Welcome to Swiss Annie and happy birthday to Claire.
I am meant to be starting Docetaxol and Herceptin on the 12th July or thereabouts - but am still engaged in the ongoing battle that is several months old with the hospital to get them to actually arrange this. Have made numerous phone calls and keep getting fobbed off and onc has told me to be persistent with them so I might turn up at the hospital on the day and chain myself to a bed in protest if they haven’t arranged it! On second thoughts that sounds a bit kinky so chaining myself to a desk might be more appropriate.
My appointment will be on the proper ward rather than the day unit because when you have herceptin for the first time you have to stay in hospital for several hours afterwards to be monitored in case you have a bad reaction, but don’t think this applies to people who are having docetaxol on its own.
PS - I just wanted to draw attention to the work of David Jay, a photgrapher featured in Vista (the BCC mag).
He took pictures of women with breast cancer as part of a project- he says that he didnt want to take beautiful pictures, but honest ones, but actually I think they are beautiful.
The site is www.thescarproject.org
PS I assume its okay to plug it as its featured in a BCC publication.
PPS- It did make me cry, but I am a bit emotional atm.
Hi May buddies
Hope you are al wwell and those that are getting/been juiced this week are ok.
Rattles -good luck for tomorrow, you will be half way then same as me, hope I’m going to feel some relief to get half way. How are you feeling about getting back on the chemo ladder after your break form it and with still recovering from your op??
JosieJo glad you are enjoying being back at work. I love bing home most of the time but miss the people at work, can’t say I miss the chaos of my job though.
Harry duck hope you and babe are ok and that you are feeling a bit more positive about things after the not so reassuring comments from the various pofessionals.
Doggirl sorry I have not been on here for a few days. I am not local to Salisbury really, I live approx 1 hour away in Corsham, a small town in north Wiltshire but one of the practices I work at is in Warminster which is roughly half way between here and Salisbury and we have always done the Salisbury race for life. We find the coures nicer/easier than the one in Bath which is closer. Less hills and we are a bunch of wooses anything for an easier life. Wonder if I would have recognised you if I had seen you?? guessing doggirl is not your real name and wonder if you would have responded I’d I shouted it across a crowd??
Squeakymouse - I am on taxotere - 6 rounds of it. I have had 2 lots so far and I can honestly say it is not too bad. Although I have nothing to compare it to. I feel ok on day 1 & 2 then feel wiped out and only slightly nauseous and off my food on day 3 & 4 then grdually improve till I feel pretty much normal by day 6, then I have 2 weeks of feeling fabulous and totally normal. Here’s hoping you will not suffer too many Se’s, and hoping mine don’t get any worse. I am having no 3 tomorrow… Good luck with it.
Had a lovely friend round this afternon who had breast cancer and went through all of this around 3 years ago (MX, chemo radiotherapy then reconstruction) she is my inspiration, she keeps my pecker up. Had a phone call from a really good friend, who has been a great support especially as her mum had breast cancer last year, to say she has found a lump in her breast, so worried about her, this is one club I donn’t want my friends to join, so keeping everything crossed for her.
Well I may be quiet for a few days but always rooting for you all and wishing you all the best of everything
Much love Lou xx
Rattles, that made me weepy too. They are so brave and beautiful. My OH is a photographer and he has mentioned taking apicc of me with my new look and scar. I may well do it. Not sure I would show it to anyone but it may be a good reminder of the journey.
Did another few hours at work today but pooped now, so off for an erly night.
Good luck to all of you having treatment this week. Xxx
Hello all,
Well just got back from the chemo unit, last patient, thought the nurses were going to leave me and ask me to turn the lights out when I left! Had a temperature and racing heart when I got there so had to wait for a doctor to check me and then wait for a consultant to check me. Two hours later I had my treatment. Bit of a marathon day really so very tired. Thank you for all your birthday wishes.
Post again tomorrow.
