Starting chemo in September

Yup! Chemo munchies!! I put on quite a bit of weight with AC, but have lost some of it with TAX as have a lot more energy and there’s no sickness or manic munchies. I also found with AC that the only way to combat the queasiness was to eat really comforting and carby (or fatty!) food. Like a hangover!

Exactly Sandytoes - Bread, pasta, jacket pots, crisps you name it I’m craving it. At least I’ve stopped drinking wine so this will help combat the weight gain I hope. Well I hope I have the same response when moving to Tax in week 5.
Ginge xx

That Utube video on doing scarves is great. I started messing around with styles last night and quite like the groovy bohemian/hippy look (as my daughter calls it!) I don’t like the tight-on-head scarves cos they are obviously chemo scarves. Have any of you bought ordinary scarves from shops?

I’m planning a birthday party in mid October when all friends invited will be asked to wear a scarf or hat but other than that, I want a cancer free zone and we’ll have a few drinks and just be ‘normal’ for a night. Cancer is just a part of our lives (albeit a big part) at the moment - not all of it.

I was going to have my hair cut really short next Monday, but from what some of you have said maybe it’s a bit early cos not due 1st dose of chemotherapy for at least another week later. What do you think?

Hope you’re all managing to enjoy other things in life this weekend!

Hey hey ladies skin still rubbish has improved but not enough grrr …

Tonight I’m having a loading dose of VODKA before friday comes did feel poorly earlier but tablets and a berrocca and i’m ok now hmmm tom am may not be so good!

All the girlies say hello to you brave ladies gotta go and help finish the bottle love to all xxxxx

Curly - glad you liked you tube link I love t-shirt style with bun to side and a flower attached xxx

Hi ladies x

Nausea really getting to me :frowning: Am taking steroids for a few days and have anti-sickness tablets. 1st chemo was on 8th. Inj for white cells on Monday. Palms of hands still a bit itchy.

Does it get easier?


Hi rainbowdancer,

It gets much easier. I can hardly remember feeling bad now. I started my chemo on 31st and by Monday I was feeling much better. I just slept whenever I felt bad and did not put any pressure on myself to do anything until I felt up to it.

The first week is the worst, once you are through that it is fine. Hope you start to feel better soon.

Kate xx

Thank you xoxo :slight_smile:

In my opinion - as soon as you start to show signs that your hair is beginning to shed - cut it as short as you can deal with at the time. It took me a week - I cut it shorter each night. I cried each time I cut it. I put all the hair into a pretty bag - I still have it. Not sure why - maybe to remind myself of the colour?

My hair stopped being the focus of my sorrows as soon as it had gone. I love my wig. Some people love their scarves. We are all different and there is no wrong and right way to feel or to get through this.

I have a check list that I go through every morning and it starts with “drink a pint of water, put a smile on your face and try not to scare the postman again with your bald head” - in all seriousness though - its not all bad. Stick with it and this too will pass.

Every morning I wake up and for a split second I have a feeling that something just isn’t right and then the realisation dawns that no everything isn’t right because I have bc. It’s like living in that film ‘Groundhog Day’. It’s just a horrible feeling every morning - does anyone else get this? I find if I can get up straight away and get on with things it’s ok, but if I make the mistake of laying in bed, I just think and think and end up really down…bit like that today…

Hi Ladies,

To those who have already started - I hope you are well and your side effects are not too bad x

Curleyglad - I hope you are feeling a little more upbeat. I know what you mean about getting up and doing something. My mistake is doing too much and getting overtired - I just can’t seem to get the happy medium!

Jay - I will be thinking of you on Monday - let me know how you get on. I think that I will be glad when Thursday is out of the way and I know a start date and what’s likely to happen for me - picc lines etc.

Sandi - I hope your skin is improving and that your hangover isn’t too bad today but if you have, I hope that you had a good night to make it worth having a hangover!!

I must say that I am become a little anxious about it all! I can cope with the practical things - buying scarves, getting my hair cut really short! Although my OH did throw me a curveball of us going to a friend’s 40th on 1st Oct …the day that I plan to get my hair cropped!! Oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound! The other thing is that it’s an indian… will I be well enough to go, will I be able to eat, what will it smell like? My mind is going into overdrive a bit!!

I’d noticed that some of us are having trouble sleeping through the night - can you please add me to the list? I seem to wake between 1.30 and 3.00 am for no known reason! Luckily, I go back to sleep again but for the life of me I can’t understand why I wake in the first place!

