Starting Chemo in May 2012

Hi all,

PolarBear - so pleased you are out of hospital and back with your family.

Harryduck - sorry you have been feeling so low, I think lots of us go over and over in our heads what the doctors say to us and think what exactly did they mean when they said something - and this usually happens long after we have left their office so we have to wait until our next appointment to ask them!

Giraffe - what a horrible coincidence with your boss. Hope it goes OK.

My hubby was with me when I was diagnosed but I was trying to avoid telling him before in case it turned out to be one of those 9 out of 10 lumps that aren’t cancer, sorry I should have made this clearer in my post, I’m not claiming to be braver than I am!

I went to a strict convent school for 7 years and came away with a PhD in Feeling Guilty!! Wish they had taught some more useful life skills.

Squeakymouse xx

You are right - none of your friends can understand the place we are in right now, no matter how lovely and well intentioned they are. I survived my week at work but I was a bit paranoid about everyone saying my hair (wig) was great. And obviously those people that didn’t know it was one, I didn’t feel good lying to them about it (fibbing!). Also some other people had found out about my cancer and when they approached me about it I got all upset! and I haven’t been like that for ages. Great that some of you have done the race for life. Sorry that so many of you are feeling rubbish though. Have my 3rd FEC on Friday, but not looking forward to the Docetaxol for the next three sessions. Everyone seems to say it is much worse, but we are all different in side effects and ways of coping. Trying to be positive and thinking that after friday - will be halfway through. And also getting used to the baldness - although I don’t like sitting in the conservatory in case someone creeps up on me unawares! To much faff to wear stuff in the house though!
Sqeakymouse - those nuns have a lot to answer too!
Take care everyone

Hello buddies,
Squeakymouse- I went to a catholic school even though my family were non-practising christians (long story)- we can complete if you like, but now my turn to feel guilty for putting my foot in in twice…
You wanted to protect your husband at a time of great fear and uncertainty for yourself, you were thinking about him- sorry in my book that makes you brave…I cant remember what you said in your post about sloths, but apparently they come down from their tree to poo once a week (sorry if you said this-chemo brain).
Kitten-mad - my second dose of guilt. I would have sent Harry a pm- I didnt think any of the buddies had docetaxol coming up. So, my attempt to make Harry Duck feel better has now made you worried. Sorry. As you say, the way everyone reacts to chemo is very different and you should not assume you will have difficulties. It is quite different to FEC and it does not make you anywhere near as sick. I do think though it would be good to be prepared for the fatigue which many (not all, I am sure) experience which hits about a week after the chemo. There is a thread I can point you too. In the meantime, just focus (like me) on having the third in the system by the end of the week.
Rattles, x

Hello everyone,
PolarBear, glad you are out of hospital now and back home and hope you manage to avoid any problems like that in the future.
Had bloods yesterday and saw Oncologist today. Bloods ok but red blood count going down so he will arrange a transfusion in a couple of weeks. This worries me a bit and I asked why the count was doing that. He said your blood can only take so much but we will carry on with the treatment. Freaked me out a bit because as far as I can see there is no alternative but to carry on the treatment. Feeling a bit low about this morning now. I’ve got treatment tomorrow, half way through. but its on my birthday.
Sorry for being glum.

Hello Buddies, I think we should have a buddy rule that no one is allowed to feel guilty about what we post on this thread - we all have enough of that in our lives - feeling guiltly for getting cancer in the first place and the affect is has on our loved ones!! so Rattles and Squeaky - no more guilt trips!!! There, now i’m not allowed to feel guilty for telling you both off!!! Claire - sorry you are feeling low - seems like whenever we see the oncs/docs they leave us feeling worried. I’m sure a transfusion will be a good thing though to give your bloods a boost. My bloods have been rubbish too even with the injections so I’m just wondering how much more chemo I can take without getting really ill. Kitten-mad - I hated the feeling sick/being sick with FEC so am hoping that i’ll have less of that with the TAX, fingers crossed. We alll respond differently to these treatments so there really is no knowing until it happens. Spent the morning at a school open day that my daughter may/may not end up going to for secondary which was probably a bad idea from in an avoiding crowded places kind of way - oops! I’ve also got a ‘French evening’ at her school tonight where they show the parents pictures from their recent trip to France - another crowded senario - oh well, wish me luck! Em X

Hope everyone is doing ok. Saw onc today bloods still abit low still ok to go ahead tomorrow for 3rd chemo will be half way through. Going to Spain on the 15th for a week to see my mum. Looking forward to getting away with my family for a rest.
Good luck to all having treatment this week. Hope SE’s are minimal.
I am finding each chemo session harder rather than easier. Don’t know why so far I have had hardly any SE’s.
Take care all
Gillian xx

Hi everyone

Em - point taken! I might take myself off to the feeling guilty bench in benchland (not sure if any of you have checked this thread out yet, very funny and very supportive). I am definately a sloth today as I ran out of sleeping pills yesterday and woke up in the middle of the night thinking “OMG! I have cancer!!! What if…” etc. etc. you know the rest! Got about 3 hours sleep and nearly fell asleep at my desk at home waiting for a work document to load up.

