Morning Ladies…
Welcome Flutterby, so sorry you find yourself here, there so much to take in in such a short space of time, its no wonder we feel confused and overwhelmed, not to mention, I seem to have turned into an emotional wreck! but from what I read this is all normal, and coming on here finding that alot of the girls are feeling the same, really helps…
I cant help much as I havent started yet, I am hoping to get a picc line fitted early next week, in my area it seems to be on offer if you want it, it might be worth looking into, especially with you having Herceptin as well…
Fi, glad to hear you are doing ok, hope you had a nice time at the pub…
Ginge, hope you are alright too, I havent done anything about wigs or scarves yet, apart from look at a couple of sites, do they talk to you about it at the induction appointment? its all coming a bit quick now, they have changed my appointment 3 times and it is now on Monday!!..
Kate, how are you feeling a week and a half after starting?..
Sandi, how is your skin, is it slowly improving, I really hope so…
Nicola and Rainbow dancer, thinking about you, hope you havent had too many SE…
Eozev, and Maidincornwall, havent heard from you in a while, hope you are both ok and not suffering too much…
God another essay, sorry girls…
Have a good weekend everyone…
Jay X