Anyway, less of my moaning - I’m of on a date with the OH to see a screening of the Peter Gabriel concert that’s being shown in cinemas around the country … I’m not a big fan but you know the things you do for love!

Have a good evening and good luck to any new starters this week!


Hi I’m now starting chemo on 16th.I live in Leeds and have 3 children daughter who is 38 and twin boys who are 18. I had lumpectomy on both sides on 25/7 with auxiliary clearance on left on 22/8.I will have to have 6 sessions with Herceptin and radiotherapy.
I have my bone scan on Tuesday and hair cutting on Thursday.
I haven’t been up to the chemo ward yet but may drop in on Tuesday as I will have a couple of hours to spare.

Evening ladies…

Thank you Annie, I guess I will find out more tomorrow about dates etc, which I know is good but its all so scary, especially as i’m booked in for my picc line Tuesday morning!!..
Hope you enjoy your evening out…

Curly, I too hope you are feeling better as the day has gone on…

Hope you are all ok…

Take care…

Jay X

Hello everyone -
I’ve been lurking for a while, and have just registered and this is my first posting. Great to see everyone’s photos!
I had a mx in August and will start chemo on Thursday 15th - 4 ACT and 4 Tax at 2 week intervals, quite a few of you are on the same regimen. Hope you are all doing really well.
A huge benefit of this site is that I’ve been prepared for questions such as whether to have a PICC line and whether to go for the cold cap or not (yes - will have both!).
Don’t know what to expect on Thursday. I have just got to 5 weeks post surgery and really feeling not too bad, a little tired and sore still, but last week did two full day’s work including 1 hour each way commute to London, took my daughter for a day out on Saturday, plus a 2½ hour chemo induction session, ECG etc. Now anticipating the worst - and trying to fit in lots of appointments, stocking up etc in the next few days,
A couple of you are in Brighton - maybe see you down the RSCH?
Best wishes, Mynahbird

Evening all, I hope you have had a good weekend.

Good luck tomorrow jay, I hope it goes well.

I hope anyone who has been feeling down or had any SEs are feeling better now too.

I managed a 3.5 mile walk today followed by a well deserved pub lunch so am feeling quite pleased with myself. I am off to the hospital tomorrow morning for my pre-assessment for my portacath. Not looking forward to having it fitted on Friday but it will be better than having my next chemo in my hand like the 1st time.

Kate xx

Also, welcome to bee09 and mynahbird. Sorry you have had to join our club but you have come to the right place. I have found these forums really help me. Kate xx

Welcome Bee and Mynahbird, so sorry you both find yourselves here, but i’m sure you will find it such a support…

I am having my treatment at the RSCH Mynahbird, going for my induction tomorrow, I didnt realise it took 2 and a half hours though!! I was told it would be a 90 minute chat! wait and see I guess…

Thank you Kate, well done on your walk, its good to hear life can continue as normal to a certain extent…
I wish you luck for tomorrow too…

Hope you ladies who havent posted lately are ok and not suffering too much…

Have a nice evening…

Jay X

Am starting today. Terrified but having just found this website, think it might help. Good luck. As a frioend said, we seem to be members of a very special but very fast growing club so best get on with it as there are many more still to join!!!


have started my chemo in September too. Not too bad apart from Nausea (now wearing off) and constipation…probably due to not drinking enough on day of treatment?

I am on FEC75 - a precuationary measure after my mastectomy in June. Chemo recommended due to spread of DCIS and invasive found in BC. At 43 years old and a little son of 2 the doctors recommened chemo to try and prevent return of cancer too soon…who knows?

Hope it goes well for you - would be nice to have people to share the journey with.

All the best

Hi girls - I may have posted this elsewhere (bit of a technophobe!) but it would be good to keep in touch with all of you starting in September. Had my fist FEC on 6th Sep - days since have been up and down. My bed is now my favourite place! Honestly though, I know its early days, but its not been as bad as I thought up to now. I just feel like I have flu and everything is an effort. Feel at the moment that I will never feel normal again but its maneagable. Sat night, I had a rush of energy (was actually doing aerobics in my front room and felt like I could compete in the Olympics!) but unfortunately, this didnt last and consequently got no sleep. Is this the steroids does anyone know. I am worried about putting on weight with them and wander if this is inevitable. I am also stressing big time about my hair - tried the cold cap but nurse said not to hold my breath. Forums have helped me so much and any tips for coping would be greatly appreciated. Keep your spirits up everyone xx