Starting chemo in September

Morning Everyone

Thanks Ginge and Fi, it really helps to hear how it actually is compared to how I’m imagining it to be.

I feel a bit overloaded with random facts and I’m scared of doing the wrong thing and undoing all the good work that the cold cap and the chemo will do.

Have a good day September Ladies.

Nicola X

Hi Nicola
Have you looked in the internet for PH shampoo’s. I had a quick look today and found Korres Aloe and Soapwart £6 per bottle so might order one but not found a conditioner yet.
Also not sure if everyone has looked at the thread about benefits. I just found out I can get free prescriptions for 5 years, qualify for Employment support as was made redundant and poss DLA due to not being able to carry heavy things with right arm as I’ve had full lymph nodes removed and muscle from back for reconstruction. I rang macmillan and the called me back and sorting everything out. They were brilliant. So might be worth looking into ladies if you need that extra help.
Have a good day - going to be 22 degrees friday so don’t put your shorts away yet. xx

Hi everyone, it has been great reading all your posts with information. This site has kept me grounded! Chemo tomorrow.


Hi ladies, can i join your club? I had my appt with the onc today & am starting chemo next friday the 16th,gulp! I’m having 6 FEC but if i tolerate it well i’ll have 8. Had good look round the unit today & everyone seemed lovely which put me at my ease. I’ll still be petrified though, i’m going to try the cold cap & see what happens. I asked about Picc lines but she said i had good veins & they would do it through the veins for the first one & if a problem would reconsider. Hopefully it’ll be ok. Good luck to everyone who’s starting & thanks for all the advice from those who are going through it now or have been through it, it really helps to read threads like this,love Heather x

Hello ladies…

Welcome Heather, sorry you find yourself part of our little gang…

Hope you are all doing ok…

I have a new appointment for the introduction, its now the 16th…

I wish luck to you Rainbow dancer and Nicola for tomorrow…

Take care…

Jay X

Good Luck tomorrow Rainbow Dancer & Nicola - let us know how you get on!

Heather, welcome to our little possie! I have a feeling I will get the same answer as you re the picc line but I will ask next week.

I must admit - coming here is doing me the world of good too!

Ginge - I’m really pleased you are getting help. Luckily, I had a chest infection when I had my dx, my GP completed the form for me straight away - it’s a big help not paying for prescriptions!

Jay - good news about your appointment - mine’s on the 15th!


Hi just to let you all know you can buy garner nutralia ph neutral shampoo in the body care shops (I work there) unfortunately they don’t do a conditioner but I got a simple one from the pound shop x

Hi everyone,

Please can i join you? I am starting my chemo next Thursday, the 15th and i am having 3 FEC and 3 Tax. I was diagnosed on 2nd Aug and had WLE and SNB. I will also be having rads and herceptin.
I am 41 and have 4 children, aged 15, 12 and 17 month old twins.
I would love to be able to share this journey with people who understand,

Hi jo

Welcome to our evergrowing lovely group of girls. I had my first chemo yesterday and as someone already mentioned the anticipation is worse than the event. Are you trying the cold cap? It really wasn’t as bad as I thought. How are your family coping? Must be hard with the twins. I have twins but they are 14 now. I’m having 4 x ac and 4 x tax. I had grade 3 cancer 4 tumours on right breast and full node clearance (only one was cancerous out of 18)!! had full mastectomy and reconstruction from muscle from my back. Will then have rads herceptin and maybe further reconstruction. Long road ahead but we will all get through it together. Best wishes Ginge xx

Hi Jo…
Welcome to our little group that seems to be growing by the day!..

I too have twins but mine are 24! you have your hands full, I remember it well!..

This forum is a godsend, a real support…

Take care
Jay X

Thanks Poppy for the recommendation.

Ginge xx

Thanks for the welcome ! We seem to have a twin thing going on here!!
I’m not sure about the cold cap, dont really like the cold and want to get out of the place as quick as i can even if it means being bald !!! How long extra does it take, infact how long is the chemo ?
My tumour was grade 3 too although not too big, and hormone negative , her2 positive. I was still breast feeding and just thought i had a blocked duct.
Love Jo x

Hi all,

Welcome Jo, Heather and all that have posted in the last few days.

I finally had some good news today, my SNB came back all clear. I am so pleased I almost feel normal again! I also found out that I am triple negative but am not too sure if that is good or not, does anyone know?