Claire x
Happy Birthday Claire hope chemo went well today i had my 4th EC today - eventually! My appointment originally was at 10am but I had radiotherapy discussion appointment at 11am so was told to go to chemo after radiotherapy appt. Got to chemo unit at 11.45am finally started chemo at 2.30pm my prescription for chemo drugs had gone awol so that’s what took the time. Radiotherapy appt went well - have been offered the chance to take part in IMPORT trial so going to take them up on that when they ring me to see if I’m interested - it’s looking at the way radiotherapy boosters are delivered - I could either be in the standard treatment groups 15 sessions plus 8 boosters or trial group 15 sessions with boosters given at the same time. Hope all the buddies are feeling OK Julie
Had 3rd FEC yesterday, have very flushed cheeks and feeling very tired so not up to much today. Halfway through treatment… hooray. Hope everyone is doing ok. At last the rain has stopped in the South for today anyway. Hoping to go to the race for life on Sunday to cheer on some friends. Fingers crossed the weather stays dry.
Take care
Gillian xxxx
Afternoon all, hope all you recently juiced are ok and not suffering too much. We are off to North Devon this weekend to meet up with friends, staying in static caravan (not tent this time!). weather forecast looks terrible but it’ll be nice to get away and be by the seaside for a couple of days and we aways have a lovely time when we meet up. Before I go I have my half way scan in the morning so I hope it’s positive news. Take care all and have a good weekend if you can, Em X
Squeakymouse - I meant to say I can’t understand why they haven’t sorted out the Herceptin for you??! Is it a communication thing between the hospital and your onc? or is it a cost issue? Why cant your onc sort it out for you - it shouldn’t be left up to you to organise your treatment surely??!! I am incensed on your behalf and will join you in your chaining to a bed protest if thats what it takes - where are you having treatment? Em
Hi all
Rattles - thanks for the link, great pictures of courageous women.
Welcome to Swiss Annie, and happy birthday Claire! Hope the champagne and curry was good - a great combination!
Squeaky - so sorry to hear you’re battling with the hospital, it’s the last thing you need. I have had such good treatment all the way through and it’s made it so much easier to bear, like Em I am furious on your behalf that you’re getting messed around. Do you have a breast care nurse who could take the matter up for you? They seem to rule the consultants up here (probably why the service has been so good thus far!)
Em - hope you have a lovely break, and fingers crossed for some sunshine.
Hope everyone getting juiced this week is doing ok - seems like lots of folks are hitting the halfway milestone - I’m trailing behind as my third not due until Weds (bloods permitting), so I’m making the most of feeling good! Went round to a friend’s house last night for tea - had been in hat or scarf all day as I’d had an onc appt and then went shopping in the afternoon - so spent the evening with friends letting the air get to my bald head! Don’t think I’ll go ‘commando’ in public just yet though.
Love to everyone,
Alix xx
A quickie from me. Just had 3rd docetaxeol and carboplatin. Steriods kept me awake ALL NIGHT so, so tired. Asked agin about stopping, but no. Not fair.
I saw a photo of Chalize Theron bald in a magazine on the hospital. Was thinking of posting it on my profile, but apart from anything else, dont know how. Got a funny story to share, but will need to wait.
Hope everyone doing okay. Em good luck with scan and have a lovely w’end.
More tomorrow. Rattles xx
Hi to all on May 2012 feed. I started treatment on May 17th. 6xFEC-T. Only just got the urge to join you. Quite new to this kind of thing. Only a member of FB so I can keep up to date with family! So if I go wrong and only post half of what I’m trying to say apologies now. I’ll come back to finish off, just not sure when! Just wanted to say thank you for sharing your stories. I’ve had a good read today as needed a boost. My first 2 treatments I got over quite quick, the last one was a week ago and I still feel rough so feeling sorry for myself and wondering if it’s all worth it. I’m sure it will pass, just don’t like feeling this way. Thanks again.
Dorothy x
Hi Dorothy and welcome!
Sorry you’re having to join us, but hope it will be a good source of support for you. I’ve found it really helpful to share stories and hear what’s going on for everyone else. Hope your side effects pass quickly, and that you feel better soon.