By the way you mentioned your bloods being low - I seem to be on a different type of injections to you as I just have to do one injection the day after each chemo rather than daily. I think my injection (Neulasta) is chemically altered so that it releases over a long period of time rather than all at once. My white bloods have been fine and touch wood I have not had any infections so far. I am not sure how they decide who has which type of injection but it might be worth asking.

I have been looking in the April thread as they are a month ahead of us and have been sharing their Docetaxol / Taxotere experiences. I prefer to have some idea what to expect rather than go into it not knowing.

The winter weather might be making us all feel a bit down at the moment too.

Good luck to everyone being juiced this week.

Squeakymouse xx

Squeaky- I asked about the single injection and it is all down to cost as it is three times more expensive than the daily ones. Only private patients get the single one in our health authority. Just have to eat lots of blood boosting food and drink- Guinness maybe??? Hope you manage to sleep tonight, Xx

Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to say hello reading through some of your post :slight_smile:
I had my 1st chemo on 20th May and 2nd next Tuesday 10th June, I’ve been treated at the RM in Sutton. My treatment is 6 chemo 3 x FEC and 3 x T (Docetaxol), have to say that it hasn’t been that bad after my 1st session, just spend part of the evening having an intimate time with my toilet :slight_smile: Felt a bit sorry for myself the day after and then got better day by day. Today is day 13 after chemo…start losing a few hair, well might find some more tomorrow morning on my pillow…who knows J Maybe I should stand outside in the wind and see what happen haha.
Does anyone follow a special diet? I was told to avoid dairy and then told that I should not use anything with soya but have dairy…feel a bit confused! Otherwise, need to avoid red meat, shellfish/sea food, etc. However…I don’t know you but I seems to be hungry all the time at the moment…losing weight with chemo?!?! Yeah right! J
Is any of you having a chemo session same day as me next week at the RM?
Take care
A x

Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to say hello reading through some of your post :slight_smile:
I had my 1st chemo on 20th May and 2nd next Tuesday 10th June, I’ve been treated at the RM in Sutton. My treatment is 6 chemo 3 x FEC and 3 x T (Docetaxol), have to say that it hasn’t been that bad after my 1st session, just spend part of the evening having an intimate time with my toilet :slight_smile: Felt a bit sorry for myself the day after and then got better day by day. Today is day 13 after chemo…start losing a few hair, well might find some more tomorrow morning on my pillow…who knows Maybe I should stand outside in the wind and see what happen haha.
Does anyone follow a special diet? I was told to avoid dairy and then told that I should not use anything with soya but have dairy…?!?!?! feel a bit confused! Otherwise, need to avoid red meat, shellfish/sea food, etc. However…I don’t know you but I seems to be hungry all the time at the moment…losing weight with chemo?!?! Yeah right!
Is any of you having a chemo session same day as me next week at the RM?
Take care
A x

Hi Annie, I’m having my next one next tuesday (bloody being well). I’m down I Portsmouth, but we can compare side effects and have a moan :wink:
Hope everyone is feeling ok today, this weather doesn’t help the blues I don’t think
I feel guilty when I have a moan on here, but Em is right, we are all in the same boat, but that’s what we are here for, to pull the people having a bad time through, we’ll all have a turn at needing support, so no apologies or guilt for us…ok!
I managed a few hours of work yesterday and it was fab, going in tomorrow for a few too. It did make me tired, but was well worth it for the amount of hugs I received.
Big hugs to all. Xx

Hello Ladies
Just popping in from the March thread. I had my last chemo 2 weeks ago, and you will all be in the same position as me in a few weeks time. I just wanted to offer some reassurance as several of your posts mention worries around Tax. The se’s of Tax are different to Fec, Tax certainly doesnt seem to affect the mind like Fec does! Everyone reacts differently though and you cannot know how you will be until you have had it. You are all coming up to the mid way point in your treatment, and for us Marchies, that was a very difficult time for most of us. Just try to keep in mind that you are moving through the chemo tunnel, albeit slowly, but you will all get there and help each other along the way. You seem a very supportive bunch of ladies and I wish you all well.
Love and hugs to all
Joan xxx

Thanks for your post Patchit and for thinking of us, hope the rest of your treatment goes OK if you are still having treatment.

