Oooh - other tip with FEC/AC/EC is not to have your fave foods the day before or the day of chemo! Even though I was never sick, and never felt more than slightly queasy, I can’t eat any of the foods I ate on those days - just the thought turns my stomach - and I’ve met many people who’ve felt the same!! Like if you’ve had food poisoning or alcohol poisoning. I even met one lady who had to throw her perfume away as it started to make her feel sick as she’d worn it on chemo day!!
Morning Girls…
Its raining and blowing a gale here!
Just seen my son off to school with no coat! (why do they never wear them once they get to secondary school!!..
Welcome to Rainbow dancer, Rainbow witch and Fitzimum, sorry you have all found yourselves here too…
Does anyone know the difference between the FEC, TAC and AC? I have no idea…
Thankyou Sanytoes for your advice and encouraging message, I will definately be taking it all on board…
Good luck to Ginge and Eozev for today…
Have a good day all…
Jay X
Welcome to everyone who has joined in the last week, sorry you have to be here. I am very glad this forum is back, I missed it.
I am 1 week in to my first FEC now and, although I have had a few wobbles, I don’t feel too bad. I will definately take the advice of writing a diary each day of symptoms so I know what to expect next time as the last week (thankfully) has gone by in a bit of a blur. I never did get out for that walk and it has been raining since!
I am happy to speak to anyone about how I have felt so far and share tips for feeling better. I am also interested in any hints on how I might feel after my 3 Fec when I start 3 tax.
I hope it goes well for those starting today, it really isn’t as bad as you imagine.
Kate xx
Morning Everyone
I can’t believe this weather. How would a wig stay on in this wind? I have visions of myself running up the road trying to catch mine and then fishing it out of a muddy puddle, in weeks to come.
Good luck to everyone starting this week. I start on Thursday, 6 X FEC.
Glad you don’t feel too bad Kate.
Our numbers are really growing. It’s sad that there are so many of us but comforting to have all this support from people who understand.
Nicola X
Hi All…
At this rate I will have to start a new thread for October!!..
They have just phoned with my appointment to meet the chemo team, its not until the 20th! she said they have had loads of new referals, but if something comes up earlier she will be intouch…
It just seems ages away, I know i’m terrified by all of this but still didnt want to have to wait another 2 weeks…
Sorry for moaning…
At least I now have an appointment I guess…
Jay X
Hi Ladies,
First of all welcome to the new recruits - sorry you’ve had to join us but we’re a nice crew!
Jay - don’t get disheartened at least they’ve not forgotten you! My chemo preview appointment is not until next week so there’s no guarantee that I’ll start in September. It’s a bit of a pain just waiting, I’ll grant you that but hang in there, we’ll get there no matter when we start and what regime we’re on!
Thank you Annie…
You’re right we will all get there in the end…
I’m just an emotional wreck lately, little problems and upsets seem so big at the moment…
Let me know how you get on at yours…
Take care…
Jay X
I know exactly what you mean Jay - I’m trying to keep myself in check for OH’s sake! Poor bloke … I feel so sorry for him having to put up with all this!!
Hopefully, we’ll feel better when we are in active treatment?
One can but hope!
Maybe we will Annie, I know I wont relax until I get the picc line sorted!..
I dont have a OH to worry about, but I am having to really concentrate on not biting my poor kids heads off at any given moment, its like having permanent PMT!!!..
Jay X
I hate PMT :((
I do sympathise with the delays and the PMT.
My starting date was delayed from 24th August for two weeks, so I’ve had to psyche myself up again, but the time has gone quickly.
I seem to be having mood swings. I’m going to be on Tamoxifen for 5 years, and I’ve heard that that can cause ups and downs so I’m not going to be much fun to be around for years!
Having said that, my VAT inspector has finished after one day instead of two, so maybe I scared him off! It’s not all bad.
Nicola X
Hi Nicola…
That cant have been nice being delayed for 2 weeks…
I too will be having Tamoxofin tablets, and the side effects mirror the menopause, so that sounds great!..