I pick up my wig on Friday which I am actually looking forward to as it looks so real. I also am getting a portacath fitted next week. My arm is feeling a bit sore after just 1 chemo session so I am pleased I am having it done (although am a bit scared about them actually doing it) has anyone else got a portacath?

Good luck to those having their first treatment this week.

Kate xx

Hi all.

I had a portacath fitted on Monday Kate and it was fine, done under local with some sedation, didn’t feel anything although it did zing quite a bit in the evening after the local had worn off. Make sure you have analgesia if you need it. Had settled down by the next morning.

Am starting my chemo on 16th, dreading losing my hair but also looking forward to it in a weird way, getting on with getting rid the enemy. Have the small matter of daughter’s wedding this Saturday, very bad timing in some way but it has given me something else to think/stress about.

Love to all of you

Julia x

Good Morning Ladies,

It’s looking a little miserable up here again!

Welcome Jo, will be thinking of you next week when I’m having my pre-treatment appointment!

Julia - don’t stress too much about the wedding (easier said than done, I know!), enjoy every minute of it and I hope the weather is kind to you! I can relate to your comment about losing your hair - I think you’re right, it’s our chance to show we are fighting the cancer too! (Mind you, I’ve a pre-arranged hair appointment 1st Oct so I’m using it to get a short crop in readiness for it falling out!)

Have a good day everyone and for those having chemo 1 today - good luck!


Morning Girls

Good luck everyone having Chemo today.
Jo - Honestly I feared the worst with the cold cap but found it to be OK. Although if you are tight for time it does put another 2.5 hours on the session. My Chemo was an hour. So had cold cap 30 to 40 mins before, then chemo then cold cap for another 2 hours. I can quite understand and I think I might think twice if my girls were still 17 months old and 2 other young children.
Not sure how far everyone has to travel for their Chemo but I had m after injection at the GP which is 5 mins up the road instead of a 45 min drive to Wimbledon. Might be woth asking if you have a longer journey. Just a thought.
Love to all Ginge xx

Hello ladies, room for a little one here??? And I mean little, I’ve lost 8lbs since being diagnosed 7 weeks ago. My appetite just went completely at times and my bcn says it’s down to stress. I always wanted to lose a bit of weight but I would have preferred to have gone down the Weight Watchers route rather than this one.

I had mx 3 and half weeks ago and every time I saw the consultant the news seemed to get worse and I got lower and lower but I had my first appt with onc yesterday and for once it was some GOOD NEWS. The results of the CT and bone scan came back all clear! I’d been to hell and back several times over the last 3 weeks but now I feel totally different and much more positive. In fact yesterday I was ringing round everyone as though I’d been ‘cured’ because I was so glad it hadn’t spread out of the lymph nodes. Even if the little blighters have started to go walk-about the poison will blast 'em away. Now i just want to get on with the chemotherapy (haven’t got exact date yet but should be in about 2 weeks or so) So I’d love to join your September club so I can talk to people going through the same thing. Just had a thought… maybe we should start a fund-raising calendar featuring all the women starting treatment in every month! On the other hand…maybe not!

Hi Curlyglad

Welcome but sorry you are here too!

Glad to hear you had a good meeting with the onc - it’s great when a cloud is lifted, no matter if it’s only a little way up! I’ve found I have to grasp those moments with both hands!

Calendar Girls … Oooooh… not that brave!! My cats can stand in for me!!

Have a great day!


Hi Curlyglad

Sorry to have you join us but on a positive note we are all in this together and some things which are said will make you LOL!

Good news from your onc, I started August 19th & 2 nd one tomorrow!

The mods won’t allow us to raise money for anything not even BCC one of their rules.

As you have had good news & lost weight think you can celebrate with champagne & choccies lucky you!

Take care Jo

Hi girls…
Welcome Curlyglad, always room for a little or big one here…

God I have had a rollercoaster of a morning, they have now phoned and changed my introduction appointment for the third time! its now Monday!! they wanted to fit the picc line on the same day, wouldnt change it said it had to be like that, I cant do that I wouldnt be able to concentrate, knowing i was going to have that done straight after,I phoned the BC nurse in a right state, I really felt like I had been backed into a corner, she got back on the phone to them, so i’m now having the picc line done on the tuesday morning, its not much better but at least its not straight after…

I hope you enjoy the wedding Julia, my son is getting married next May…

Hope you are all doing ok…

Jay X