Squeakymouse xx

As I am still feeling guilty (sorry Em- clearly I need therapy!) for my post- can I clairify those who are having Taxol (paclitaxel- not sure of spelling) as opposed to docetaxol (taxotere)? (Doggirl- are you impressed?!!!)Then, at least I wont have to worry about putting my foot in it before I post. Sorry (yes, I know, slapped hand again!) but I just think that while it is good to be prepared about what to expect from chemo., it doesnt really help to have a list of worries. Its hard enough to be positive.
Big welcome to Annie. I cant comment on the ‘special’ diet. Mine is just eating whatever I can, and hoping…Usually, I eat healthily but not at the moment.
Another normal day for me. Great! But think I have a cold brewing!! Oh no!!
Claire- at my hosptal, they make having a blood transfusion sound like having a cup of tea.!! I have been warned that I might need one and not to worry. If I am right, you had a big op (like me) before chemo which as I understand it would give us a lower starting point than otherwise might have been the case. Hope this help - a little.
Rattles, xx

Good morning everyone, feeling much better today :slight_smile: , Rattles you have nothing to feel guilty about , I think it is important for all of us to share our experiences of the chemo , I have one more FEC to get next week ( fingers crossed) and then go on to Docetaxel and Herceptin, would much rather hear from all the buddies about their SE’s than read all the info thats out there as hearing from someone who has been through it is much more reassuring ( even the nasty side effects) , we all react differently to each chemo that we have and not everyone has all or even any of the SE’s , I had my Mx in April and it does get easier to look at , still have moments when it catches me by surprise tho , so don’t beat yourself up about feeling sad , hope everyone having chemo this week are doing ok .
love and hugs to all of you xxx

Morning to all the May buddies, hope we all have woken up feeling ok.
Rattles, yes I think you are right regarding having an op then chemo. My bloods were knocked by a horrible flu before the op, my blood was down to 7.5 when I went under the knife! Had to have oxigen for several days after to help me breath. The worst I felt, exhausted and really ill was the morning before my first chemo, couldn’t imagine how I’d cope with it. A couple of packs of blood though a few weeks later made all the difference in the world. I agree with you to about the feelings of guilt, not so much now but at first I really felt I’d let my OH down.
Ginger1, I spoke to my oncologist yesterday about my blood results and he said everyone reacts to chemo differently, it’s how we are made up. I was pleased my white blood cells were normal, perhaps I didn’t even get neutropenic this time, who knows. We could do with a little test at home or something.
A bit disappointed, I was going to have a birthday lunch with a friend yesterday but she had a cold so I thought it best to postpone. Treatment today, my birthday, so planning to have birthday tomorrow. A glass of champaign (just one as I’ll be all drugged up as it were) then a curry. Thinking turmeric is supposed to do you good.
Hope everyone has a lovely day and good luck to anyone who’s having a juicing today.

Happy birthday Claire

Happy birthday Claire - like you I have chemo on my birthday later this month - seems to be happening to a few people on this site! Went for my bloods today - to find that no one had put my appt on to the computer - needless to say they slotted me in, but I was a bit stressed for a few minutes, you know what it is like - you just don’t want your chemo delayed!
Welcome to Annie - good to have you on board
Rattles and Ginger - looks like we will all be having the Docetaxol together - my first one of this is at the end of the month, so it will be good to compare notes. I am not having Herceptin though as my cancer is/was not compatible! Rattles - thanks for the PM with that link, and for clearing up the difference in the Taxes!! I have never been sure of what is what. Think you should be our medical expert!
Going to change my bed now and do a spot of gardening while I have a bit of energy.
Have a good day everyone.
L x

Hi all, 'm also starting docetaxol on 18 July so there will be a few of us. I’ll also be on Tamoxifen eventually but not herceptin. Happy birthday to Claire - enjoy the champers and curry, sounds lovely! Welcome to Swiss Annie.

Happy Birthday Claire! Champagne and curry sounds great!
Back on the steroids this morning. I hate them.They make me so grumpy!
A shame for Harry Duck that she is having FEC when so many seem to be having the lovely docetaxol! It is g…r…e…a…t…! Joking aside, please say if you do or dont want me to say anything about my SE’s. There are a couple of things worth knowing but as always, bound to be some variation between us all. Also, I am having mine with carboplatin so some of the SE’s will be down to that- apparently it comes from platinum, maybe they will give me a ring at the end!!!
Hope to have round 3 tomorrow as do have a mild cold.
Good luck to anyone else having chemo this week.
Rattles, xx