Are you having a picc line fitted the same day as treatment? is that what usually happens…
So glad you managed to chase away the VAT inspector…
Jay X
Hi Girls
Back from Chemo today. A long day but all went good. Managed to keep the cold cap on for the whole time. Would recommend to give it a go - although cold I wasn’t thinking get this b****y thing off - just a bit time consuming as it takes another 2.5 to 3 hours longer than just the chemo. Had a lovely lunch, lots of tea and biscuits and read my mags.
Are you OK Eozev??
Aah Jay sounds like our going through the mill at the moment - 2 weeks will fly by
I am a football widow tonight (Eng V Wales) poor hubby should have been at Wembly so can’t complain.
Was tempted to have a glass of wine but sticking to my ginger ale!!
Take care Ginge xx
Hi Ginge…
So glad to hear it went ok…
Well done for managing the cold cap, it sounds like you were well looked after…
I too have the wonderful football on! my 12 year old son is glued to it…
Hes had a busy first day back at school so i said he can have it on, also feeling a bit guilty as I keep biting his poor little head off!..
Hope you continue to feel ok…
Take care…
Jay X
Good Evening Ladies,
Ginge - it’s good to hear you had a good first chemo - hope all stays well for you!
Has anybody else got this dreadful weather we have in Derby? It’s like winter … Did I miss Summer & Autumn?
Hi Annie…
Its been awful here in Brighton, gales and heavy rain all day!..
I think we had summer back in April…
I guess we will have the joy of trudging to the hospital in the snow around february time!! thats really not funny, to do that every day for 3 weeks!..
I know, I know I’m jumping ahead of myself!!..
Jay X
Evening Everyone
Glad you got through today well Ginge. What shampoo and conditioner are you going to use? The leaflet I’ve got about the cold cap says they should be ph neutral, but I’m having a problem finding them.
Sorry Ginge, another question, did they tell you to keep your arm warm on the way to the hospital? And if so, did it help?
Jay, they’re doing the Picc and chemo on the same day for me but originally it was going to be two separate days. Apparently Thursdays are the only days they fit the Picc lines in Brighton.
Have a good evening
Nicola X
Hi Nicola
They haven’t even mentioned about the shampoo etc. After reading the literature it said don’t wash our hair for 24 hours but my Onc said Ok to wash tonight - not that i did. Someone said they are using simple shampoo and conditioner.
No I didn’t have to keep my arm warm but I did put it in a bucket of hot water when I got there as my veins are not good. took 2 attempts. I haven’t had my PIC fitted yet having it done next week but if your having your PIC and then chemo same day then you hopefully won’t have this problem.
ginge xx
hi girls, weather rubbish up the top end of derbyshire as well, annie
Just an update, awful taste in my mouth constantly but have found cold food tastes better than hot. am eating things I would not normally have like cheese and danish pastries ( not at the same time)
Feeling tired and a bit spaced out but not too sick, not taking any meds at the moment.
I had the hot blanket on my arm the whole time I was having my chemo, evidently it helps the veins and the flow.
Well done for having the cold cap ginge.
Nothing about keeping my arm warm on the way to hospital but as I was there hours it would have been cold by the time I had the stuff.
Have washed my hair normally no one said anything different apart from using simple products which I must admit I have not done yet although I have got some of my grandaughters bath stuff ready.
I have been out most days but flag in the afternoons off for a wig fitting on Thursday.
To everyone who is getting ready for the first step all I can say is that the fear was worse than the experience.
Look after yourself everyone.
well done to you girls who have started so bravely xxx
Ihad onc yest starting 6xFEC next fri got to have portacath op before then and having in pt skin treatment daily (bandaged head to toe) to get control of it or i’ll have top do GCSF to boost WBC and side effects of this apparently worse than the chemo grrrr! Now got to do Rads aswell so bit worried but need my skin sorted i’m so sore. Good luck everyone else xxx