Alix xx
Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care discussion forums, you’ve come to the right place for some good, honest support from the many informed users of this site. Don’t be afraid to ask anything here, there’s always someone to help, and if your forum users can’t help then the staff on the helpline here are only a free phone call away. BCC have a lot of publications that you may find helpful, to have a look at the list just follow the links above to the publications page. Again, if you can’t find what you’re looking for just let us know and one of the moderation team will be only too happy to assist.
So glad you plucked up the courage to join us, Dorothy. Cyber chatting can be a bit strange at first, (I barely know how to use FB even!!) but you will get alot of support.
I can feel my ‘bossy’ hat going on, but you sound like you feel really fed up. If you read through this thread you will see we have all had our low moments-I am saying this I think we are all strong, positive brave women. And positive, strong, brave women do at times want to give up! So, just dont waste enegery beating yourself up! It would be a very strange person who laughed their way through a breast cancer diagnosis (well, except that laughter does help-sometimes), there is bound to be tears too.
Well done for getting to the half way point in your treatment. Now is the time for some mega treats! Have you done a Look Good, Feel Better workshop?
I dont know if it will help to know that for many people the effects of chemo do build up and get a bit harder each time. So its not you at all. Its just the chemo doing what it needs to do.
Now, its my turn to confess as I am not always able to follow my own advice! I have learnt to treat my low points a bit like rain showers - I just need to make sure I carry an umberella, put it up and wait for the rain to pass (see Merc’s profile picture). I think the other thing to remember is that this will pass- it does not last for ever.
I am having chemo for the second time. I wept bitter tears at the beginning as I just didnt think I could go through it all again. But, miraculously, I have just had round 3 (even though I was seriously thinking about running away on Monday!)
I hope this helps a bit. You can PM me if you want.
Rattles, xx
PS I slept from 10-10 after taking this amazing anti-emetic which knocked me out. Really sorted those steriods out. Just feel all fuzzy. More later. xx
Thanks everyone for all your support re arranging my Herceptin. Having still not been sent any details I spent about an hour today phoning around the hospital, mostly to phones that were not being anwered (nothing new there, I have had to go there in person to arrange appointments before and have already made one formal complaint) or people passing me from pillar to post I was about to give up and assume Herceptin and Tax 1 were off and I would have to wait until August, when I finally got through to the ward clerk. She was able to confirm I am now on the admissions list for Thursday, I just need to phone first thing on the Thursday morning to confirm there is still a bed in case someone else has had to be admitted as an emergency. Woohoo! I never thought I would be so pleased to hear I am getting a big dose of drugs that might make me feel ill! Just hope my bloods are OK otherwise it will be back to square 1. Like my boss said, what happens to people who are too unwell to go through all this hassle?
Hope everyone keeps safe with all the rain this weekend and those who have been juiced are not feeling too bad.
Sorry for not responding to all the posts. So tired today.
Just a quickie to say well done to Squeaky for sorting out the Herceptin. It is mind-blowing that you had to go so much- thinking not only of people who are too unwell, but maybe not as able to self-advocate.
Thinking of all those buddies who have not posted for a while- Harry Duck was due this week. ginger, amabraose, Merc.
Well done for getting through work Josie. Glad you got something out of the link. I would heartily reccomend a photo (I deleted mine and bitterly regret it- I just took them for me). Something about documenting the change between then and now.
Take care to all. Rattlesx
Dorothy - welcome to the May forum - it will really help you and the people on here are a great support. Squeaky-mouse I cannot believe all the hassle you are having at your hospital - words fail me and good luck for getting a bed on Thursday.
I had my third FEC today - but like Rattles am not feeling too great tonight - so off to bed although I will probably not sleep through and land up in the spare bed in the middle of the night with a book - am feeling really space out!
So will hopefully post something tomorrow. Got a new type of drug for my ulcer problem - if they work I will pass the details on to anyone else with this problem.
Night night
Good morning ladies, welcome Dorothy, hope everyone is doing ok , hope SE’s from this weeks juicing are not too bad , my next one is on Thursday, will be last FEC, means I will be halfway through , been doing really well last few days , even managed to get out and about a couple of times , hope you all have a good weekend .
Love and hugs tyo everyone xxx