate the good times even more! Merc - hope the juicing went ok today if you mangaged to have it. Alix - the hypnotherepy sounds lovely - enjoy! - i’ve had reiki and relexology lately, which were both very soothing. Squeaky-slouth - love it - just how i feel for a few days after FECing - one thing the run did for me yesterday was get me bowels going again better than the laxatives - lol!!! Love to all you other May buds, Em XXX

In work today - my boss breaks the news to us all that she’s having a WLE and SNB tomorrow! It’s the left side same as me - her’s was picked up on a routine mammogram. So after a few tears from me looks like I’m taking her to the hospital tomorrow - she has to be there at 11am same time as my appointment with the oncologist. Have have bloods done too tomorrow ready for chemo 4 on Wednesday after my appointment to talk about radiotherapy. So this week I shall be mainly waiting in hospital waiting rooms!

Good to catch up with so many posts!
I had another lovely ‘normal’ day today- this is the best I have felt physically since Feb 16th 2012- about 2 days before my first big op. I can honestly say that I had forgotten what it feels like to be ‘well.’
Lovely photo Em. You must feel very proud of yourself and your daughter!
Polarbear- so glad you are home. I always find it a bit strange after the first high of getting home and figuring out how I will manage evrything…Slow steps forward. Be kind to yourself.
Julie- sorry to hear about your boss but maybe you can support each other through this rollercoaster-ride!
Alix- I had some hypnotherapy too. Only trouble is, everytime I do the visualisation, I fall asleep!
Josie- good luck at work!
Harry duck- sorry you hav been feeling low. I thought that one of the reasons that the chemo is switched half way is that it stops it becoming resisitant. I have met a few ladies who have had docetaxol lately- they all say it is horrible and by far worse than FEC/Taxol-I am only two in (aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) but I gather that although the first few days with FEC can be nasty with sickness etc (for some people) the docetaxol is tougher on the cells, fatigue, nerve pain etc. Even though I have not hade chemo for 6 weeks, all the skin off my finger tips is peeling. I too have lots of tingling (including these kind of waves of pins and needles which sweep over me- do you get that at all? It is very freaky). Anyway, I thought it might help you to feel a bit more confident about switching to FEC to know this.
I am sorry to all the buddies who are feeling a bit cut off from friends and family but as I am too, was relieved as well. I am meant to be meeting my oldest friend tomorrow but find myself a bit reluctant to go- she is gorgeous (why do all my friends suddenly seem so beautiful?) and I have just started to come to terms with having one boob, not to mention being bald. Its more than just the physical differences-although you acn see them-I feel so removed from ‘real’ life. All I do is go up and down to hsopital and have operations or chemo. And oh my God doggiril , I think I might be the token cancer friend of another ‘friend’ too!
Squeaky - I hope you are feeling a bit better. I re-read your post and didnt realise that you initially kept your diagnosis to yourself. You are a brave woman. I think you need a lion, or panther as your photo. I will have to think about an animal with strength, endurance, compassion, humour etc - def not a sloth. Having said all that my nickname is ‘grumpasuarus’- she moves in for a week about 2 days after chemo. She is no fun to live with but we just cant seem to get rid of her.
Itsemlou- my third chemo on Thursday too. Was worried I would be left on my own by all the buddies - bit like the whacky races, but not in a good way!
Rattles xx